how can we detect coalburners and sandniggers fuckers? i just found out my cousin is a coalburner, i didnt know that, she seemed like a nice person at family gatherings, her parents are nice people, i dont know what went wrong, im scared she might end up marrying a white beta not aware of her coalburner status
How can we detect coalburners and sandniggers fuckers? i just found out my cousin is a coalburner, i didnt know that...
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Almost every white girl in the US has fucked at least one black guy before the age of 25
It's just statistics sorry man
you just look at their instagam
A black eye is a good sign of coalburning
branding could work. Just burn a big N onto her forehead.
Almost every white guy has fucked an asian girl.
And also, white women date/marry out less than any other race of women.
post your cousin's feet
shoo shoo tranny and jew
nice fantasy, what does your wife's son think about it?
His cousins feet are for black dick. Lmao u mad whyte boi?