how can we detect coalburners and sandniggers fuckers? i just found out my cousin is a coalburner, i didnt know that, she seemed like a nice person at family gatherings, her parents are nice people, i dont know what went wrong, im scared she might end up marrying a white beta not aware of her coalburner status
How can we detect coalburners and sandniggers fuckers? i just found out my cousin is a coalburner, i didnt know that...
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Almost every white girl in the US has fucked at least one black guy before the age of 25
It's just statistics sorry man
you just look at their instagam
A black eye is a good sign of coalburning
branding could work. Just burn a big N onto her forehead.
Almost every white guy has fucked an asian girl.
And also, white women date/marry out less than any other race of women.
post your cousin's feet
shoo shoo tranny and jew
nice fantasy, what does your wife's son think about it?
His cousins feet are for black dick. Lmao u mad whyte boi?
do you know the difference between marrying, dating and fucking?
they dont date niggers because they're broke bums
You guys don't go outside so I don't blame you
Black guys get so many white girls they're getting tired of them, the new game in town is Asian girls for them
Where do you live? I live in the northeast and none of my white girl friends have ever been with a non-white guy. It’s something you see hyped up in porn and maybe it’s common in Europe but not here popular here in 2019. Even my most liberal white friends stick with equally liberal white guys. I only know one white girl who’s dating a Korean guy, that’s it.
I met a girl through Tinder. She literally had on her profile "No blacks" which I found amusing, definitely swipe right on a qt racist girl. We laughed, we joked, we shared memes (just normie-tier ones I hadn't brought up the no blacks thing) and then I asked her if she wanted to meet up, go bowling or something. She said yes.
We had so much fun, honestly she was funny, entertaining, easy to get along with. I really thought I'd hit gold with this one.
Over drinks after bowling I finally brought up the no blacks thing, confessing that's what caught my attention and made me swipe right and message. She laughed and said "yeah my ex was black, never again!"
Holy shit I almost threw up a little in my mouth. Thank God we never got to the kissing part. Anyway yeah, there will be no second date.
Pisses me off the time and money wasted on a disgusting coalburner. They should, by law, be required to notify you before hand, or have some kind of publically visible branding.
White guys have been fucking black and Asian women for years. That’s why blacks have 20% European dna in them.
This has been debunked over and over again. Very few women race mix. If they do, they are usually the bottom 10% of society who are unable to settle down, ever.
how do you know that? do you really think girls are honest? ask them how many sexual partners they have had
why would u go on a date?? tinder is a hook up app
just go to her place or tell her to come to yours
Sounds like a funny green text story there. How did the date go after you found out she burns coal?
Bellybutton piercing or nose piercing are dead give away
Here are some clues:
Emphasis on ass development
Fingernails very long and painted with designs or different colors
Large hoop earrings
A tattoo with cursive font
Tightly pulled back hair style
Pit bull owner or sympathizer
Ebonics speech patterns
Painted eyebrows at somewhat extreme angles
Excessive items with gold, like purse, bracelets, rings
Excessively large purse
Rings on thumbs or toes
Good job I didn't in hindsight. Ew imagine the diseases I could have caught
It was coming to an end by then anyway as we'd been out for hours but it definitely got visibly awkward after that, I could tell that she could tell I was grossed out. I wasn't mean or anything was trying to be polite still, but was definitely rushing to get away.
This is hilarious because true
Lmfao get cucked to pieces
can u believe the burger actually thinks a white girl would an acutal boong? lmfao
Well done.
>coal burner starter pack
I’m literally a girl and most girls nowadays are open about who they hook up with. white girls love white guys. white guys love asian/black girls.
post feet
If you’re a legit girl then is it true that most white girls wanna get blacked now like shills say? Also to what extent do white girls genuinely believe the “white man bad” meme? How old are you and your friends roughly too, don’t give me an exact age.
Uhhh. No. Maybe in your inner city ghetto. Not out in the sticks.
This. White girls are boring desu
But Asians are yet even more batshit/neurotic...
Europeans most definitely do not fuck black guys haha. Probably only in countries like France but most of the time it's North African girls.
Beastiality , unlike Canada you'll find it's illegal mate .
The percentage of white girls that have fucked a black guy is statistically much much lower than the percentage of blacks in the US. It’s probably not even 1%
Holy shit, this is so true.
I've got 2 cousins who have fucked blacks/arabs and they both got abused so fucking hard it's unreal.
I never talk to them on a family party, never. They've been warned so many times but "omg, blacks are just as normal and nice as we are STOP BEING RACISSSS"
They both got what they deserve, the entire family loathes them (especially because they were super aggresive when we pointed out that their partners were complete fucking cunts).
One of their arab friends arrived at a family party once, started eating like a maniac without greeting anyone, and when somebody told him to fuck off because that shit was rude as fuck he'd immediately started threatening us (and my cousing would take his side).
Let's just say both of them -strangely- said that they never want to have children. As if any fucking sane white person is going to date those pieces of shit ever again. They both have been single for 3-4 years now? At a certain point decent people find out you're a piece of garbage for dating blacks and arabs, good riddance that they'll never reproduce, hopefully. Family or not, burn race traitors.
Only white woman I have personally known having slept with and made babies with (most unfortunate, as he is an utter outcast, accepted by neither whites nor blacks and living in fucking Baltimore), was a child sexual abuse survivor.
seychelles. pretty rare.
shut up memeflag
Simpy ask the thot nonchalantly. They'll be mostly honest with you if you come off non judgmental.
>Painted eyebrows at somewhat extreme angles
Who cares if white girls like black guys. As long as they dont get married. I'd be ok with my girlfriend if she had a black ex. I have her now and that's all that matters.
>cuck soiboi
Incels consider white women unclean yet are ok with fucking Asian women. Hypocrites
Here's a few more:
Yoga pants with leotard pattern
THICC lip surgery
Likes listening to rap/hip-hop music
This is true unfortunately. At least here in the south.
Im white
Ive never fucked an asian girl
I wanna burn the rice
Im willing to pay the price
This. We need to implement this ASAP.
Feed her some alcohol and leave her alone with a big dog, test if she gives him fuck.
>my girlfriend
>I'm literally a girl
You know the rules.piggy.
Definitely not outside of cities. Unless they actively seek it out, chances are the woman has fucked a couple of chads in her life before settling down.
>Stomach protrudes further than breasts
Nothing of value was lost
This is precisely the problem. There are loads of ex-coal burners that were told how great it is, and yet are ruined and they end up hating blacks, but it is too late. My wife's older sister was a coal burner, doing it to show off how exotic and progressive she was, and ended up getting raped twice, never enjoyed sex, then ended up with herpes, fucking skank. She is ruined and settled with the most betacuck maybe there has ever been.
It isn't really their fault. Their Boomer mothers aren't fucking warning them, and society is saying it is great, when its a shit sandwich.
I’m in my early twenties. I have never once found black guys attractive. I always associated them with being kind of dumb and/or violent.
And yeah, I think white female/black male was probably common 20-30 years ago, but to this day I follow 800 mostly white girls on Instagram and they’re all dating white guys, except for the girl with the Korean guy.
Some white girls are trash and like to pander to blacks/Muslims, but there are a lot of WASP MAGA girls and Italian/Greek girls in the northeast who come from super conservative families.
What are you, a renegade? You know the rules in here.
It’s kind of like using women to advance transgenderism - it’s bound to backfire for example in sport. If white men went for black girls white women would probably start hating blacks as they do asians.
Make sure you are ready to go
Died blonde
Which state is this? Well it’s good to hear that the racemixing epidemic is exaggerated femanon. What made you say that white men love black/Asian women though ?
You know the rules Stacy, timestamp those tits or gtfo
Girls love the BBC
New Jersey
The white liberals in the northeast are usually from the west coast/Midwest who decided to go to college in Boston/NYC
I mean this is my own experience, but the vast majority of interracial couples I see are WMBF/WMAF. I don’t mind WMAF but WMBF is gross to me lmao
Your cousin is probably now diseased, and can only fuck other diseased things without spreading it.
And no respectable white guy will touch her now, seeing that she has so little respect for herself that she will engage in bestiality.
batshit/neurotic =/= boring
>white guys love asian/black girls.
Some whites like Asian girls that look white, with the exception of their eyes.
White guys do NOT show any desire for black girls.
Almost all white guys want white girls, and prefer blondes (statistically).
> I met a girl on Tinder
> Tinder
Kill yourself
No, complete other end of the spectrum. Too much of anything is unhealthy.
Yeah it’s a little weird since I’ve always associated the North East with being liberal yet I’ve been to both New Jersey asn Massachusetts and Ive seem so many based white people. I heard someone say that Boston was the most racist city in America. Yeah Italian Americans are all based and the old money wasps too kinda. Well thanks for the info.,
Is this what tiny dick Asian Americans actually believe or are you some nigger COPING on Jow Forums?
Black guys are statistically the most homosexual.
That's a ludiculous way to wear the bikini bottom. Obviously not designed to be worn like that. Dumb hoe.
She’s right. Some white girls might be hoes but a good amount stay away from niggers. Also tits or gtfo
Boston is full of Catholic Irish and Italians, and they hate blacks, for the most part.
I don't recommend the Catholic religion, but it certainly has its advantages, which include upbringing (if you can keep kids away from the peso-priests).
I dated a cutie farm girl for many years. We were going to get married and I was so happy. We moved to the city together for work to get our lives started. Then she cheated on me with Tyrone because her (((progressive))) coal burner friends convinced her to. I’ll never get over that.
Underrated post
You're just at the start of the trainwreck my friend. I found out my relative was a coal burner last summer. She's an unhappy she, so I wasn't really shocked. Recently she has brought her new bf around and I kid you not, it's a morbidly obese mtf tranny. I think she is just looking for anyone she can feel superior to.
Im from a small town with about 1500 population in upstate ny. Farm towns and such. Tons of skanks around here loving banging the nigs to piss there daddys off. There was this one chick, her name is carly, god she was beatiful. And a godless whore. Got addicted to the dope. Started banging every coon that would give her a bag of dope. Sad really
Yeah, but two kinds of women do that:
1. Genuinely aren't attracted to black guys but have the assets they OOGA BOOGA over.
2. The one that went black and kept repeatedly going back until she learned or lesson or realized she had severely limited her dating pool.
I had #1 way way back and it was hilarious watching all the Basketball Americans try their hardest for DAT ASS not knowing it was never gonna happen.
#2 is usually overweight by the time they start saying "No Black Guys" and can still be lured back to the dark side. They usually have at lease one or more niggles in tow (she'll most likely hide them from you as long as she can).
Absolutely degenerate shilling
You are just falling for Jewish tricks. Gooks produce hapas and they are shrill and insect like.
Bucktooth pan faced insect
Why couldn’t blacks just stay in one part of the country and leave everyone alone. There’s literally about 5% population of them everywhere at least.
lmao what am I falling for? When did I say I like asian girls? I’m literally a white female.
>Ebonics speech patterns
This is the one where you just know. Girls who talk like that are not looking for white guys but I see plenty of white trash couples with pibbles. The rest of your list is just typical nig shit. Mudsharks want to be ghetto ass trash so bad.
That Seychelles fag flag tho
>I’m literally a white female.
You know the rule.
But American women aren't english women.
I always wanted to start a Coal Burner Database where we could post proof of burning coal. The world deserves to know. Way back, I was very in love with this one girl and was about to haave her move in with me when it came to my attention she fucked a nigger in her youth. I dropped her so fast after that she didn't know what hit her. I told her why (that fucking blacks is disgusting and that sh no longer had any worth to me), then I never spoke to her again. Whores only learn through embarrassment and being socially ostracized so I can guarantee the Coal Burner Database will be effective.
its true, Asian girls are the most blacked of all races, they love the bbc and who can blame them
Chiggers are hirarious.
it's safe to assume, every white girl wants to
have sex with niggers. girls love fucking with
white guys.
Facts. Something the Jews didn't count on, is it's other races falling for Jewish tricks more than whites. Other races racemix more than whites, and other races are more easily brainwashed into being gay than whites. The jews are literally genociding other races faster than they're genociding us.
IN the UK less than 4% whites racemix, and a huge proportion of that is white irish (with white brits racemixing the least). 8% of pakistanis racemix, twice as many as whites, bangladeshis 12%.. with nogs a whopping 63% of all nigs racemix. The rest is just listed as 'other' (office of national statistics, 2016, interracial relationships). The invaders are breeding themselves out faster than we're being bred out. Honestly if whites just started having an extra one or two babies each we'd have nothing to worry about.
Sorry meant ftm tranny
I would've thought that the Jews would want near-universal race-mixing, with only themselves remaining aloof and homogeneous.
>They should, by law, be required to notify you before hand, or have some kind of publically visible branding
>By law
Lmfao. Holy shit black men make the people on this board so insecure. It's ridiculous.