Pick your top 3 girls in order of which you would want in your ethnostate the most and explain why for each

Pick your top 3 girls in order of which you would want in your ethnostate the most and explain why for each.

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Other urls found in this thread:


women retain the DNA of negroes they fornicated with and pass it to their future children


None of them look emotionally stable. A few look like psychopaths


Please take into consideration their intellect, views and opinions on things not just their looks. Although I understand looks play a factor.

Tommi Lahren and Lauren Southern for obvious reasons and middle row firs column.

This is broscience.

Half of them looks like tranies


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Where's Rage?

Lana (top left) is probably the only non-thot on that list.

(0,0) = Top left.

I will take

To breed. Thank you.


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>No blonde

Fuck off nigger

Remove (0,0) and instead (2,1) TBQH

That Ashton bitch is into chicks so I'd take her for the threesomes. As for the rest, I'll need to see pics of their feet.

Based Memri.

>using "broscience" unironically.
Tits or gtfo back to Plebbit

Lana, Ashton, and Lauren R.

Who is 2nd row, 1st?

lana lokteff is based. the rest i either don't know or are pic related

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As opposed to "conservatives have small brains" or "all humans are genetically equal" lmao

BBB should also be in that list as well but I heard she's already married


Give me Brittany Pettibone and both her younger sisters.

I hate blondes

Lauren Rose cloned twice. Burn the rest at the stake. Where the fuck is Rage? Weak options nigger

All are absolute trash. Fuck you incel

Pettibone since she actually has a brain, Rose too I guess. Third can be maybe top left since she's pretty far into the right wing stuff to walk it back so you know she can't just walk out.

Sorry Lauren,
PS: no idea who bottom right and middle left are.

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Where the fuck is venti

For me it's just a process of elimination.

I don't know who 2, 4, and 9 are. They're attractive, but might also be sluts.

I don't know who 7 is either, and she looks kinda Jewish.

8 IS Jewish.

5 looks like a WOP one bowl of spaghetti away from being fat.

That leaves me with 1,3, and 6.

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The three straight down the middle and hotness

Its not you nigger its called microchimerism and its fact

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I'd want all of them in the ethnostate.Can't pick 3. They are all awsome in my book. Just a bit different personalites obviously.

The top right girl and the lower right, I have no idea who they are basically though, so cannot speak about them.

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she swam away

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Agree. Lana is probably the most based out of all of these. Lauren Rose is really based as well.


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None of them are based, they're all attention whoring tradthots who cash in on thirsty virgins like you.

Intellect can be accurately estimated by one's looks. Pick the 3 blondes and you'll be golden

who is 9?

pic related, 4, f. goldie

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Pettibone (5) is the only extraordinary beauty of the group.
The rest are above average but not exactly stunners. Southern may be the least attractive of the group.

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>That Ashton bitch is into chicks
NOICE. Sauce?

I don't know how many trannies there are in the entire alt-right movement, but it's a large number.

Nah, I think they do a great job. A woman is not automatically a thot because she is visible. THat's some retarded logic.

The more traditional women who are spreading the message the better.

Stop being a degenerate and support the cause.

Eller vad vill du att de ska göra? Ha burka på sig?

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Their opinions are of no use in the ethnostate. They are there to breed and manage the children.

I pick Lauren Chen


Purely based on looks, no names etc.
8, 4 and 5.

Autism psycho, the hotter Pettibone (can't tell if that's it), and the rest are literally who's + tomi. Rose I guess, since you faggots always say "based"... but never seen anything of hers.

I don't think I've ever watched more than half a video of any of these e-thots, and it was probably that LS BP lezbo one. I just like Ashton for the physical attraction /breeding potential.

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Ashton Birdie, shes not the brightest but god damn she is sexy.
When those boobs bounce with marriage material.

>Most of them fucked non-whites and niggers or are attention whores for betabux.

Lana, Lauren Rose, Brittany Pettibone I guess
Don't know some of these girls, like the middle left or bottom right.

Just out of curiosity why are 90% of based women named a variation of LAURA?

>marrying a dyke

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>wh*Te women
no thx


Most, or all of them don't have any children. That speaks volumes. Yes, if they wore Christian veils that would be more traditional behaviour than being e-thots.

I'll cure her.


They would only need head dress for that, just look at medieval european ladies and how they dressed.

They had their hair covered.

based gypsy

You are exactly the problem stereotype of the beta that never stands his ground and lets degenerate subhumans like ashton have a public voice.

Lana has several. Don't know about the others.
Still doesn't matter, many of them are young enough to get many children still.

Also it's in my opinion more impoirtant to spread the message than for them to have children.

The children will affect very little for so few people, but these few people affect a lot and are hard to come by.

So in time, they will get children obviously. But not being thots, they just don't get children with anyone.

I'll cure your tight arse hole fucking gayboy

Right. That's what I meant by veils. I think that's a good sign of modesty. E-thotting is not.

I might also add that I don't want any fucking veils on them. That's fucking retarded and christian.

1. Ashton

2. Ashton

3. Ashton

Fuck off then you little poof. Women should be giving birth, not travelling the world while making videos and receiving money through Patreon. It's laughable to call yourself a traditionalist if that is your idea of being traditional.

I agree with Sven.

Women should stay in the kitchen.

No Nicole Pettibone??
I'd go for the Rose, she's young enough to knock out 10 kids. The rest, meh.

That's not a very compelling argument. I beat you argument-wise i'm afraid.

I'm not calling myself a traditionalist. I'm an ethnonationalist.

Also, a reminder, you low IQ piece of shit: everyone who disagrees with you about tactics isn't automatically "non traditional".


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She loses points for banging that baked Alaska faggot. She has extremely poor taste in men.

Middle column top if and only if she will make 3+ white babies with me.

The absolute state of Sweden. Yes, a retired to Odin will surely save you.

Classic example of a pseudointellectual using a scientific term clearly without knowing what it means. Microchimerism in humans is to do with fetal cells establishing lineages with maternal cells, which may then persist in the mother for several decades. It has nothing to do with the mother's sexual history.

These women look like shit, and some of them I know to be mentally retarded.
The ethnostate does not have women who give out "opinions" accompanied by a pair of tits. An outspoken feminist in the ethnostate resembles Abigail Adams not any of these belching vaginas.

>Classic example of a pseudointellectual
Guess you didn't get your self-awareness loicense.

yES, a ReTirED to OdIN WiLL sUrely sAve yOU.

Meanwhile you have the biggest anti-white pornindustry in the world, and does NOTHING about it, you lazy fake slob.

Also, you are 56% white. We are 85% white.

Ooops! Fucking low IQ dumbass.

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You have high standards if you think this girl looks like shit, or you're gay.


if none of them are Estonian then all can fuck off

There is only one correct answer

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*blocks your path*

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>believing that means anything

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There's no such thing as passing on the genetic material of previous sexual partners. I was referring to him as a pseudointellectual for using a scientific term for something completely different to refer to something that doesn't even exist.

It's also spelt "license"

they all look like old roasties
they all can get into the ethnostate, as long as they are already married to someone
if they aren't married, then thots are not welcome and better be gone, bring in only the virgin young ones, pic will suffice

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i don't know who any of these people are because i'm not a faggot.


>posting a 70 iq goatfucker as your argument


Sweden is the most pathetic country on the planet, worse than Canada and Britain. You allow your own women to be taken and raped by shitskins and you do nothing.

And that is directly related to you being a godless country. Repent and become a Catholic and maybe your kind can save itself from the Muslims.

so many rose orbiters lmao.
Basic bitch with safe boomer opinions, who's like totally trad but somehow talks shit about /ourguys/.
Let's be honest, if Lana is not on your list you are just a hopeless beta pay-pig and gas is mandatory.

the only committed lesbians are ugly as fuck, the term has no meaning outside of this.

I bet a Democrat libtard knows all about being a psycopath.

I sometimes forget just how young this board is at times: many guys are calling obviously attractive girls "ugly", well I remember doing that when I was younger when I was too embaressed to say that I fancied someone.

The one on the bottom right did a bunch of cam porn, and then did a 'trad' video years later why porn is bad for me n... Top keke

It's spelled "spelled." Guess you didn't get your spelling loicense either.

The statistics speak for themselves.

You are 56% white, we are 85%.
You have the largest anti-white porn industry in the world and allow to be so.
You have a much larger percentage of interacial marriages than us.
You have a lot more leftist, transgenders etc.

And yet you call us pathetic? Allow me: AHAHAHAHAHA:

Well, good try little buddy. But at least come up with something logical and factually based next time.

No hate for my based intelligent US bros though, people like you tho, LOW Iq snowniggers need to shut the fuck up.

Sorry, "spelled" is only used by Americans - in the UK we use real English i.e. "spelt". But thanks for trying.

None of them are ugly. 8 of them are above average.

Those who call them ugly are usually ugly people themselves. That's how that goes. Usually they are also out of shape and lack education.