Lets ban abortion

Hello based high IQ men, lets ban abortion and put an end to the genocide of innocent babies by the heartless whores. Plz sign the petition ASAP,thx

chng.it/b9xHw84N4Q for americans

chng.it/ygdC6GkTkX for germans

thx for your attention

Attached: 55555.jpg (768x1024, 73K)

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This image would go well in a vietnam flashback meme

Nah I’m pro-choice.

Most abortions take place before 9 weeks, somewhere like 90%.

Also, if we banned abortion, imagine the number of niggers.

Ban abortion for white babies

Attached: 1523559779545.jpg (477x637, 32K)


Only ban abortions for white people

You can’t ban abortion at the same time as hating single mothers. Our society has to stop hating children in general so women start feeling positive about children and pregnancy. Unless you want to ban all men from having sex before marriage

Abortion or harvesting and feeding on the young more suddenly or disturbingly than a movie like the matrix could ever portray... Whatever you want to call it...

You faggots are falling too fucking hard, it's embarrassing
>"h-hello, based high IQ men!!"
>"le heartless whores" *tips mgtow cap*

and make abortion mandatory for niggers