How many of you shitlords are responsible for this?
>Auschwitz Museum asks visitors not to balance on train tracks
>The museum called on visitors to behave more respectfully after finding photos of people balancing on the tracks at the former Nazi death camp.
>"There are better places to learn how to walk on a balance beam," it said.
How many of you shitlords are responsible for this?
Blake Bennett
Xavier Cook
museum can't ask anything. it can't speak. it's a dead and an inanimate object.
Sebastian Scott
Damn they really will complain about anything
Wyatt Martin
Adam Perez
unused railroad track is painfull to watch though.. why don't they put them back in use?
it's the purpouse of track to be used
Easton Lopez
Hudson Smith
100 years from now it will have been 60 million that died in the lolocaust and there will STILL be survivers telling their (((story))). Jews are always the ones olaying the victim even after stabbing you in the back.
Parker Gomez
By balancing on the beam you're doing the Holocaust again in the mind of the Jews. When will you racist, sexist, antisemitic, homophones realize this? Why do they have to even ask you this?
James Rivera
Dylan Flores