as a devout muslim, what is it that Islam just gets right that other religions such as christianity don't?
As a devout muslim, what is it that Islam just gets right that other religions such as christianity don't?
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Beating whores and killing fags.
being extremely legalistic
being simple and straightforward
being clear
being enough in itself (the teachings of christ are not enough for the religious life of a whole society, it needs to be supplemented)
it's very clear what is and what is not to Gods liking, and that includes both for the saintlike and for regular people.
still I think both christianity and islam aim to be the world-version of judaism, and one two things that are very clear in Islam on paper but clearly failed in real life is that muslims are not supposed to engage in offensive warfare (this happens very soon after Muhammads death), and muslims are not supposed to retain any kind of clan- or national loyalties, which clearly has not succeeded. there is only supposed to be one loyalty, the loyalty to the congregation, but this is not so.
>it's very clear what is and what is not to Gods liking, and that includes both for the saintlike and for regular people.
christianity only gives a clear saintlike ideal, but clearly not all people can live up to this
Being the least dependent on miracles/mysticism
What fpbp said
Having enough freedom within it to both live as a Muslim but also to just live a materialistic life if that's what you want
Nothing. It's almost identical to all other jewish religions
age of consent!
The Quran contains a verse that the others don't, AFAIK.
Men are a degree above women. Patriarchy is written into the Quran.
Hey muslimfag, if you're legit and not a shill that makes 1 post by this ID, how do you feel that the women in new zealand are openly mocking muslims and islam by not wearing the hijab properly?
they give you an inch, you want a whole mile.
afaik this is how the jews lived too
it is clarified in the 4th sura, I think verse 34, that what makes men get precedence in making decisions over the women is that the men are the providers. in the modern world this is no longer so. in our hearts I think we still have the same attitudes, but in material fact women also provide. as far as I can see this creates a significant theological problem for muslims.
Offensive Jihad is stated very clear. That's how Mohammed spread Islam in Arabia.
Make no mistake. The Universal Principle of Might makes Right is the Correct way. It is the Way of Islam
Having a prophet who "speaks" for Allah bend the rules for him
>You all get 4 wives, but I get 11
>Dont speak to me and leave immediately while st my house
>Mmmmm 10 year olds
The barbaric nature of Islam does not violate natural order, while Christianity perpetuates suicidal altruism and an inability to secure posterity. Christianity imbues weakness in the natural struggle of life, while Islam is so animalistic that it doesn't have to worry about such disorders. Uncle Adolf knew this.
not gonna lie; first actually clever anti-trump meme i have come across
while I think you're right in a lot of ways, afaik they take great care to tell the story of what went down in Arabia in a way where the muslims are persecuted, and only defending themselves. Why I think this is wrong is because the muslims raided Meccan caravans from Medina until the Meccans responded. This leads to the fighitng where the Muslims, frankly quite impressively, prevail.
There are a lot of things that are quite complicated though, because there are a lot of verses in the Qur'an which specifically speak to what responsibility the believers have towards the prophet. I don't remember in detail but it wouldn't surprise me if the lines that can be interpreted that way begin with something like "Follow your prophet and". It's too much to look up now (unless you have a specific line) but I think it's in the 3rd or 5th sura.
There is something else too, which is that anything less than establishing itself in Mecca would have meant that Islam died out. Christians and Jews may think what they will of it, but through Islam we now have 1,8 billion people worldwide who bow to the one God. It has to be taken as Gods intention that these three main branches exist, and it could only happen with an element of warfare.
It doesn't change the fact that men are seen as superior in Islam and also as having a greater power in society e.g. stronger testimony, chooses a woman's friends for her, chooses everything for her basically. Women are powerless in Islam and they know it.
>muslims are not supposed to engage in offensive warfare (this happens very soon after Muhammads death)
it ought to matter in how justice is practiced. 4:34 shows that being the provider gives men rights over women. so something about the rights probably should have been changed by the modern economy. It could be that the whole modern economy is wrong, but I think that what it ultimately helps create is national security (more production -> more money-> more power), and that's a pretty high goal too.
>Uncle Adolf knew this.
first of all for every word condoning violence there is one ordering mercy. the "wherever they hide" stuff is always ended with "unless they put their arms down, upon which pursuing them would be a grave sin".
I talk a bit about it here in that these things can be read to relate to the specific situation of the early umma. It is stated clearly in the 2nd sura that muslims are not to be the ones to first take to the sword, and in a later line (not sure which sura) it is stated quite clearly that if the muslims are wronged there will be those who will wish to fight (according to an eye for an eye) and those who will prefer to show patience (ie forgive). the latter are not condemned.
Someone explain this meme to me
Killing people who don't obey you
the proper amount of lube for goat sodomy?
> "wherever they hide" stuff is always ended with "unless they put their arms down, upon which pursuing them would be a grave sin".
Quran (2:216) - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not." Not only does this verse establish that violence can be virtuous, but it also contradicts the myth that fighting is intended only in self-defense, since the audience was obviously not under attack at the time. From the Hadith, we know that this verse was narrated at a time that Muhammad was actually trying to motivate his people into raiding merchant caravans for loot.
Suicide bombings.
Its barbarism and beast nature. I have read text from several books and religions but I found no place where God calls murder and killing of people who do not beleive it. Quran is like a book written by war hungry military general who will kill anyone if he gets in his way.
>Not only does this verse establish that violence can be virtuous
nigger this is pol, if you don't believe this then what are you doing here
>trying to motivate his people into raiding merchant caravans for loot.
yea I mentioned that too in some earlier post. it ought to be known though that there aren't really that many sources on that era. it's hard to say anything with certainty. it's the
>for loot
bit I mean. the exact details of what went down between Muhammad and the Meccans are probably not known.
Murder, rape enough people and there is nothing else left.
. Was the most disappointing part of Afghanistan, I have seen haaj fuck donkeys, dogs, children but never a goat. I feel somewhat robbed.
>Not only does this verse establish that violence can be virtuous
>nigger this is pol, if you don't believe this then what are you doing here
what the Qur'an says of war is that it's a mechanism by which God keeps the world on the right path. Muslims can not expect to be spared any hardship.
Where's the one with Hillary and the hotdogs and pizza in the White House?
Salt for the salt God
>what the Qur'an says of war is that it's a mechanism by which God keeps the world on the right path
well there you have it
the idea that wars are settled by Gods favor is neither new nor unique
this is what this means. if your religion predicts that a human world without war can exist then that's expecting a lot of your fellow man. That can be a good thing of course, to give him something to aim for, but it might make it so he realizes that a religious life is impossible. Meanwhile you can live a perfectly fine life without being Jesus.