This kills the Jow Forumstard

this kills the Jow Forumstard

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-22 at 16.02.27.png (1772x956, 1.85M)

Whats wrong medpack? Did your daddy fuck you? Did you love it? = (

white trash is better than non white trash

>tfw recognize that font as a varg video

>fat shaming

This guy may be a fat fucking loser. But he is our fat fucking loser. That's the solution to niggers. Nobody likes niggers, not even blacks. But niggers are black people's problem, not ours.

>100% product of modernity
Yeah I think those are the people needing saving.

He's not ours. If he is too lazy and decides to be a Untermensch, he will get left behind.

t. 400 pounds.

trash belongs into the trashcan, no matter what color.

Nope he gets the gas too, along with you and all the other mountain jews.

This board sure is being raided.

>He's not ours.
lol, daddies little sissy slut thinks he belongs on Jow Forums. You must have gotten mad at somebody on reddit. Is that what happened sweety? Did somebody on reddit hurt your feelings?

It’s a well accepted fact, commies from /leftypol/ who are still pissed off over being kicked off Jow Forums and feel like they need to expand their shitty political beliefs are raiding this board and think that we will support anyone who hates Israel, even if they are a literal Anti-White Communist Jew.

nigger die


>hasn't even started eating the burger an he's holding his drink
as a proud American, I can tell you he isn't worth saving. 56% white, btw.

True, they must be getting pretty fucking bored on there, they ban anyone that points out how retarded they are, and they remove any posts that call out their bullshit, it serves as a good example that commies can’t survive criticism, and thus resort to censorship absolutely every time.

t. fatty

Yes, it's a Varg video and somehow people here accuse me of being a lefty and a newfag, when they can't even recognize a screenshot from a Varg video.

das rite cousinfucker

White nationalism is utter faggotry that goes against basic fascist principles and does not belong on Jow Forums as a result

This man should be shot or thrown out of his country if they're feeling merciful, racial (ethnic) comradeship extends to those who dont violate the fundamental rules of life and of your race

Attached: white nationalism.png (1400x2000, 1.9M)

kek ok medpack. post your face so we can roast the shit out of you

>Black Nationalists think this guy was worth saving. Because he is black.

Attached: robberystrongarmedrobbery2.jpg (1200x630, 85K)

Whiteness is a necessary condition, but it's not the only condition



As if I'm stupid enough to doxx myself.
I'll tell you this though: I'm 187cm and 80kgs, aka not a fatty.

A homo eating fast food?

prove it

lol this picture doesn't say much, maybe he just got off work and his exwife just called saying she increased his child support monthly dues

>Faggots think he's not worth saving, because he's from a poor background

and his reaction is stuffing himself with fast food aka self destructive behaviour instead of going to the gym or read a book to better himself.

>poor people eat fast food
no, stupid people eat fast food.
Often times though, poor and stupid people are the same. You can see this with niggers, but it's not exclusive to niggers.

never heard about waste separation?

And rather than guide him back, you would simply give him the boot. With friends like these who needs enemies?

maybe he is stress-eating because of the bullshit in his life, I smoke cigarettes when something shitty happens, if I caught a picture of you in your moment of sin you would probably want empathy my man, and I wouldn't blame you, if you had a picture of a white man doing something really fucked up then you would have had a good header

No, this tells me why OP is the one who dies
>when SHTF, burger chad will have 500 flattened shitskin kills w/ unstoppable monster truck full of supplies

Attached: cranial vault.png (1669x942, 1.43M)

Never mentioned fast food, mountain Jew.

Guess we shouldn't protect our race because some whites arent ideal! I love being replaced!

OP BTFO. White people defending their fat kin is bad, but black people defending their violent criminals is ok according to cvcks

White people are better than everyone else because white people are the only people who give a shit. Nobody else cares about anything unless it benefits them somehow.

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Pretty much this.


people used to get banned for this

He just needs some motivation. And that photo looks candid

another swiss jew

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> but black people defending their violent criminals is ok according to cvcks
exactly when did I say this?

Elaborate your point better then, so that I don't have to guess your point, faggot.

"This kills" only works on everyone but pol.

Oh poor you, you're stressed so you need your cigarettes?
Why don't you just go to the doctor too and he'll prescribe you some opioids so you don't feel so stressed anymore.
Why not watch some porn on the side as well? I heard masturbating relieves stress.
You're a pussy.

First of all, anyone who calls himself a "white nationalist" is cringe as fuck to begin with. Second of all, lmao most of Jow Forums looks like that.

No, definitely not. I can show him the way, but some people are hopeless and decide to take the easy way.

You are suggesting that we should abandon poor whites for people poor. Sure they can be rough, sure they can be stupid, but that's not a reason to abandon them in my book. It smacks of elitist faggotry.

The picture is correct. Op, however, sucks fat cocks.

70 percent of the variation in weight between individuals is heritable. These aren't simply lifestyle choices. Some people are quite literally genetically enslaved.

"White nationalist" is a term invented by Amerimutts.
We only know German nationalists, Swiss nationalists, etc..

wrong, this is where white nationalism fails.
most good white genetics were erased during world war 2, now the playing field is spread.
a proper society would filter out bad genetics and low IQ people of all races

Everyone needs something at some point, if I made you jog for a day straight I could go "oh poor you" Right back whenever you wanted a breather, and call you a pussy as well for being human. Also you a projecting super hard, a cigarette is a cigarette lol

Why can’t you faggots meme? Is it brain damage? Why don’t you slink back to led*it where people won’t notice.

Attached: 1ED37631-B8AF-43D0-836F-0A08C4956D7C.jpg (500x614, 123K)

>lettuce on a cheeseburger

Attached: 3BFC4057-4057-4592-B41A-43057C24F790.jpg (306x580, 51K)

In any case we need to somehow make sure their fertility rates are lower than those of wealthier whites otherwise we invite a slow deterioration of our race.

Can you go back to Albania instead of shitposting?

>2x lettuce
Eh, he seems like a cool guy.

I'm just saying it's stupid to put them on the same pedestral as people who try their hardest in life and actually improve themselves instead of blaming others.
Being white doesn't automatically make you better than shitskins, you have to earn it.
People like pic related who think they are better than shitskins, JUST because they're white are the people I have a problem with.

Let me like bacon on your burgers?

Attached: F729C068-903C-4603-B462-3705985C7366.jpg (655x643, 80K)

It's around 30% or even less If I remember correctly.
If it were 70% inheritable we wouldn't have this massive increase in obesity in the last couple of decades. Genes don't suddenly multiply this fast.

The love i have for my people is infinitely greater than any hatred i ever felt towards other peoples. You can only change the world if you come from a place of love. I love my people so much that i would step over other peoples to defend them. Whites takes care of one another. They dont plunder and rape their brethren like niggers from Africa. They dont watch each other work themselves to dead like the bugmen chinks under a marxist regime. They dont rape their children like sandniggers. My people put in place social safety nets to help one another. Nets now abused and teared apart by shitskins. A white that is out of shape and bluepilled is infinitely more valuable to me than a kike or a sandnigger. The fact that this love for your people is alien to you, is why acceleration is needed. Once you lose something you were sure you had, the psychological loss of that is far greater than otherwise. My people will wake up amidst the ruins, the rubble of a once great civilisation. And only then will they realise what they are about to lose. And they will fight. The out of shape neckbeard, the basedboy, the undesirable. All but the marxist, mind-virus infected marxists will fight along side me, strife for glory. I come from a place of peace, but i will not move from this spot. If you chose to greet me with a closed fist, i will break every bone in that fist.
Sieg Heil!

What's the problem? White societies will help that man better himself and he still carries white genes that will be able to produce high quality offpsring.

I don't put some chav on the same pedestal as Issac Newton. They are however my countrymen. Nothing will change that, and ensures I give half a shit about their wellbeing.

You seriously took a stock image of a guy eating a burger, for all we know he might not even be racially aware, I think you need to take a step back and grow some self awareness cause that is just all some weird projection

You know that Adolf Hitler was campaigning against smoking right?
You don't have freedom and will power, you're dependant on your cigarette. You're weak willed.

t. projecting.

Attached: 1542144695948.jpg (807x802, 74K)

>meme flagging

Nobody thinks that. What we recognise is that we're part of a people. Yes, some of our people are in a poor condition, but we should want to turn them around and build them up into better versions of themselves. Our society is a nihilistic, consumerist hell (which is the cause for many of these problems) and we want to change that.

There's a difference between being permanently (genetically/biologically) flawed and temporarily flawed (eg. through an unhealthy culture). The guy in your picture has a temporary flaw caused by culture and can be fixed.

It's a screenshot from a Varg video you fucking newfag. Holy shit lurk moar.

I smoke once a day before work, it keep my stress down and gives me something to do while I wait for the bus(car being fixed)

Shut up nigger

All the white people that turn a blind eye on the raping immigrants are your countrymen too, right?
You're part of the reason why Europe is being overrun by shitskins.

Worried about white dude while your country is getting raped and pillaged
Be gone pest

>invented by Amerimutts
you misspelled Jews

Ich don't know much about white nationalism, but under national socialism this guy would have to get fit oder get concentrationcamp'd

Get the fuck out my country Sören.

You know what else keeps your stress down and gives you something to do?
How about you meditate for 10 minutes instead of smoking that cigarette?
I know it's easier to just light on a cigarette, meditation takes willpower and I'm not sure if you have that.

Yeah is he a guy varg met in person? Or is it a stock image he pulled from online? still the same point, and the fact you are only angry about this subject just because that faggot larper varg told you to just further shows your low intelligence, you a pretty much an npc, I bet you don't even have a voice of reason

Yeah, a morphine addiction can really fuck you up, a friend of mine fucked up his leg, and he uses that shit way to much, it’s a pretty sad sight, poor goering.

Divide and conquer. The best strategy to wipe a group from existance.

Read my other posts and you'll know I'm not a leftist. I expected better of you.

Naaaa.. They are a burden for hospitals. They can fuck off to!

Cheese only.
>virtue signaling by adding a bunch of vegetables to your slab a meat to show how health conscious you are

Yes they are, even if they are traitors. That's what makes it particularly galling. And no, what will get us overrun will be to abandon the few whites that even have kids any more.

Jow Forums:
>white people good
>brown people bad

>hey maybe not all white people are good and some of them fall into the traps laid by (((them))) without putting up a fight.

Yeah I wonder whose the NPC here.

Even proud marxists like yourself i would offer a second chance. Change comes from love. Faggots just extend that love to everyone because they lack racial awareness. I have no stake in the human development of other peoples, i have a stake in that of my own people. I want my people revived. There is not a kike, not a leaf in the world that can quench that desire.

What a gay faggot with your meditation, I endure brother, I've worked 80 hours weeks easy no way some little useless swiss bitch is gonna tell me a smoke break tarnishes my entire character, all the meditation in the world wouldn't prevent you from coming off as the biggest faggot ever with that last reply

Why It's not surprising seeing the amerilard flags defending fatasses ?

Americans like to bitch about the EU, because the EU is putting all different European nations under the same umbrella, making sure cultural differences get lost.
White nationalism is exactly the same though.

lol working off of averages also keeps things working you brainlet

If we were living ina culture which actively promoted those values and people we're still refusing to better themselves, then I'd agree. But we're not. We live in a disgusting culture that revolves around degeneracy and decadence. Most people don't know any better. Only after they've been shown the light and given a proper chance should we start to judge them.

>make obvious bait thread
>works because cuckchan.jpg
>get BTFO every post
>derails his own thread with muhcigs
>doesnt understand 'npc'
Why the fuck am i on cuckchan again?

Imagine this: We abandon all whites who are traitors and only keep those who are against immigration. Suddenly we have strong anti-immigration laws.
Yeah your logic is pretty flawed.
