Am i the only one who sees the current state of the world as a great filter?

Am i the only one who sees the current state of the world as a great filter?
all the actors are out in the open and visible
>manipulators and their servants
and so on

its not about converting degenerates and dindus to your cause, its about removing the shit from your people

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7 deadly sins?

we need to kill the class of people that exist above the president

Good find.People have become weak.

>tfw you suffer from sloth
how do I help myself bros

You gain nothing from taking the easy way in life.Everything worth having is hard work.

use timers to force yourself to do things, start with like 20 minutes, work up to multiple hours

people never been strong or weak. it's you who for some reason "judge" them as if you "know" something that we the people don't. Are you people?

he is actually.

your question is loaded in such ways that by asking you're shooting at your clay feet. it implies that you're divided into some strange conundrum resembling psychiatric symptoms eg bipolar disorder.

he is, because consciousness is only a fraction of mind

there is no such thing as consciousness or mind at least not something that is possible to talk about for us proles without looking like fools. That is territory of evil doctors who devised such slavery chains and blocks by using linguistic currency from the crypts.

It's about gathering those few good men remaining and then accelerate the shit out of the world, force fence-sitting niggers to join and tear it all down and start anew.

There is literally no reason to keep this system afloat. It is also extremely weak and will buckle rather quickly. Ten lads like Saint Tarrant in quick seccession and we are rolling.

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(((masons kikes gonna kike)))

they love their mischling homosexual selves

he isn’t a saint though he’s not christian

he’s a fag though

I will surely take dumb kike memeflaggot seriously.

Remember Schlomo, cut along the road, not across.

Pushing segregation is the only way. It has to be done in a way that is respectful and considerate to every race for it to be widely accepted.

The actual shooter was a nigger. OP is a fake news spreading kike.

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No, I thought of this a while ago. Civilization will definitely collapse in our lifetime and billions will die. Will civilization restart once the correction is made? Probably not. Thus humanity will have failed the Great Filter and march towards extinction.

All you had to do was end welfare and put Jews in camps. But because we didn't, the only productive, creative, and scientifically literate race in the world responsible for nearly all advances in the past 2000 years will go extinct in a flurry of racemixing and ethnic conflict. After that, the economy will crash, people will starve, and the nations of the world will fall. Back to the caves we go.

This. Most of "humanity" is trash and everything is fucked.

>respectful and considerate

Can't be done. Shitskins will always want access to white people because deep down inside they know we're their betters.