
Why haven’t you become a lawyer yet?
>Six figure salary
>Ownership/Entrepreneurship on easy mode
>Societal respect
>Closly tied to politics

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I'd rather not fight for jews and non-whites and in general the worst of society.

Mainly coz I'm a builder.
>£500 a day.
>Avoid taxes.
>work when I want
>everyone expects me to be a cunt

It's a lot of school. I dropped out of hs for a reason lmao

does she know how to think?


I come from a family of lawyers and that shit is retarded.

does she know?

surrounded by jews all day

You can be a prosecuting attorney and put trayvons behind bars it cant be that bad of a gig

>why haven't you become a jew's best friend yet?
maybe life isn't all about money...


Defeatism at its best whos to say a white man cant beat a jew at his own game?

lawyers are the scum of the earth.
you'll get the rope too

I hate digging my own grave and bullshit jobs, so...

my grandma said lawyers cant go to heaven
id take eternal life anyday of money
reply amen if you agree

Whats the matter Tyrone? Did the defense attorney lose your drug case?

I'd rather fight the law than fight for the law

I already am user, why aren't you?

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because they're worthless and provide nothing of value to society, not needed

anyone who claims otherwise doesn't know what theyre talking about, simple as

>dat ass

Are you a cunt?

This is the thread I have needed!
I am currently studying to go to law school. I would one day like to be a state & eventually God willing a Federal Prosecutor. This seems like an epic life, despite a lot of work.

Any advice or thoughts on what life will be like doing this work? Also gib advice on law school

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Bong, I like you.

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because i fell for the stem meme

>boring as fuck
>you are a government piece
>will have to defend shitskins, rapists and kid diddlers at some point

What job isn’t
>Defend scum of society
Don’t do criminal law

80 hour weeks
shit pay for 5 years
always waiting until some -stein in his name has the feels for
when finally are on top, 80% of cases get settled (you don't need any of your skills)
paid to escalate things and be as shit as possible to maximize profits
>lawyers are already automated away, pic related
>humans feels should be removed from law/contracts

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Also are there any B&R lawschools? Or at least not totally pozzed ones?

>What job isn’t
true, this is why NEETism wins every single time

No. If you're doing estates, probate, parents, or tax law you'll never deal with the underclass.

>>Six figure salary
So is my .Net Job
>>Ownership/Entrepreneurship on easy mode
I have multiple websites about selling tshirt to teenagers
>>Societal respect
people think im start
>>Closly tied to politics
I can even manipulate votes if i wanted.

Go to a T14 if possible. If not, the best state school where you want to practice or the best private school which gives you a ton of scholarship money

Or you could prosecute whyboi for the dindu that got a mag dumped in him. They do watch the cases you take too, lawyers are stupidly networked between each other

Anybody who says that is happening within 20 years is full of poop. By then, you’ll be a partner and will profit of automation.

>>everyone expects me to be a cunt
so a white male these days?

no laws and the state are fiction basically lawyers play dress up everyday

sausage fingered brick laying fgt

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>Societal respect


> Avoids taxes

I commend your bloomerism

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What is T14? Already getting in position to go to some of the best state schools, and possibly top 10 school in nation.

Why haven’t you learned to code yet?
>£450 a day
>Sit on your ass all day
>Women are repelled by you
>Nobody wants to be your friend

Life is good.

Top 14. Don’t pay anywhere near sticker price for ANY private school outside them

I'm a CPA. Less school costs than lawyers and basically the same income projection. Also there's a lot more retarded lawyers who actually fail in life compared to retarded CPAs.

I am 26 years old and made $106K in 2018. I've been a CPA since age 24.

> being a web-monkey for the whole life
> must in addition study fucking JS
It's sad to be in your shoes

Based bong

>Less school
Really one-two years. Not exactly a huge difference

I'd say an extra $30-40K in school loans is a big difference. Alsoaa by doing an MSA/MST at your undergrad school you may have the chance to do some graduate classes technically during undergrad, further reducing a grad school loan. I only needed to take out $21K for a grad school loan which I was able to pay off 1 year out of school. It worked out well.
These kinds of grad school preenrollment programs are in many business schools already.

Compare that to lawyers where you're forced into basically a guaranteed $50-75K loan situation.

Also, lest not forget another year in school is also the opportunity cost of not making money on top of the extra loan required. I made $67K in my first year out of school. If I was aiming to be a lawyer I'd still have been in school, so the total cost then would be the $67K + the incremental loan required. Not at all insignificant.

Don’t be a retard and go into huge debt. Law is a meme if you go to a third tier school. A good LSAT score can get you a full scholarship at a decent private school. T14 leads to 180k starting salary but let’s not include them.

>Societal respect

As a lawyer I can tell you that you have no idea what being a lawyer is like.

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Relying on scholarships is a gamble unless you're a woman nigger from Sudan. Even with a good score you're going to have to get very lucky or be willing to move quite far from your home town to go to school which means further costs for rent, living etc just to go to school for cheaper/free. Living alone for a year could be like $20K depending on the area.

agree, but no hottie gets her panties wet for a CPA

>Relying on scholarships is a gamble
If you’re talking about NYU or UChicago. If not, just get an LSAT in the ~75th+ percentile and have a non crap gpa

That’s where you’re wrong kiddo. It all translates to money

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Field is too crowded and I cant pass a GED exam, so I'll be at walmart until my casket closes.

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holy fuck you're still around

>Determining your career based on whether some roastie's rotting cunt gets wet or not
Neither based nor redpilled.

stupid question OP. really same question as: you live in the USA where you can decide to be an entrepreneur any day of the week, so why haven't you started a business and become a millionaire?

answer: cuz not everyone is interested, or has what it takes to get there (real truth)

Well, yeah? I haven't collapsed while clutching my chest, yet.

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Agree here, I just think it's highly area dependent for this to work.
This would never work in New England. Too many problematic white people getting in the way of People of Color (tm).

Based Walmartbro.

>that QT in the back

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i go to a top-20 law school on a full ride. the feminists and diversity-acceptees are unbelievably annoying. also, at no point do you ever feel like hard work is rewarded--its all about virtue signalling and institutional ass kissing.

luckily i worked for a few years before this so i know how the real world works. I'm just going to keep my head down and get my degree, then become a litigator and sue the fuck out of people.

i won't be making 6 figures out of school (that's reserved for the dick sucking biglaw slaves and you have to be a fag for them to even read your resume but once i get some experience i should be able to figure out how to get my own practice off the ground and live comfortably.

I know this is just a Somali roofers image forum but the fact that you are talking about law school like this probably means you need to do more research into what the debt really means, job outcomes, application strategies, etc.

Ha! Loser.

Get a grip...

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What is a fair price to pay for T14’s or anything below? The student debt is definitely the most intimidating thing about this, but if you come out making 160-180k your first year which is common then isnt it worth it?

>I'm a builder
you dont build shit my nigga, that what an engineer is for. In the land of the free your ilk is know as construction worker

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>Six figure salary
80kish and you'll be doing mostly small claims arguing over xboxs and adultry

Lawyers are shyster scum

The legal system damn sure wasn't built to be efficient. It's a tool.

Already 40. It's going to be a weak grip.

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another knuckle head who thinks lawyering is like being a CPA (answering questions correctly). lawyers are hated because they get paid to work the system within lawful parameters for their clients when other shit heads can't afford to do the same. suck it losers

you think most lawyers make six figures lol

we have to encourage crime just to feed the ones we have lol

If you want to see how bad lawyers are today... wait till the writs start flying

Why do the bathroom guys have yellow heads user?

I hate lying to my friends, my family and even to myself for shekels.

calvin case mon ami
calvins case

>Six figure salary
lol maybe in 1990. Lawyer field is saturated.

I get to speak my mind and it's kind of accepted coz all builders are like that

are you a christian?

Try to get some money at least. If you actually try in a t14, you’ll land big law. Try and go to DC/regional market for a lower col. If you live modestly for a year or so, the debt will be paid off. Outside DC, instate tuition at a good state school (UF, UCLA, UT, etc.) in the state you want to practice. Similarly ranked private school that costs as much or less with scholarships.

>luckily i worked for a few years before this so i know how the real world works. I'm just going to keep my head down and get my degree, then become a litigator and sue the fuck out of people.

I'm in the same boat and at one of the so-called "conservative" schools in the T20. It's still filled with leftist posturing, ass kissing, and politics/gossip. I sometimes fear for the K-JD's that think the world operates like their dreamland and are going to be thrust into one of the most cutthroat and demanding fields out there (it seems like one by one the PI types are flipping to big law). I mostly blame the administration that constantly capitulates to their whining. I was hoping "professional school" meant professional and people would have some decorum but I'm finding it's just as bad as undergrad, if not worse.

Never late to turn tables around.
Finding motivation though is going to be your toughest challenge.

“Endure. In enduring, grow strong.”

Nope, I plan and build shit myself, a construction worker is someone that works on large scale projects, usually each step is done by different people. I can build from the ground up my myself

Served in Special Forces for twelve years, went to law school for one semester after getting out of the military, dropped out.
Never experienced such a bunch of self-entitled and stuck up fools before. Not to mention that the legal system is rigged in favour of Jews.

For a relatively fresh associate at an unremarkable firm. Partners make double

I don't want want to go to law school, I want to go to grad school but my GPA is probably too shit to get into either so I'll probably do something else

>"ur grades in college don't matter user, they just want to see you put in the time"
>"well it says here your gpa is shit, we only interviewed you so we could laugh at you"

Fuck my laifu bros

Sommer Ray

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Exclude third tier law schools and government work. Yeah, an associate with a few years experience should make around 100k. Partners make more

Because Im not a piece of shit and have morals?

Smiley faces. Gotta have the veneer of happiness.

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If you don't go to a T14 that primo salary won't happen until you've been grinding for at least 5 years. But feel free to keep paying your dues to the (((bar))), goy

Boring work

My uncle was the head lawyer for BP. He’s been in meetings where Russian mob henchmen with rifles stood guard. Pretty based job. He’s a fucking pro EU blairite though.

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Lawyers have some of the worst job prospects of any professional in the Western world. Literal retards get into law school these days.

I have attention deficit disorder and would have a difficult time debating a 9-year-old.

>£500 a day
Sure lol

to be a lawyer is to willingly throw your morals out the window in the pursuit of profit. it's really perverse when you think about it. have you ever seen Alan Dershowitz as a legal commentator on Fox News? That dude helped keep O J Simpson out of prison. and everybody just acts like it's no big deal and he was just doing his job

Literally terrible advice, the profession is slam packed and isn’t profitable for normies rn