What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:


being jewish


South Park was never good

His IQ is too high

He binged on red pills

>Big bear here
>I am 6'8"!
>It's like.....
>It's like.....
>It's like.....
>It's like.....
>Say hi amy!
I can't listen anymore.

Owen Benjamin

he's great.

i think he is taking a lot of adderall and drinking

He's clearly bipolar. He going to lose everything if he doesn't get on some serious meds and stop shitposting.

>sup bears, no homo
>sup, homo bear
>today, I cut trees
>I'm like intelligent, right mom?
>sodomite jews
>aaaaaaaannnnnd now you're banned
>that's literally insaaaaayyyynnnneeee
>I'm not crazy
>It's brain damage
>Toe Rogan is 5' 4"
>you're retarded
>my mom told me my IQ is definitely high
>I'm man-sized, 6' 8"
>I have a mustache, no pedo
>Vox Day
>we never went to the moon
>ducks have 20 penises
>no one's having a better time than us
>today, I did day labor since comedy doesn't pay the bills
>Mike Tyson stole my bike
>now you're banned for life
>filthy sodomite
>Toe Rogan is 5' 1"
>you're all cowards
>thanks for paying my bills
>dood, I'm like really fucking smart
>5ft of solid penis to breach my anus
>I'm gonna land the plane
>Toe Rogan is literally pocket sized
>3.14 IQ
>fuck you sodomite
>it's the Jews
>I'm a quarter Jew

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t. sodomite jew with no logos

This amused me.

You forgot
>Toe Rogan... he literally looks like a thumb


His stream always breaks top 5 on jewtube and he just had on E Michael Jones. Things are going more right than ever

Well he liked Sonic the Hedgehog and he also liked Pikachu , and instead of choosing one as his favorite. He put them both together - it was all downhill from there

Save that pesky demonitization.

He apologized.

watch it. he apologized and said it was one billion jews dead in the holocaust. was pretty amusing, actually. Owen has not caved.

God he is fucking retarded but i still like him and upboat his vids

aha I was just pretending to be retarded.

Being Jewish made him wake up to the JQ?

He isn't taking uppers. 140+ IQ (combined with likely mild bipolar) just looks like this, when it's not the task-oriented lab-worker autist variety.

He has nothing to lose but his family, which doesn't seem likely at all. What don't you people understand about this?

All these sodomites ITT

being ostracized for defending children broke his mind, he took action too soon before knowing the extent of the evil. now he is totally alienated and increasingly deranged

He takes wht he calls Addies, always making a point of telling his audience that THEY ARE PRECRIPTION. Dude is on adderall.

>I'm a quarter Jew
When did this happen?

Ostracized from Hollywood. He's better off.

Link or you're inauthentic and homosexual

He recently realized that he's only 1/8, and he's skeptical of the nature of Jews as a race anyway.

Not sifting through 40hrs of content looking for it. You are more than welcome to.

6'8" if true

Confirmed inauthentic and homosexual.
In any case, I know he has mentioned them. I think he's had them before, but he's definitely not currently taking addies. I know this because I'm 140+, as are my brother, dad, and grandpa, and it really only takes caffeine to make me seem like a maniac, even though I'm completely stable. Amphetamines also have certain permanent-ish effects on the brain, depending on the person.

He was fondled to within an inch of his life, was left with brutal, mustache-related scarring, got paid for his boipucci in one third of a Pedowood career, realized that no amount of material things fixed his sodomy-induced personality problems, and spent waaay too much of his time getting white call center kids fired

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he took too many redpills at once but now he is based and redpilled
just interviewed Gavin McInnes and the most based and righteous E Michael Jones
he has gone from blackpilled to redpilled to full on logospilled, if he keeps on this track he will start attending Latin Mass and will reached based and redpilled levels only achieved by Cardinal Fulton J Sheen

Boyhood. His best movie was the Bad News Bears remake.

Definitely taking adderall. Might not even be really over doing it, but taking enough to be erratic and moody

Faggots retard schizos like you that post his faggot face thinking we want him around

Is he really an homo?

nothing, it's just a sham to get them huwhite shekels

> high iq people don’t like being repetitive
> does the same show every day anyway

The logos bit definitely has to be added

Hes one hair away from full blown inssnity (idk how, hes quite in the maniacal schizoid disorder) and he looks like he is binging too much drugs lately.
The guy had a lit of chances and even sucked the right dicks at hollywood but his personality fucks everything it touches.

He lies about having a high IQ. He comes off as someone with an IQ around 110-120 max, and fucking definitely not 140-150. Where is the proof? Has he even mentioned how he knows what his IQ is? If he took a legitimate IQ test, he should have documentary evidence of his score. But, there is none because he is a faggot who is livestreaming his descent into insanity.

Lately Owen reminds me of when Charlie Sheen has his hilarious and public warlock mental breakdown on social media

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He sold out.

yo real talk what did you guys think of the e michael jones interview

who saw it live

Cannibal: The Musical is a great film tho

anyone who has to call themselves a comedian is so obviously compensating for their vacuous soul - he just needs to end himself for the sake of the galaxy

One billion Jews.

Damn, Chris-chan finally shaped up after the tranny saga.

Comedian was literally his profession. As crazy as the faggot is you can’t deny he’s funny as hell

he's not funny and americans lost their sense of humour after kennedy - zach galifianakis is the only comedian left in your "country"


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he thought it was 8 gay guys in a roller blading accident, instead of 1 billion. honest mistake, could happen to anyone.

There's a thin line between genius and insanity. There's no doubt he has a high IQ, but there's also no doubt he is insane.

as if bongistan has anything like a nick mullen

did he stop making videos after the NZ shooting, or was he banned? I haven't seen him lately

>The spherical Earth model just doesn't make sense. And scientists are gay. Like, it isn't hard to understand. Like, look, everywhere you go, the horizon stays flat. Right? I have an IQ of 306, I'm pretty smart. The word horizon comes from "horizontal", which means "level". And another thing is that, like, water always finds its level. Flat Earth people were telling me this for a long time and I made fun of them... gotta admit, I was pretty wrong on that one! I was like, "Water lacks sentience, how does it find its level?" But then I realized something, you guys, the water behaves in God's channel. Like, there's some heavy scientifical stuff happening with the way elements work. I noticed that when I was watching my son who I love–despite being a man–because men can love too! Yeah, I noticed, like, the beauty of youth, and like, how before atheists made everyone gay, we were all children who didn't believe in evolution or worry about stupid stuff like the big bang theory, which by the way isn't a fact but a theory. Big difference. OK, so like, we have facts, and theories are something totally different, like...


why isn't he shut down yet?

Post it. Funniest thing I’ve ever seen.

>I always thought the holocaust was three gay dudes in a rollerblading accident. I was wrong.

>>Toe Rogan is 5' 4"
oh shit... on the ron white podcast
>> that pig is 5'5" tall at the shoulder. that's like 3" taller than me! shorter! 3" shorter than me! i'm 5'8"!!!

this guy is a lot more like joe rogan than he realizes. his context can be funnier in the podcast style videos so they have to do that instead of being an actual stand up comedian. not hating because the guy has been on an excellent progression lately. interviewing EMJ is big. EMJ is a great example of a great catholic

You still have over 140 white blood cells left? That's good user, you probably still have a few months before the HIV kills ya.

he is, cant make money off of jewtube
all the superchats and donations of the past two months have been denied to him

ohhhh I see

I was wondering why I got a refund the other day. I gave him 5 bucks to make a chat.

>There's no doubt he has a high IQ
Fuck yes there is. Show me proof of his high IQ and why you are so convinced.

Anyone see the E Michael Jones interview? He looked at Owen as if he’s a retard all the way through.

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>> ID: fucking tool you are
i deserve that, for reblying to myself

You're literally a sodomite with no logos. I just built a fence today by hand, what did you do?

This comment is sponsored by toe rogan washing dishes

>look at how happy he is washing his little dishes
that shit makes me laugh everytime desu, that lil midget really is so happy

that is total bullshit. you can't confirm that from a neutral expression on a fucking skype video call. piss off britbong and get ready for bed time

Owen is a retard compared to E Michael Jones. Even retards can do good, however.

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>Believe me guys
>I have a high IQ

I like how you can make any emotional or anecdotal argument and say
>I have a high IQ
and everyone will believe you.

>> what went wrong?
Nothing. It all went right.

he did fine in his interview with EMJ. maybe started off weak but eventually settled right in. im actually fucking proud of owen benjamin. 3 months ago i was making fun of him on all of his shill threads. and owen proved me wrong. i wont talk shit about owen for a long time because of the EMJ interview.

>you can't confirm that from a neutral expression on a fucking skype video call.
Maybe you can’t but I can
>crossed arms
>looking down at him
He does this because Owen was basically telling EMJ what EMJ already knows.
Continue to seethe

EMJ just came back from a trip to east africa - kenya to be exact. you seriously think he looks down on owen benjamin after spending a week with blacks in africa

>Might wanna really soul search about why 109 countries have kicked you out. And it isn’t because people are “full of hate.” It’s because of the awful behavior and racial superiority complex coupled with all the wealth and unearned power.

i'm all for being edgy but this is sick, it sounds like he's having a mental breakdown and possibly a pedo

He wants that grammy from Ellen.


do u have a liocense for being edgy

If he had said 6 gorillian I might have had some respect...

EMJ isn’t racist.

right so i hope you carefully read my point i just made about why EMJ would look down on owen benjamin after being surrounded by that for a week

kek, I actually listened to that one.

But he isn’t racist you absolutely tool. He didn’t look down on them (he spoke very greatly of them in fact, didn’t you see?) and clearly not in this video.

Some of us aren't self-obsessed retards, some of us are.

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>I just thought the holocaust was 9 gay guys dying in a rollerblading accident
>but it turns out ONE BILLION jews died in the holocaust
>this is no joke
wtf I've lost all respect for OB1 now

How did he get passed orbit though? Knowing the surface is as hot as lava?
Why can’t we go back now?

Yeah this was cringey as fuck. EMJ was like wtf...

How did we*

I was the same. I ignored Owen for the longest time and wrote him off as yet another controlled opposition e-celeb. I began paying attention to him after the Hollywood Comedy Club crowd cast him out. He has earned my respect lately. He appears to be earnest in his attempts to ascertain and speak the truth even if it causes him financial losses. He certainly has character flaws, we all do, but overall he is walking a respectable path in life and he will inspire others to do the same.

even that adam green know more news guy is singing praises to owen benjamin. and that guy goes pretty hard on the JQ. it's nice to see people share our basically same opinion. thanks user

I just didn’t watch him because he’s just not funny, but then I saw him become redpilled then I was hooked. But after then his repetitive nature drove me away.

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His EMJ interview yesterday was pure KINO.