Im looking for a deep intricate conspiracy theory that will keep me from walking over the cliff something so red pill i...

im looking for a deep intricate conspiracy theory that will keep me from walking over the cliff something so red pill i will drop everything i have & chase that dragon until death

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earth is fake

JFK is already right in front of you.
There is nobody that can encompass all aspects and theories, only specialists in particular areas.

look into anatoly fomenko new chronology and then watch hours of this russian chicks videos

>flat earth
fake theory to hide the truth:
hollow earth

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North America is Atlantis.
White folks came from Atlantis.

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This reality is a holographic construct like a collective dream.

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Literally the flat earth.


Just listen to manly p hall, learn about vril, maria orsic, etc. Learn the truth and you'll feel free.

Undeniable proof of the identity of the lost tribes of Judea by Rosette Delacroix. On bitchute cause it's banned off of jootube...

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why are they shitty reporter

You. Are. God.

God is an infinite self-referential system and every subjective being is paradoxically both a part of it AND the whole thing.

I am God. You are God. We are God.

say this while on LSD godeeper

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Watch Ancient Aliens. I thought they were crazy but they actually rationalize a lot of their theories.

pretty much fullmetal alchemist GOD

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>Ancient Aliens

thats entry level shit

how to get pretty inner earth waifu???

tfw its just shills posting to other shills their shill psyops blasting diarrhea into the pot that used to be the truth community but it was killed by destroying the sandy hook narrative and now theyre all banned from jewtube and jewtube recently said they were removing all conspiracy videos yet despite how many times i click NOT INTERESTED on jewtube the recommended list is always filled with check marked shills shilling retarded tier flat earth shithead videos

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This is left-hand path bullshit. Satanists follow the same ideology that humans are the "Gods" and that you must focus on yourself only. Very self-centered ego driven nonsense. The right-hand path teaches that there is a universal power which is greater than us and must be tapped in order for us to reach our full potential.

Left handed path=kike satanists (illuminati sect of freemasonry)
Right handed path=Aryan Templars (rosicrucian sect of freemasonry)

whats going on here?

What about this?

this is god the universe & everything you return to this in death witth all your worldly sins STOICISM IS THE ONLY ANSWER

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Get into physics.
Reality is crazier than fiction.
Try to do something useful

I hope you didn't bite off more than you can chew.

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God is king. He created humanity and they rebelled against him and fell. Every day we lurch farther from him and closer to total degeneracy. In the midst of this he sent his very own son, who is also he himself, to be tortutured and killed by us as the penalty for our rebellion. On the third day he rose from the tomb, and after prophesying for a short while, returned to heaven, but sent the Holy Spirit to guide those who will accept the truth and the gift of Christ’s propitiation. Every principality and power, every demon, and every damned angel vies for the hearts of men to keep them stone cold. It is not hard. Our hearts are far from God and easily made greedy. The Jews especially were cursed and hence easily corrupted and began to follow Satan. But there are still many faithful. They built the west. And though we live in the evening of the west, perhaps even near dark, morning will come soon. You can be part of that. Chase it with every breath. Good day.

it doesn't matter what is out there THIS IS ENOUGH the goal now is to find a philosophy STOICISM that shows you that THIS IS ENOUGH

even if (((they))) break away they will never be fulfilled they will always be living in fear trying to get control over things you cant control & will end up merging with the AI losing everything believing they gaining control

Left handed path Right handed path
E8 is hell. We were put in E8 by jews but they accidentally trapped themselves in here with us. They think they can prophecy their way out when the reality of the situation is the only way out is to remove ALL life. It's time to extinguish the eternal flame of consciousness and reincarnation. Time to kill "God"

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holy shit, some of these sound hardcore