Milo evicted from Doral Florida townhouse

Milo Yiannopoulos and husband couldn't pay $4000/m rent.

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Who cares, he's a faggot


Daily reminder

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He lives an openly-gay flamboyant lifestyle. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't have any money.

Probably spends 1k a month on wine and cheese platters

That’s expensive.

Milo got killed by the media, however of all the people to take down he was one of the least important

>couldn't pay $4000/m rent.

Neither can most people. Fuck off elitist shill

>Probably spends 1k a month
He has proven himself to be a compulsive spender.

>Literally a Jewish faggot
Who. The. Fuck. Cares.

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I sympathize.

One of the very reasons why I sold everything I own and left the US this year was because absolutely nobody can be assed to fight or stand up for anything, and when you try to yourself, the same people and countrymen you are trying to protect are the first to stab you in the back and try to ruin your life. Why fight for such ungrateful, sppiled pieces of shit? If I was Donald Trump I would immediately leave the Presidency and retire with blow and hookers and tell the American public to go fuck themselves.

And a glownigger.

Has he tried to stop being poor? Then he wouldn't have to worry about all those costs.

he could try to stop being a faggot and maybe people would want to protect him then

a gay conservative is like a generous jew. Its inherently a contradiction


So sad.
If somebody put a bullet in this creep I would laugh.

Isn't he a pedo appologist?
If he wants to know why he was "betrayed" he should look at some of the stuff he has said.

scammed a bunch of people out of money and couldnt budget it properly?

>queer Jew coalburner """conservative""" gets no support
Aww diddums.

attentionwhore coal burning faggot wants to larp as a conservative. eat shit.

>he was one of the least important
He was the deplatforming test case zero. When it worked on him they rolled out the program worldwide.

can Jow Forums get him deported back to engfag?

Why did you choose Vietnam?

He might have to tap into the White scholarship fund soon.

If Milo had been pro-white or at least not counter signaled us, I might have cared when he got taken out as if he was one of us. .

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provide source faggot.


Eat shit and die you plagued infested faggot

>Isn't he a pedo appologist?
Not really.

Goddamnit the fags are going to ruin Doral

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He's such a narcissist it makes me sick listening to him speak.

Milo ein frontsoldat

You're not wrong.

>caring about a Jew faggot
He was a subversive agent. Glad to see him going broke.

>change requires sacrifice
>having a million dollar lifestyle edgelording
>falls from grace with this pedo comments
>is basically selling himself out as an escort
>"value" based revolution

C'mon guys we need to set up a go fund me. Milo is our greatest weapon against the marxist sjw feminist elite. We need to fund his extravagent lifestyle!

PS did he ever grant that white privilege scholarship?

It's Jim Webb

whitey's goin down
largely deserves it
awful culture
would rather one up, fuck you up, and lord it over you
total jews
im not sure but im pretty sure this started with my own gen x

That's because you're an inherently lazy de-motivated millenial. Learn to work for you what you want, put in real effort and stop running away every time it gets too "difficult." While you're at it, learn what's worth fighting for. Look around at the liberals who are mad as hell at Trump and fighting tooth and nail for what they had stolen from them. Learn from that.

He was the MC Hammer of the whole MAGA thing. Most people manage to make their 15 minutes a profitable one.

>gets millions
>assumes gravy train will go on forever
>spends millions on stupid shit instead of saving/investing and being able to be NEET for the rest of his life

I fucking hate this Milo guy.

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He destroyed himself by being a typical faggot. Over indulgent lifestyle eventually caught up with him, killing his wealth and ability to earn.

He can't manage money and he's cohabitating with a nigger and niggers can't manage money either. Speaking of which does his so called husband even have a job?

I too, sympathize.
Jokes aside Milo put a fair bit on the line and he's a damn side more interesting to listen to than Ben Shapiro who seems to be occupying his niche. Also, his self deprecating jokes just got too annoying. I hope he bounces back though.

>"the same people and countrymen you are trying to protect are the first to stab you in the back and try to ruin your life"

Is so often true. How many times have we seen something controversial happen, and parties/politicians who say they're on the right stab one another to try and morally appeal to leftists who hate their fucking guts but know they're susceptible to outrage culture?

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