Christianity is truth
Christianity is truth
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>Christianity is truth
only due to equality regime where even war equals peace, freedom equals slavery, people equal pervertariat monsters, lies or anything your not careful heart desires equals truth, etc.
Pick up a history book.
Cringe bro
Cringe bro
Nope. And weebs get the rope
Cringe bro
>a religion that hates both spirituality and science with jewish roots is the truth.
The absolute state of christkikes.
Cringe bro
Jesus is God, and God criticized the Rabbinic Jews heavily
it's not about the messenger but the message
love and forgive
Cringe bro
Every retarded cultist thinks his cult is "da troof".
Cringe bro
>Just don't ask us to prove any of the truth
Cringe bro
Jesus is truth personified
What a well thought out, comprehensive counterargument.
Not proof.
You should read the bible, in Original German
When will you slay them as a neo-crusader?
Also, why so many shills from leftypol? I just saw a "Christianity is socialism! Join us!" thread, this is exactly what their plan is.
> well thought out, comprehensive counterarguments
>Jow Forums
After a year of two you just kinda loose the drive innit?
I mean, an hour's work just for the thread to be catalogued.
I haven't been on here for quite awile, but I'm just gonna go on a limb here an assume you haven't read most of the Bible let alone some basic christian literature, as is the case with most of the people in this thread.
If you're interested in good book recommendations hit me up doe
>in Original German
I had no idea all of this shit is supposed to have happened in Germany. Could've sworn it was in the middle east.
>user says Jesus is truth
>doesn't backs his "claim"
>retard comes and say he is "wrong"
>also not bringing any evidence of it
The New Testament was written in Greek, the language of the ancient nordics
It's on the one claiming the several thousand year old heresay is actual fact to prove his claims first.
" I am the way, the truth, and the light, nobody can come to my Father except through me" John 14:6
And what if any of those groups is actually right? You've intentionally narrowed your perspective.
>they all claims to be right, therefore they're all wrong
>B-but the book says
Every single fucking time.
Remove the book and you all have NOTHING.
posts like this are why I don't go on Jow Forums anymore
can't handle the bants
You whom? I'm supporting you, your flag is from Malta right? Therefore I assume you must be a templar or something.
I don't know german, can I read it in portuguese or english?
nah, I don't have the honor, discerning joining the dominicans tho.
Summa Contra Gentiles by Thomas Aquinas is a good start.
The works of the Scholastics and the Saints are all recommended tho
Christianity is weak. Christians cant accomplish anything except bringing in more niggers into their country and religion.
And I thought Time Cube was the craziest site on the internet.
>is a deductive fallacy of circularity where the person in question simply refuses to believe the argument, ignoring any evidence given
There has to have been evidence presented to begin with for me to have ignored it.
You're retarded, the text says he isn't sure he is Christian, why do you think he is a pagan? For using a fucking symbol? If I use the symbol of the red cross does it make me a medic?
„Jesus spricht zu ihm: Ich bin der Weg und die Wahrheit und das Leben; niemand kommt zum Vater denn durch mich.“
Johannes 14, 6
The book is evidence, you refused it.
>leftypol meme
You don't belong here.
People like to forget that the bible is literally a source-work
Christianity is for Jewish slaves.
>The book is evidence
The fucking book is NOT evidence of fucking anything except historical fiction having existed well before the term describing it.
Is "180 days of Sodom" evidence of life in the 1700s?
I'm afraid to say your reasoning is quite flawed Brazil user.
Although I as well believe the Bible to be divinely inspired, to quote it to those who do not consider it to be as such will not bring them to the faith.
To the American user who thirsts for truth, I again recommend that he read Contra Gentiles.
My little pic to the side is kind of a preview to what it consists of.
>literally a source-work
>talking snakes
>lions asking for baptism
You all like to be so fucking selective about what gets taken as fact & what doesn't.
If you can dismiss part, you can dismiss all.
Hmm let me see. From infinitychan. Wearing 2 pagan symbols around his neck from prechristian europe. Having the balls to kill 50 shitskins. More than any (((christian))) did for us in the past 200 years.
If the bible says snakes talked and lions asked for baptism, and it was not a metaphor, then it is truth. The bible is truth.
>who thirsts for truth
I was raised evangelist.
I see all the truth there is in the world every day.
What I don't & have never seen in any of it is a benevolent God. I only see a fucking psychopath who gets off on torturing his Sims.
The book is the claim, retard.
>leftypol meme
I don't go to leftypol or cripplechan in general. How do you know it's from there? Take your own suggestion, you controlled subhuman.
>Ww2 didn't happen, there's only books about it
>Romans didn't exist, there's only writings of "their language"
The question is not to bring faith, it's evidence and he is refusing it because "muh fiction!"
>I'm going to dismiss a book because it contains something fantastical
>Rome is totally historical, the god Mars made the children and they were abandoned and a fucking wolf fed them, heil!
>damage control
>The bible is truth
>God is omnipotent
>God is omniscient
>somehow free will exists despite the fact that he clearly knew about shit like baby rape before anything was ever created
>and he purposely left all that shit in the formula, yet sees fit to punish us for shit he refused to stop
Feeling God's love.
Of course you were raised by Heretical Judaisers, in fact if it brings you any solace, you are not alone.
But I insist that you desire that which is Good within your heart, for it is the very state of man.
Just as Saint Thomas said, we must use Fides et ratio, faith and reason, to discern the truth.
Which is why I again recommend you read Contra Gentiles.
Think about this, if your inquiries are so true, than surely some Friar from the middle ages couldn't possibly come up with good counter-arguments.
>What I don't & have never seen in any of it is a benevolent God. I only see a fucking psychopath who gets off on torturing his Sims.
Then you are misguided. God is furious for the sins committed by man, he does not get off it.
The only one that is for is are the Satanists, who mask themselves behind names like Feminism, Marxism, Freemasonry, Judaism
Your "doubts" have already been answered, if you didn't read about shit why the fuck are you claiming your questions are evidence of anything?
The debate here is whether the Bible is true, your error is that you assume this to be an axiom to a different debate on a different subject.
Your Miscommunication leads you to begging the question.
>Got caught
>muh damage control
Back to r/christianity or whatever shithole you came from.
>The bible is truth
Its fucking hilarious that christcucks try to claim another when he was a pagan.
>I was raised evangelist
So did I, so what? I'm an Orthodox Catholic Christian today after going through Atheism, Protestantism and Catholicism and almost falling for Islam when I was an atheist. Your claims on being stupid because of your raising are far from the actual reason you're dumb. You didn't research shit.
Jews are pagan, they are nonbelievers
They deny the Godhood Jesu Chrisi
No, and the Bible isn't reliable. Jewsus Kike won't save your soul, user, it's destroying it.
>it's true because jewipedia says it
You can't be this dumb.
muslim rapebaby
> God is furious
yeah m8 if he was he would have destroyed everything already. We are supposedly worse then Sodom and Gomorrah. Jesus is a kike jewish fairy tales.
>a fictional kike is the truth
Stay ignorant, NPChristian.
>he was he would have destroyed everything already
He already did once, and decided to not do it ever again.
wh*Te dog
Straight out of pagan takes
>decided to not do it ever again
lol yeah im sure thats what it is.
>jews are pagan
Christianity is a sect of judaism created by jews with Jewish beliefs.
Then why did the jews kill jesus
lol im pretty sure hes christian
he was a jew trying to outjew the other jews
Well he is going to do it again, and by the way things are looking throughout the world I'd say it's sooner than people think.
Source for waifu
im pretty sure that it defeats the purpose for a nigger to worship a bunch of white tribal gods. However christianity is very pro-multiculturalism.
don't think so they've been saying this sort of shit since forever makes no difference.
>ignoring the pagan tatoo on his shoulder
jewsus doesn't exist