You fags want the truth?

You fags want the truth?

Whats up im a (((them))) insider aka im a fucking illuminati insider.

Lets just say that 99.99% of you faggots are completely off of our trail and you have no fucking clue whats going on. Pretty much all of our devisive bullshit we put out you eat up both sides of the narrative. Every. Fucking. Time. Heres the funny part, we dont hide anything. We are 100% transparant and you guys are too retarded to even notice.

You guys want some red fucking pills? Stop pretending like you fucking know shit when you crossanalyzing the mainstream media vs Jow Forums. How retarded are you guys, really?

Heres a taste:
>We already have a 1 world government
>We have nanotech in each 1 of you faggots
>We have cures to every disease
>We can hop in our ufos and leave earth whenever the fuck we please
>We have you all left in the fuckong stone age with no plan to update you
>We use you as slaves of your own freewill and you keep playing our retarded game WILLINGLY

Ask me whatever if you dare fucking cucks

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How about some proof


can you provide proofs?
that's what i thought you fucking faggot

Proof of what faglord? You think i have a brand or some shit?

Why you such a faggot?

Attached: 4hrUgtO.png (167x257, 84K)

how gay are you

What branch are you apart of?

i'll take 'shit that didn't happen' for 200 alex