closing out all my credit card debts, giving half of the 1000 to my parents so I can live in the house, and going back to college and get a degree on computer science and business. Probably invest every single penny left on the stock market since being a full time student allows you to have schedules that will allow you to participate on it.
Zachary Baker
How Andrew Yang Could Win The 2020 Democratic Primary
>whites won't use their yanbux wisel- meanwhile tyrones already blown his paycheck in the first day buying a pair of jordans and will now starve to death the rest of the month.
Hey guys, im that new meme yang gang from the last thread. Anyway, I found my hat. My hat is my meme and my meme is my hat. You could put my hat on a literal piece of shit and it will be a fresh new yang gang meme. Based!
Still, I'm sick and tired of my current state, and I'm the turning point of doing just what I said. By the time Yang is president I will already be in college again since I'm calculating my spending and shit and have a 3 month plan to finish off paying my credit cards.
>what ye fellas spendin ye bags on Methamphetamine
Samuel Miller
Wow you are very kind, caring about the state of the economy that your replacements will inherit. You're a much nicer man than I. I just want it to burn to the ground.
No you won't. I know a ton of well-meaning brownies like yourself. You always want to get back on track but you don't have the self discipline to do it. By 2021 you won't be in college.
Jayden Clark
Luis Wood
if you tax all american jews 100 percent (please) that still wont be enough to pay everyone 12k so where will the rest of the money come from white people just admit it, you dont actually hate jews and dont give a shit about white people
If there weren’t a long trail of evidence, you wouldn’t be trying to deflect every time. Discord faggots are never careful enough to actually get away with their faggotry.
I still have yet to see Yangtards explain how he will push his $1k a month through Congress. These post millennial roach retards are literally hanging their entire arguments on >muh free $1,000 a month but when you ask them how he plans to actually accomplish this feat with Congress .
Like most post millennial retards they have toddler level intelligence when it comes to basic economics and civics. The intelligence of these retards has literally devolved to nigger tier.
Democrats will be for because gibs, enough republicans who represent rural areas will want to not stand in the way of the rejuvenation of their communities to pass it. Anyone from rural or small town America knows Yang speaks the truth about automation and our economy.
There's a beautiful cycle going on right now >YangTards steal pro Trump memes >YangTards make worse versions of them >Trump supporters are reminded the forgotten meme exists and make yet another, better version
Yes, he's JUST LIKE DRUMPF except instead of only wanting to ban bump stocks, he also wants: >high capacity magazine ban >federal gun registry (like the one being used in NZ to cancel licenses right now) >tiered licensing w/1+ YEAR long waiting periods for rifles So just like DRUMPF + 1000 right
Anthony Rivera
Yeah fuck that. Y'all can shove that 1K a month up your ass while I keep my rights. Also, fuck the NRA.
Matthew Cox
we can smell Jow ForumsThe_Donald from here, MIGApede shill.
Yang threads are getting too low-energy now. The better memesters all seem to be gone, now it’s just reaction garbage and constant MUH MIGAPEDE lines, I never thought the campaign would die in such a short time, but we can now declare it dead.
I was called a MIGApede shill by a traitorous commie sympathizer who insists I surrender to the left! how will I ever recover? I just hope he doesn't call me a Boomer next
There is a reason Chapo fags hate him and it's because to get the Republicans on board he will have to abolish welfare and replace it with essentially a flat tax.
1 issue gun voters are so retarded. you don't care that the economic system is failing, our country is dying. you just want to keep shooting soda cans in your back yard. fucking grow up losers.
David Wright
I'm reading that first time gun owners won't be able to purchase automatic weapons, people who already own guns get grandfathered in,and there's a tax credit for gun ownership with a clean criminal record. Looks like a compromise to me. I may not agree on it but I'll take it if the alternative is total banning. I'd prefer no infringement whatsoever, but I don't think that's realistic going forward. Don't get fidgety though, 2020 is a long way away and he doesn't seem unreasonable on gun rights. Send a well thought out, polite email regarding your concerns.
Christian Nelson
People already talked about it on twitter with him. The fact that he's open to "compromise" (aka milquetoast legislation) as a Dem is significant. Whether he will cuck on it going forward will largely depend on how much right-wing support he gets, I imagine. If he has cross-party appeal he'll think twice about going anti-gun.
>Guys we need to let society collapse on itself to protect the guns we'll need when society collapses on itself.
Noah Price
>>I don't like commie & their sympathizers >>I don't like people who want to use courtpacking schemes to add "progressive judges" to SCOTUS >>I don't like people who want to limit my access to firearms >>I don't like people who will fight for amnesty for all illegals >>I don't like people who will fight for a path to citizenship & think 5 a year wait beyond the traitorous Gang of Eight bill is them "earning it" >LOL HE ACTUALLY HAS RIGHT WING BELIEFS... WHAT A LOSER Ok?
no one gives a fuck about your faggot "right-wing" politics. we never gave a shit about being right-wing. go join TalkingGoysUSA if you care about that garbage. we always did it for the lulz and these days the lulz come at the expense of Trump and his retarded Israel cocksucking supporters.
A Dem President in 2020 will be seen as a repudiation of Trumpism and will bring a massive Dem downticket with him None of his stances or need for support from a tiny percentage of right wingers is going to matter if he gets his way, which includes permanently increasing the count of SCOTUS judges. He is afraid of white people, especially a dispossessed white population, & wants to coddle them with cash as he defangs them
>12 posts from this shill pretending /pol is pro commie pro-amnesty and anti-white Yes, we're almost convinced. Just say "charlie kirk", "the_donald" and "MIGApede" a few more times