Only in America you can become a congressman and the darling of the Democratic Party with a background of being a bar...

Only in America you can become a congressman and the darling of the Democratic Party with a background of being a bar tender.

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Didn't Trudeau have a bunch of meme jobs before becoming pm of canuckia?

So ugly
I don't get how the shills on Jow Forums are obsessed with her
I'd rather fuck a gyspy

But his father was a politician who was well liked.

This bitch is a no one.

Because she has khazar milkers

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>Because she has khazar milkers

plus the fact she's a liberal millennial slag means there's basically a 100% chance she has nudes that get leaked in the next fappening

that's a good thing, it means that politics aren't solely reserved to the ruling elite.

beside, why would being in the struggling middle class be a negative to her character, if anything it makes her more relatable.

>leaked AOC nudes

My dick can’t wait

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that isn't really a problem. i think it's good that common people can get into government. the problem is that aoc is a tard.