Hello fellow anons, I have been seeing a lot of stuff on Jow Forums lately sympathizing with the actions of the NZ shooter. I was wondering how many of you truly sympathize and endorse his actions, and how many of you are just trolling or shitposting? And how can you feasibly defend his actions? I would like to get a rough idea of the amount of extremist radicalism on this board.
Hello fellow anons...
Benjamin Hall
Other urls found in this thread:
Brody Lee
>user trolling as a glownigger
Samuel Rodriguez
There are so many layers of bullshit nowadays
Justin Mitchell
Learn 2 code.
Carson Myers
This is a board of peace. Pic related
Matthew Gutierrez
Why would I ever emphasize with and support the actions of a kike agent being puppetiered by Mossad?
Jose Green
It was a fake false flag created by mossad. How come no damage done by rounds? Seasoned
Noah Young
This thread is not attracting nearly the amount of attention I was hoping it would attract
Liam Reed
>leon muks man bad
Lincoln Bennett
>no one truly likes manlets