How can we stop political correctness?

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Other urls found in this thread:

we chill out and listen to Aphex Twin

By telling racists jokes again ,and ignoring the reee's of SJW's


Honk the gay away

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That symbol looks like a modified nebula b frigate from tie fighter

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Political correctness is the Whitest thing in the world. I'm not stopping being politically correct because I'm not a Nigger. Only a Nigger would stop being politically correct and I'm white, so I'm politically correct.


I want some milk from the milkman's wife's tits.

Take women's rights away

Also, I love Aphex Twin

what the fuck is that weird dick grab thing you posted?

the thing in the middle is obviously a penis with balls so the other 2 are legs?


By impeaching Drumpf. He's a crybaby and Drumpfkins are the REAL snowflakes
Triggered, Drumpfkins?

ignore it

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For me it's Geogaddi, the most redpilled album ever made

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Seize communication, misinformation and straight up murder.
Let us out to play again America pls.

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>how can we stop political corr(...)

Ah, a thread on political corruption, nice! I would love to discuss this serious issue that may help us solve the issue of corruption in our governments!


Goddamnit. Just say nigger and make jokes great again.

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Honestly, if women started pity fucking beta males again, none of this would even be a problem

Help to push it to such extremes that everyone can see the illogical fallicies behind it...All Aboard The Train To Clown World... Honk Honk

Anyone here going to see Aphex Twin in NYC next month? I can't wait. The last time I saw him live was in 1996.

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>listen to boards of canada and aphex twin a lot while playing WoW from vanilla to WOTLK
>get fond memories of playing WoW with friends when listening to them again
I'm okay with this.


where is the testicle sack visible in the OP?

samefagging so hard wtf. L

Your ID is freaky

Aphex Twin

I must of hit a nerve, the shill is trying to get me from refrain from posting.
Unfortunately for you jew, I can make as many posts as I like and there's nothing your kike ass can do about it

Criminalizing doxxing by the left wing. If people aren't allowed to get others fired or kicked out of school or kicked out of their home for being politically incorrect, you won't see that sentiment take hold off the internet either.

Look at the war on drugs. The point wasn't getting rid of drugs, it was having a reason to go after the poor and black. Now the focus doesn't need to be on the poor or black so much as it does antifa. Antifa being vocal, putting out calls to action, deplatforming, doxxing, ruining lives...that's what's making it harder for those who are not PC to continue being un-PC, and easier for others to go after those who aren't PC. Cut off the head and the rest will fall - the head is the antifa twitter, facebook, etc. accounts. Make it so that if you doxx with the intent of getting someone messed up in their real life, you go to jail, you come out you can't vote and you're not allowed to participate in any political activity once you're out, including counter-protesting, participating in leftist discords...even calling up someone's job and saying "hey, you know that guy working for you's a nazi" needs to in and of itself be criminal.

If it's illegal to attack those who are against being politically correct, then we can stop political correctness.
I think Jow Forums would like the extended version of Windowlicker.

You can't stop it. It just gets worse

"I can make as many posts as I like and there's nothing your kike ass can do about it"...Praise Jow Forums!!! Praise the Constitution!!! Praise KeK!!!

>put on some aphex twin
>open Jow Forums
>see aphex twin
good thread.
Check out his latest EP: COLLAPSE. it's nice.

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Hail Hitler!

Revolt and enact a constitution with freedom of expression.

Damn, I guess it was my samefagging tat kept this thread going


Why is it that normies only listen to overrated shit electronic music like Aphex Twin and Boards of Canada? These people will be among the first who are gassed.

Why do you hate mashed potatoes user?

>why do normies only listen to famous artists
idk man

Based old album

I was a raver back in the day daze.

Back in the early 70’s I was a wee lad and I remember reading the cover of a magazine and asking my uncle what it meant when it read ‘political correctness’. My uncle said that means something ‘approved by the Jews’. He was serious and I thought wow that is bad...little did I know Uncle Ed was so right.
Little we can do now actually...they control too much.

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Not liking Aphex Twin is one of the biggest pleb filters of all time.
what do you listen to?

Wear Gestapo uniforms in public and gas anyone with degenerate thoughts.

Hipster mentality
> I'm the only one who can like this micro (brand/brewery/hairstyle/moustachewax/transgenderketaminedealer/tvshow/rickandmorty/anallubricant) because I knew it first and everyone else you likes it is just pretending to be cool and edgy like me.


p.s. any cunt who uses the phrase 'normie' is, ironically, pretty fucking normal.

Just let the left keep pushing it. There will come a point when even the most liberal, open-minded people have had enough. I can tell you from personal experience that almost nobody thinks transgenders are normal, for example.
Check out Faex Optim and Boreal Network if you like BoC.

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