Would you vote for Tucker if he ran for president?

Would you vote for Tucker if he ran for president?

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Yes but only if he has Coulter as his VP. Unfortunately I don't think he will run and I highly doubt a White person will be president in the usa ever again.

I think he could win. Although Coulter as his VP would make him look less serious, even if there were benefits to it.

yes but only if ted cruz is his vice delegate

In a sane world, he would definitely win but we're far from a sane world. Also really depends on when he would be running, 2020 to primary Trump from the right yeah maybe, in 2024 definitely not. Boomers are starting to die off in higer numbers, Whites are killing themselves with drugs at record numbers, more and more non Whites will be eligible to vote and there will be a major push for amnesty for the 40 million + illegals in the country and Trump will probably cuck and give it to them. Not looking good politically tbqh.

I'm not 100% sold on this idea that 2024 is the end. Even with record turnout, only 49% of the total electorate voted in the midterms. No matter how hard the democrats try, it's really hard to get animals to vote. If whites are energized and feel alienated enough, it'll be the remaining angry whites vs. the few shitskins who turn out to vote.

if she showed his power lvl maybe

No, he looks confused too often.

I will only vote for a politician if they name the Jew.

Only if he guaranteed a return on investment for all the goybucks we've forked over to Israel.

Where is the benefit? Don't give me muh middle eastern democracy bullshit. That's not a tangible return. I want hard cold cash.

True non Whites are less likely to vote but there is a push to make voting even easier. California democrats started doing ballot harvesting in the primaries and that increases the ease for the people in their party to vote, no doubt they'll put the technique to use on a national scale in the battle ground states. Also the media will constantly remind people to go out and vote. Obviously anything can happen but it's mainly up to the left to lose it by running a shitty candidate.

So vote Patrick Little.
Or do fucking anything you can to promote him, if you ever want your country back.

Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers


I would honestly be okay with just ending all foreign aid and calling it a day. It sounds more like something we could actually see in our lifetime.

You can push to make it as easy as you want, but at the end of the day, you still have to have that impetus to actually turn out and stand in line. I've hypothesized, for a long time, that civic participation is in whites' blood and that the average nonwhite is not inclined to understand it. Seriously, name a nonauthoritarian (liberal), nonwhite, high HDI country besides Japan (that isn't an island with a few thousand people).

*Midterms, not primaries

You actually don't have to stand in line though. You can mail your vote in or have someone take your absentee ballot in. That's what ballot harvesting is.

He was a liberal when he worked for a liberal outlet and he's a Conservative now that he works for a "Conservative" outlet.

He's a mercenary, a millionaire mercenary who works for billionaires.

Yes. Not even a hesitate.

I will only vote in exchange for cash in hand

I like coulter but having her as vp is an awful idea. She is a pundit and more importantly shes a female

Fuck yes
He is the most uncuckable man on the planet

>He's a mercenary, a millionaire mercenary who works for billionaires.
>That (((Now This))) horse shit line
He's the only person in the mainstream on both the left and the right that advocates for anything resembling third position politics. He's mass-popularizing criticism of both capitalism and corporatism to a huge audience of right wingers in America. If he's working to promote billionaire interests, he's sure doing a shit job at it.


>ITT: boomers
He's just reading a teleprompter, retards. Might as well elect Hugh Laurie to be your doctor. News anchors are just actors being paid to read scripts live.

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Yeah I agree that women shouldn't be in office but she's got a better world view and more conviction than the majority of the men in the mainstream. If there was a male who wouldn't cuck out then definitely but even Steve king disavowed his own comments and voted to take away power from himself. Ann doesn't cuck and that's reason enough for me.

Do you actually have any proof that his show is written by someone else? All the transcripts of his programs are published on Fox and attributed to him. His positions are so different and even sometimes contradictory to the other personalities on the network.

Yes. Tell your boss to run, Mr. Daily Caller reporter.

Isn't his fortune inherited because his mom was some kind of trophy wife?

Yeah I Like his ideology

How fast or slow the decline happens is based on how fast whites align with one party. If whites are a solid 40% of the country, but they vote as a bloc, like how blacks do, all that really would need to be done to win elections would be peeling away the 15-20% of shitskins that are smart enough to vote republican (an entirely reasonable task, as it already happens now). Basically the goal for the republican party should be to get its white numbers from 60% to 90%,

>Do you actually have any proof that his show is written by someone else?
Yes. Just like " The Daily Show" and every other network opinion news shows they have huge teams of writers/directors/producers puppeteering and coordinating every detail. He is paid to read what they tell him too. They all are.

He knows nothing about what he's going to be talking about until a meeting before the show and he has no creative input other than how he goes about expressing the opinions they tell him to recite.

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In a world where it doesn't matter what you say but how you say it he would not win. It's as simple as that. It doesn't matter how right he is on a subject he would not win a presidential debate. The fact that Hillary got 50% of the american vote proves it doesn't matter what bullshit you spout. And honestly we don't need a weak candidate.

His father was a Russian liaison officer/journalist hence his hardon for Trump and his anticapitalism stance.

He is unironic NatSoc

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>So vote Patrick Little.

sigh, this bs again?
You guys are such brainlets. What you're saying is: "I will only vote for a candidate that will explicitly hold a position that makes them unelectable."

yes, but my preferred ticket is tulsi/tucker

Can't so I wouldn't
Would if I could

I would like to know how he gets his hair to do that, the nice little swoops

Tucker is just another talking head on the MSM. He talks occasionally about 'the globalists' but doesn't suggest any blatently obvious ways to deal with them. (what a shock)

If America wanted to deal with globalist multinational corporations hurting the country then start by clamping down on tax havens. Anything else is drivel. Tucker won't say that because his target audience of geezers think taxing corporations is a sin.