Tick tock wh*Toids

Tick tock wh*Toids

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Why do bongs tolerate this?
Why isn't there outrage?

Cause jail sucks......

outrage is not granted to the queen's property

>tfw you're born just in time to witness a once proud kingdom.

South Africa 2.0

Just loicense revocation as usual.

is it 2017 again?

The country's finished. Nobody gives a fuck. We deserve to burn desu.

It was you, LITERALLY YOU, who created this in the first place you fag

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You can’t racially dickscriminate angainst whyppo

Then go out in a blaze of glory not a whimper in the night.

How did Britain get even worse than us with this shit?

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Because we're the only Anglos without the subject mindset. They want to be serfs. It's what they know.

if you would ever want to be part of a goon squad, you're already worse than a nigger - you're the niggest
living trash
barely human


We'll start our own Police force faggots. Then we'll arrest you.

They're wasting their healthy outrage on football hooliganism.
That energy should be used for lynching. Spectator sports and the culture around them are a BIG blue pill.

What did the shills mean by this?

I feel disgusted when I see how much energy they put into soccer. Couldn't they put a tenth of that energy into holding their politicians accountable?

This is what will happen.

holy shit this. We could be living on mars with that + the the money F1 spunks up the wall.

The sports fans here aren't as intense but they're still glued to the talmudvision, and their beer and weed. Just live miserable lives that they try to get away from once in a while, while everything gets worse.

Outrage is against the law

Perfect. More acceleration for the race war keep it coming

A friend of mine was telling me that years ago in Vancouver he knew an Indian that lost his job but knew many of the Indian's that work in the bus terminals cleaning and driving bus. They wouldn't hire the fellow paki because he knew too many white people.
I believe some day there will be exploding bus's during rush hour traffic.

Look on the bright side faggot, Once niggers get all the positions of power and prove their inferiority to whites like in SA they will Fight back!

What the hell, what is wrong with britbongistan? every news articles I see about looks like an onion article.

Yes, this isn't racial discrimination AT ALL.


Police is like 90% white men. Population is 40% white men.

Remind me again why this is a bad thing.

>says the goyim while paying 35 billion to Israel

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>yes blame the American people for what zog did to you yess turn on your brothers and kill them again for us

You need a license for outrage which unfortunately for most white men, is strictly prohibited.

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Honestly at this point the EU is going to be better without UK in it. Pls leave soon.

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>rejecting candidates outright solely on a racial basis
Remind me how this isn't blatant racism.

>Population is 40% white men
>rejecting MINORITY candidates solely on a racial basis

How can the population be represented by a 90% white, stale and male police force? We need youthful and vibrant POC and women to get a diverse range of perspectives to help us police better.

it's about time. we need to ban white men from breeding t-
oh wait that's not necessary, you're already dying off lmfao

Lol ANglo r ded

diversity is our strength

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The Great Replacement, according to jews:

You lot literally have no idea how bad shit really is in Britain. The average Brit unironically believes that every single White person is an affront to the world and worship blacks and muslims as idols. Every time something like in the Ops pic happens it's cheered on by the native population. People that disagree with it are needles in the haystack.

it's true, I went to bed white and woke up Islamic

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Phone the police and report it as a hatecrime

who fucking cares you fucking waste of life, obviously shitskins don't not want to uphold the law when they're the ones breaking it most of the time.

>Once niggers get all the positions of power and prove their inferiority to whites like in SA they will Fight back!
LOL no that will never happen, this country will just end up full of nothing but mystery meat mulattos everywhere with tiny White minorities in the countryside being pogromd on the regular by said mulatto mystery meats.

Wales will be fine

Because Police needs to pick from the best candidates not have affirmative action

might as well be hournary israelis at this point desu not like we're any better tho

Nah they'll take all your sheep and then you'll end up like the Irish but with a mutton/lamb famine instead.


yes, anti-white policies are simply a conspiracy theory

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they're too busy killing each other over soccer

Is there many muzzies in wales? Would have thought they would swarm there for the sheep pussy
goats, sheep not much difference

Mate, that pig just btfod a bunch of npcs pigs who were sucking up to the leftist faggot.

Cops are seeing all of this progressive shit come through the police force, do you think we don't have based and right wing cops over here or something?

He's clearly right wing.

>Pretty much states he's a centrist
>He's clearly right wing

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Go to the DMV or city or county tax office and tell me this doesn't already occur in the US.

I might be getting mixed up with another case, but there was outrage and they got told they couldn't discriminate like this.

This measure is made so the shitskin police won't have any remorse when beating the real anglos when they wake up.

>when they wake up.
Will never happen outside the realms of fiction.


us= jewish dick suckers.

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I didn't know US embassies had the power to brainwash an entire nation and control its immigration policies and straight up make all white men ethnomasochists

Oh wait

They can't

i hope you'll do though, faggot.
we need to all make it together.
the pigs fleeing when they were rushed by tommy's guys was quite fun.

Do u got a license for that white skin m8?

Why doesn't someone doxx the man who made that decision like they did with Tucker? Britbongs come on now it's not that hard

It wasn't us. It was our ZOG

Working class scum cant afford the outrage loicense

Why do Americans tolerate their chief of police are mostly black?

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people in Europe wont risk jail time to defend themselves and their culture? lmao Euro jail is like a fucking 3 star hotel.

Thank God my ancestors had the balls to leave that place.

They do. If they don’t comply they get (((sanctioned))) until they starve, then we state that we recognize someone else as their leader, send guns, then invade. Have you not paid attention to the last 50 years?

Just come to Florida Britbongs, there’s a lot of you here already and you’re pretty chill to have a drink with. You just have to get past the heat and fact it’s Florida, we got no state taxes over here so it’s rather affordable compared to large portions of the US in many regards.

Also our tourism industry is thriving, all the major parks have gotten large and popular expansions recently, with more on the way, so there’s money in the economy.

Oh and you won’t get fucking cucked by the hordes Muslims headed your way lol.

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>estonians cry bloody tears about russians living among them and do everything they can to ostracize them
>but when daddy eu tells its time to suck some nigger cock they stand on their knees
will be funny to watch their tiny population blackening and perishing faster than paper on fire

I guarantee he’s arrested more black dudes than other white officers, black cops tend to be far harder one the black community as they are privy to their internal problems more than anyone else.

Hope all you want it will never happen.
If the government put out a message asking all native Brits to proceed to the nearest death camp for their extermination the majority would go and queue up outside the gates.

>be white
>apply to coppers
>identify as female
>select other as race

Checkmate kikes

The Cubans there are pretty based

lol nigga i paid $0 in federal taxes and got over $9,000 back this year

Someone sue them and make a fuck ton of kash

Oh yeah and it’s largely conservative outside of Orlando, but Orlando proper is a shithole ghetto so no surpirse.

Because women don't want to be police officers, and minorities don't want to get a job. Fuck off cunt.

I’d rather hang out with a dozen nigs than one Muslim

You mean deported.

> No whites allowed on the transport police force

Uhhhh, you know that they're gearing up to kill you right?

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It'll be bloodier than south Africa.