I like you very much and I want to get to know you better with the intent of eventually forming a complete...

>I like you very much and I want to get to know you better with the intent of eventually forming a complete, compromised and loving relationship

>no reply

help me bros, what am I doing wrong.....? cant a man be fucking honest?

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wrong board.

dont ever say what you said over text

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Lol you could've been hitting up your local Aldi clerk for all we know

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Females are fucked in the head. They want the guy who can't give them what you put in that text.

whats wrong with text, cant she be understanding on my anxiety? women cant expect a good guy and also acts like a chad

is one or the other ladies, if she gave me chance to get comfy the shiness would go away

Wtf nigger? Never show your hand.

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why is everything has to be mind games and manipulation

i hate this shit

To get rejected is the usual process of finding the one you love.

Keep trying and take it cool.

i appreciate your womanly advice but I dont think you get it


Sir, this is an Arby’s

Get it through your fucking head, it's all a game. Play by the fucking rules.

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its not even that i am ugly, i am tall and handsome and can even conjure up some charisma

i've gotten girls by being a disinterested douchebags but I hate it is not worth it

also hate porn

i dont want to attract a woman that is so easily fooled by her biology, that any chad having watched a PUA video can pick up

Just relax. She's just another fish in the sea. If she wants to join you, great. If not, oh well, there are more.

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>being a disinterested douchebag*(singular)

I got it. Never god laid untill University. Countlessly rejected. Just got fucking tired of needing to care about that, and then only casually looked for an opportunity. It worked.

The first girl I fucked liked my meme on a facebook university group, I just opened a bottle of beer and started to send her memes trying to make her laugh, it worked, then we met, and...

Maybe it won't work in your case. Maybe it will. Just don't care and get relaxed. You can enjoy other things and freedom.

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i dont need it or even want it on that level, whores and/or roasties exist, its not getting my dick wet that i want

ive been in empty relationship with superfluous cunts, not worth it

thanks what else can i do, keep hope high or kill myself

>cant she be understanding
confirmed nigger

how should i say it? understandfull?

You've been in a relationship already? Then why do you need to cry over here?

There are a lot of good girls out there actually. You can get one. Just don't give up. Those who seek shall find.

unlike what they would have you believe, people of all ages use this shit website

its being on the usual relationships that makes you aware that if you dont communicate things clearly from day 1, then its doomed to failure

and women dont like that, they like being "wooed" in chad-like manner

hence my post

>whats wrong with text, cant she be understanding on my anxiety?

Yes, she can, but it usually doesn't work that way. You need to impress first, and then reveal that you're soft and scared inside. As is by tradition.

They just want to be loved sometimes, as you somewhat (somewhat, it's not your main goal but you'll enjoy it, i'm sure) will enjoy having "own" and "get it" in some way. That's how it works in our current society, and that's not as bad as incels think.

i can be chad like, and manipulative, and see everything as a game

but id rather pay for whores at that point, i am exhausted of games

can you at least admit you're a woman? its nothing bad but i can tell from your posting

i am telling you, you are only setting yourself up to be manipulated and used

>you aware that if you dont communicate things clearly from day 1, then its doomed to failure

It's not like that. Imagine a girl appear out from nowhere and ask you about being her husband. You'll be actually scared. You don't know her. She might be actually crazy. Your tastes don't align, your view on relationships don't align, e.t.c.

You don't build a house starting from the fucking roof.

You care too much, boy. Act barely interested, your chances will skyrocket

>Imagine a girl appear out from nowhere and ask you about being her husband

where did I say that?, besides thats bullshit, they dont get scared getting into one night stands when the right guy tells/shows her what she wants to hear

>can you at least admit you're a woman?

I have a second size cups, and a dick in my pants, unfortunately. And got into a long-term relationship, not by telling the girl I love that I would love to marry her on the first date, but told her that I always wanted a longtime girlfriend after a month.

After I got to know her more, and after I loved that i've knew.

how did you think it was for the mayority of human history? you met a woman it was with intention to get married as it was the survival norm

i would love if a girl was open, and said she was looking to for a relationship with marriage on the horizon

HAng tight we are airdropping your robowaifu courtesy of the incels republic of chadsux

Because you sound too good to be true

If someone came up to you on the street and said "Hey follow me, I would like to give you $1,000!" would you do it? Of course not. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

Same thing with job interviews. Why do you want a job? To earn money. Why do they want to hire you? Because they need a warm body to do stuff. But that's a bit impersonal so you have to soften things by talking about the "opportunity" and whether it's a "good fit" or not.

>where did I say that?

You haven't, I just overexaggerated, to get it more simply to the point.

One night stand is a one-night stand. The 10-year marriage is a lifechanging thing.

>after a month

a month of what? thats disgusting? you pretend that i marry a girl that needs a month of fucking to even bring up the subject???

exactly what i dont want

>unironically using the word incel

you either are a kid or a woman, shit isnt as simple as you think it is

yeah onenightstand is easy, short term hedoism

knowing someone with the intent of marriage is actual commitment and in itself shows the interest in creating a valuable relationship

>you pretend that I marry a girl that needs a month of fucking to even bring up the subject???

We fucked only after two or three weeks, maybe. She was scared after that that I'll just leave her and "used" her, as she revealed to me later. And after that (the next evening) I awkwardly told her that I want a long-term relationship. God, she was relieved, and told me, that she actually wanted it too.

So, it's not as simple, you're right. But as for incels - I'm using it quasi-ironically, but I believe that there are actually some of them. The world is large.

i guess i see your point thanks for talking with me

Thanks for talking, mate.

>cant a man be fucking honest?
no, never with women

>women cant expect a good guy and also acts like a chad

I dunno man I know plenty of legitimateoy good dudes who act lile clowns and are in good relationships. Women want interesting men with good humor ajd interests to keep them giggling and interested more than they want dependability or money.

T. 6-7 engaged to an 8-9

>Hey follow me, I would like to give you $1000
>would you do it?
>Of course not.
I dunno user, a lot of people here sure seem willing to take up that shady offer...

yang gang?

Women are a game
Its something you have to approach with a playful intent.
Sorry my guy, you're too autistic
Personally I got fired today


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It's actually fun to give women what they are looking for after you get used to it. If you're girl gets too clingy and you want a little space, just say something ultra sexual and domineering. She'll fuck off for a few hours and come back and fuck you.Gives you a little time to yourself and it puts her at ease. You really need to degrade her though, and treat her like the whore she fantasises about becoming.

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Why would you want a compromised relationship. Plus women will find you utterly vile and creepy for saying what you did. Women aren't into strings attached, they like to see someone a couple of times and "see where things go".
She'll be doing the same thing with multiple other guys at the same time though so you end up in a cycle of seeing a girl a couple of times then getting ghosted in favour of the guy she's picked until you get one that picks you. If it then gets serious and becomes a relationship one of you will inevitably at some point cheat on the other or have an argument and then break up.
If this happens after marriage then say goodbye to half your shit and seeing any kids you had outside of weekends.

There's only two options and they're both shit, keep getting with girls and getting rejected by them and breaking up with them or be alone. Both are miserable and will make you contemplate suicide.

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>Because you sound too good to be true
LOL no she thought he was a creeper 100%.
What he said was no different to Poos and Muslims begging going on girls youtubes and facebook profiles and begging them to marry them.

>Personally I got fired today
hope it was for being BASED and/or redpilled senpai

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>hi im user I smile to mask my pain but it can only hide so much
>want to go out for dinner?

girls want to have fun user, just like that song
approach a girl to have fun, not because of your lightyears-long list of romantic neurosis

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You sound very innocent, and womans like to take advantage of that, treating you like a piece of shit as long as you are giving them attention, so tell that bitch to fuck off and suck your fucking dick, she"s not gonna like it, but she'll look you as a real man after that. Peace bro.

in the current climate you let a relationship just naturally happen. Never ever ask a woman to be your gf. Invite her out, buy her a few things, but never proceed to make her yours. Let her ask the question. Just my two cents.