Having to spend the entire rest of your life in solitary confinement because you took some silly memes too far

>having to spend the entire rest of your life in solitary confinement because you took some silly memes too far

Press S

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OP needs to stop pretending that this was a lone wolf shooter. It was HOAX and it was done by mossad and the New zealand govt.

You're just an Anti-White

He won't. He will be spring by Jow Forums.

>still trying after 6 days

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Fucking flatearther

Do you understand the concept of a matyr? He did it so we can enjoy the memes.

>because you took some silly memes too far
Just memes goyim

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Not true, when we win he'll be released as a hero and statues will be built. If we lose he'll did alone same as if he were on the outside and we lost.

You mean you mossad shills are still trying to associate this bullshit hoax with Jow Forums? Yeah, I know. It's sad. While Mossad was spending so much resources on Jow Forums they forgot about the Mueller report that just got submitted. Stupid fucking zionists.

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Sup shills

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F motherfucker


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Die you fucking unironic autist. Actually go take an autism test to see if you have autism, I'm being serious

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based. I wish they would execute him on live television to show all the white supremacists what lays ahead for them if they don't wise up.


Go take an autism test. You're addicted to this place and obssesed with it beyond reasonable levels.

> believing the memes

Anyone who does that deserves to live in solitary confinement for the rest of their lives.

White replacement is a meme? Am I understanding that correctly?

>lone wolf
He's part of a larger white supremacist movement, a serious threat that needs to be taken out by governments everywhere

He basically gets a single room. You don't understand what solitary confinement means and what its for. Its not to punish him. Its to protect others from him. He will get TV, internet, phone TV, books, own toilet, own shower. No rent. Free food, free education. lol.

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Doesn't quite have the same ring as take your meds schizo.


YEs it was, but it doesnt matter because the majority of your shitty beta faggot incel peers take him for one of their own. Do you know what that means? It means youre going to be replaced. It means the Jews were right to want your sociopathic broken in the head people gone. I didnt want to do this, but look around I have no choice now. These losers must suffer beyond words. They must face humiliation every waking second of their lives, til their last draws of breath. We will see if their threats fall empty or now. Full Steam ahead, remove europe now.

Good luck.

>oy vey! Shut it down we cant have the goyim actually trying to fight their demographic decline!
>quick call him Jewish! We all know how much they hate us! That will for sure get them to hate him!
Eat it rabbi.

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sure buddy, sure youre not a little lonely poor faggot?

Quiet retard autist. Never speak again dumb retard.

Tell me who the larper is?

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B for based.

>Killing people is justified when your demographic is declining
Guess that justifies the crimes blacks commit on whites since they have gone from 20% of the population to 12%

whites are being replaced because they are asking for it by not fighting back or join together, whites are the most cucked and brainwashed by the media culture complex in the first place.

Didn't you just contradict yourself? You called it a meme as well, that means it shouldn't exist

NZ comfy prison environment confirmed. The scare-mongering they put out about angry Maoris and keeping his "head bloody low" is just propaganda to try and scare would-be copycats. My mate got hauled for drug trafficking next to a police station, NZ prison is basically summer camp.

And since he's so high profile, they'll keep him away from any potential niggerish behavior. He'll stay comfy, write letters, be allowed out by himself to exercise, etc.

Take your meds you fucking brainlet.

take your meds

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I think its retarded so I decided to troll you instead with your own retarded propaganda.

Oy vey, the Mossad op angle is not working. Quick, shift to the Russia narrative!

Yeah I know memeflag, which I forced you to admit it.

don't let him near any nurses

The decline in the nigger population is due to Planned Parenthood and other jew organizations that harvest fetuses. Whites are affected by this even more so.


He isn't really because he's Mossad, dumbass. Or are you going to argue that heads shot at point blank range should be without scratches (as per video) or that human backs can withstand being shot and again be invincible. Fuck you and your fake faggot video that you wish you didn't create.

>It was HOAX and it was done by mossad and the New zealand govt.
Yep. And they got everything they wanted. The kikes always win.

Watch the video, Russofag. How did his ammo get ahead of the crowd of people on his FIRST trip into the mosque? Idiots.

His prophecy that he'll spend 27 years in prison and then be hailed as a hero will come true.

Save this post.

Fuck off. Seriously.
>you have no heroes

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So you dont believe your own memes then why did you ask me that stupid question?

Can anyone link me to the video please? I can't find it anywhere!


Fake stories are being spread to support the narrative on here that the shooting was orchestrated by Mossad. Pic related. Look at the actual website, "Lorem ipsum dolor" (standard placeholder text when making websites) and the social media links are all empty placeholders as well. This is clearly a website that was quickly set up to spread a bunch of fake stories. If you think that Mossad was behind the attack, think again. Maybe they are just running an op to make us think this so we don't support Brenton. If this attack was genuine, they would be scared shitless that white men could follow his call and rise up as a result of this. The best way to turn Jow Forums against him is to spread doubt about him and make us think that he might be sent by Mossad when in reality, the opposite is the case and they are playing us as we are convinced that we are on to them. Just try debating with the false flag shills, you will quickly notice that they don't care about truth and just bring up the most ridiculous stuff to spread doubt, they spam and spam and spam, almost like they are coordinated. Just food for thought.

For people who think that he should have mentioned the Jews more explicitly, you clearly never read any of the stuff that the National Socialists wrote about good propaganda. You can't give people multiple enemies at once and you can't give them complicated reasons for why they are the enemy. Nuances confuse people. If one side deals in absolutes when spreading propaganda, while the other side tries to be nuanced, the ones that deals in nuances will be obliterated, If one side says "well if you support this guy, it's not the end of the world, but it would be better to support me" and the other side says "If you support this guy, everything will be over, only I can save us" who do you think people will support? Read Mein Kampf.

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You are the gayest person alive. kys for believing this obvious kike hoax shit.

Pic related user.

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bestgore also notice how he had a magazine in the mosque BEFORE he went in. Watch carefully and you will see how fake it is. Later on, you can see a malfunctioning blood bag on the very alive muzzie woman. No one died.

Not reading or clicking you Jewish piece of shit.

So you adnit you're here to shitpost. Man if you're being sincere right now go outside or something, rid your addiction of this place. I get called a jew for hating jews here daily by people like you.

Kill yourself. Any more replies to me will receive the same good advice.

woops lemme try again

Is pretty obvious at this point

>la la la, I don't hear
Kys yourself right now you disgusting piece of turd.

The U.K., New Zealand;etc--Muslims countries. What a joke. NZ just lost their right to defend themselves and locked up a bunch of white people sharing the video-because a Jew fooled them with a kindergarten-grade special effects video. All of you that think it's real need to step in front a bus.

You haven't watched the video.republicbroadcastingarchives.org/incendiary-radio-w-robert-reyvolt-march-17-2019-hour-2/

go to bestgore to watch it. Faggot. You really should have saved it the first day.

I watched it many, many times and I will watch it many times again. Why? Because this is what is going to happen to all of you shilling kikes.

>it doesn’t matter who we are what matters is my plan

Such wasted diggies. You have not watched it. Lying earns you Hell, y'know. Explain how heads shot at point blank range stay intact without even an entry wound, please. Explain how he had an ammo magazine FAR ahead of him the FIRST trip he made into the mosque. You won't because you're the kike.

>Explain how he had an ammo magazine FAR ahead of him the FIRST trip he made into the mosque
He didn't, he drops it few seconds before. It's not my fault you are a blind retard.

>Explain how heads shot at point blank range stay intact without even an entry wound
>I can see less than 5mm-sized entry wound on video of this quality
5.56 is a very small round, you dumb noguns. It is literally build around concept to have a round as small as possible, while yet still keeping the ability to neutralize with one torso-mass hit. Exit wounds can be larger, but not entry wounds. There is no guarantee it will make huge catastrophic injuries, especially to the skull. It can, but it is not guaranteed. Depends on many thing, from ammo used to the distance, etc. You can nicely see effect on that help me muzzie female.

All of this shit was disproved and explained thousand and thousand times at this point You not seeing is only sign of what a mouth-breathing mongrel turd you are. Stop coping.

he did it for Ebba

>He didn't, he drops it few seconds before.
You are a CONFIRMED liar. Anyone can see that was you just said is empirically untrue. Watch it slower, anyone else, and it's easy to see that the magazine was there before him literally in every way. Period. Hoax.

No amount of kvetching about "hoax" will make it happen, you ugly schizo mestizo. Take your fucking meds.

>5.56 is a very small round, you dumb noguns
Another lie. It's the size of a middle finger-and shills like that user would have you believe that much small rounds from much weaker weapons do cause worse damage, but forget all that!


LOL I'm white as fuck, unlike you, kike. Thanks for proving my points by either ignoring them or offering easily debunked points. Thanks again.


He did it for white victims all over Greater Europa.

Damn, that doesn't sound bad. I hope he gets to see all the memes about him if he, in fact, gets internet.

Stop listening to the voices.

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Even if you are trolling, that's bad form. Don't be an idiot all your life. Open your eyes and turn on the brain God gave you.

> this guy

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You must be stupid. The case may be the length of your finger but the actual projectile is only .224" wide by about 1" long. Thats a small round. Case length means vey little

He is probably retarded enough to think that whole thing flies out of the barrel.

It’s not the length of the case... it’s the girth that girls like

At least he felt alive once in his life, which 95% here won't experiment.

>Open your eyes and turn on the brain God gave you.

I have-YOU idiots are the fools.

>You must be stupid
Wow that really answered the points! BTFO kys

In san francisco this room would cost $6000 a month and there would be homeless nig nogs outside ready to stab and rob you. Sometimes in spaces like those in sf, the bathroom and kitchen are combined into one room and the building has no elevator

Try shooting heroine... it’s way better than shooting Muslims

>silly memes
fuck off jew

F an hero

>It was HOAX
kys shill

>some silly memes too far
to far? i would say 50 kebabs is not nearly far enough

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>It's the size of a middle finger-
tomorrow find a gun store and go look at some bullets you no guns faggot

>user tells story about dumb niggers twerking at white women and then killing them
>believe it with zero evidence

>white man writes a manifesto, streams himself killing people, and turns himself in
>obviously a hoax

He's getting out in 27 years to collect his Nobel Peace Prize. Eat shit, faggot.

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He will have plenty of pen pals, myself being one of them. I also plan on sending him a ton of books. He will get a better education and have a better quality of friends behind bars then most people.
Do you think he likes Evola and Buddhism?

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No S for /ourguy/ faggot
He provided so many more amazing memes
and he removed Kebabs

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(((mainstream media)))

What did I mess up? How many high velocity rounds have you fired into heads of animals or people? I have hunted for many years and have shot many animals in the head with various calibers and zero heads have exploded. You get a small entrance and potentially a larger exit wound depending on terminal performance and construction on the round. The shooter was using some type of fmj and most shots would be through and though with little expansion of the round or even tumble of the round. Stop using movies as your reference for terminal ballistics.