when did he become 100% redpilled and start using the ((()))?
New Varg
He's still cucking out on the NZ shooter saying we should just hide and go primitive instead of fighting back
Vorg is a wewuzing cunt that acts like a fucking nog.
>muh heritage destroyed by christkikes
>destroys christkike church because oft muh mudhuts
also barg:
>sperg wife that things that their ancestors worshiped placentas
and don't forget that this ancient wigger is in favour of Islam over christianity, while simulatniously proclaiming that Christian moral values are nearly identical to prechristian European values hahha dis wigga high af on Forrest shrooms
Kikelisting are we?
I gave his videos a try, but the man's ludicrous.
Stop right there you filthy nigger
>attacking islam and judaism
When did he do that ? The only reason he can wander freely in france (not his ancestors land btw) is because hes not saying anything that puts the jewish elite at risk.
His vids getting dumber and dumber. Its never the time to fight back for him, everyone is a kike fed shill. And NZ is maori land, what a fucking weirdo.
You have no right to criticize him unless you have more kids than him
Not an argument. Chinks and niggers also breed a lot.
How is it not an argument? The only way you can win is if you outbreed them.
Also white babies raised in good family that are not tainted by the education system are equal to 1000 city kids
luckily conservative whites are the only whites that really breed here
too bad they'll be outnumbered but I hope they fight back
((())) isn't this a symbol of placenta?
And kick foreigners out. But varg wont do this part.
And its not the only way. Having chidrens is crucial but you can starve africa/ the middle east very quickly. You can also diminish your birth rates.
Also being raised by a junkie and a weirdo might not end well for them. As varg is anticlerical because he grew in a christian system and wanted to be edgy. Who said that vargs daughter wont become feminists (as patriarchy is jewish), muslims or left wing activists simply to rebel against their father ?
>meme flag
I meant their birth rates through one child policies.
>Who said that vargs daughter wont become feminists (as patriarchy is jewish), muslims or left wing activists simply to rebel against their father ?
he's not sending them to public school AKA kike indoctrination center as far as I know
Why do people act like Youtube is the only video site on the internet?
Public schools arent the only reasons childrens react that way. Being raised by a dumbass that keeps you hidden in the woods while rambling h24 about christianity might be another reason.
Show your flag shlomo.