Other urls found in this thread:
She was asking for help because her squib wasn't working properly.
take your meds schizoid
she needed help subscribing to pewdiepie
best part
every time you say schizo you give yourself up
>it doesn't look exactly like movie special effects so it must be fake
take your meds schizoid
Such kino.
Is there anything better than execution of the enemy?
Irl .223/556 doesn't give much feedback on impact.
The "cult" of losers and marxoids along with all the other trash the kikes sic on us have these running themes
Nice post rabbi.
Physically remove all semites
You get to go first adl.
Whiter than you moishe...
Maybe it's because schizo is the perfect description of retards with a poor grip on reality.
Notice how the little crackhead faggot didn't deny it they actually read this neurotic judaic disinformation
>sitting on her chest
>completely immobilized
>no slurred speech
>voice volume constant as he moves
Sure thing m8.
Day of the Pills when.
I love how you retards are so obviously noguns, have absolutely zero experience with real-life traumas, yet you are so sure it's fake. Fucking hell, you can get more cretinous than this.
She was supposedly indian, no blood trail and no gore or blood spray just a weird floating red blob of layer that disappeared off the clothing it had covered already...impossible are these kids in this position? Is it the Coriolis effect changing physics down under?
I lost my squib bag
Now my scene is fucked up!
Thats mine bitch
>Kike projection
You faggots have spammed this board for 6 days. 6 days of your retardation, 6 days of you getting btfo with your shoddy evidence, 6 days and 600 threads later you call me a kike? Fuck off you nigger loving moshie.
Dumb phone posters need to be physically removed.
Because people take there shoes off take a couple steps back then lay down facing the direction of their shoes they took off in 2 seconds...You know in every single psyop these bastards do this 100% fake or diversion and then real hit like the Oslo Hoac with fake Brevik...covering up that multiple gunman Mossad them that shot up anti-Jewish/anti-Zionist youth who btw weren't "leftists"
oh this is another gem
OG position vs final position...
Sheltering wife from gunman...gets shot in neck, head or back and with a severed spinal cord gets comfy, sits on his feet just as his wife dies on top of him
pic related
Nice eyeballs its the same position btw the bottom one with no blood just red hue from blur effect is before the pic I posted...the position on top is the same stance...because people sit up and hold their head up when "dead" lol
Nice try no cigar
worst than that....bitch was in such fucking terrible fear that she remembered to get her shoes from the fucking shoe rack at the entrance before escaping the deranged gunman
shoe rack on left at entrance
Jimmy Choos, worth risking your life for
Youre lonely incel. Nobody loves you. And youre grandkids are still going to be brown muslims.
you should visit lens crafters my man
Not motza balls for you, moshe
Allah helps those who help themselves.
Your loser incel cope for this mossad agent is going to get you all replaced by people smarter than you.
She was about to go into the Masjid, so she had her shoes off and was holding them. She was still holding them when she ran away, and dropped them when the bullet hit her. How they dropped soles up is just random chance
Don't even try, those people are literally braindead. Just ignore & sage.
How does one kid literally hold themselves floating with a bent back and the other one sit up straight? where is the damage? Also dem wall bangs no sign. And why are you trusting something that looks like it got livestreamed back 1998? What was he using a Gopro prototype and a fucking razor flip?
oh ya...makes take the time to take off your shoes....ignoring the firing inside the mosque
you can't be this slow, Joshua
the scene:
>arrives...oh fireworks in mosque
>takes off shoes
>TAK TAK TAK TAK 180db lunacy
>oh no, a killer, I must run
fuck you people are stupid
remember that facebook was "down" before the livestream
She was walking towards the mosque, she was not an "escapee'. There were two women walking nonchalantly down the sidewalk into the "kill zone" despite any normal human being would have heard all the firing.
The 1035-1041 music reverb and playing louder then outside then muting for the gunshots then coming back on LMAO
>then muting for the gunshots
Imagine being this stupid. That's actually impressive.
so they take off their shoes outside not in the vestibule where you have a shoe rack (watch video on left)...
sure makes sense...cause 190db shots pounding inside the mosque does not alert you to stupid shit...
>your reply: "she took off her shoes in the street
So she was one of those bohemian muslims that walks around wearing her white socks in the parking lot rather than take them off in the vestibule where there is a shoe rack
LOL makes so much sense
>getting worked by a worked shoot
Just finished reading his manifesto. Overall it's a good read. But his stance on international trade is retarded. Deficiency of goods would bring poverty to any nation, no matter to ethnicity.
fuck you pigskin snowniggers
your days are numbered
Don't group us in with these fucking nut cases. We just want to be left alone. Schizophrenics are at fault here.
so here is a re-cap of this woman...shoe less Joanne Jihad
Arrives at mosque....3 dead people (probably sleeping...huh...190db shots inside mosque)
takes off her shoes....blood finally comes out of wounds..."OH MY I MUST RUN"
leaves mosque running.
Takes off shoes in parking lot cause why take them off in the vestibule where the shoe rack is located?
Walking with white socks in parking lot, can't hear about 30-60 rounds at 190db (bitch is deaf)
Sloppy Job
you can call white people shit skin as shit turns white with age
A somalian pirate memefag just called a white dude a vpn a wurdddd
>meme flag
Fuck the geo flag, never again. Saw in the national paper this morning that the (((MSM))) is lurking on this site...using shitposts from Jow Forums to claim that "young men" are being radicalized in the country by monsters on this site.
Fuck them, they ain't using my shitposts to take away the rights I have. Let them and you fuckers think I am a pirate shitposting in international waters
I am not a selfish manlet cunt like BT that will help to erode the freedom of my countrymen just cause I like to talk shit on Jow Forums
You stupid assholes should do the same, with the BT heat, cunts a plenty are lurking looking to screencap ironic posting to use to their advantage...i.e sell papers.
Fuck em.
Ignore me if you are uncomfortable banting with a pirate. So sorry I offended a delicate virgin such as yourself
Besides, BT threads are not about political discussions, my location has nothing to do with it.
there are indeed clinical and biological links between autism & schizophrenia
Ay Tone!
god youre a fucking idiot, nobody had shoes on in that mosque because they take them off, when she ran out she obviously grabbed her shoes (for whatever fucking reason she was obviously panicked) and dropped them when she got blasted, then buddy comes up and domes her
I'll agree the image taken out of context can make it look strange but thats why you download the whole video
oh wait you didnt watch it and you just spread memes like a fucking NPC
Anyone have the webm?
stop posting the spelling error one
*blam* *blam*
>ausies pls start your engines *wrom* *wrom*
>gas gas gas!!!! Hell yeah, I love NZ!
>incel, lonely
>having grandkids
his wifes son.
Nearly choked on my ham scrolling past this in the catalog
Holy fucking shit I love this board now! Lmfao