Nigger storytime

I'll begin, reply with your recent experience with niggers

> Be me, yesterday drive into Niggerville (Chicago South Side)

> Walk into a Little Caesars and I'm surrounded by a shit ton of niggers, rolling dice, smoking, playing their shitty music

> Counter covered by bulletproof glass

> A nigger accuses me of cutting in line

"Ay white boy why you cut in line in front of me, you rude as fuck"

> I pussy out and don't talk shit back to him because I'm in a room filled with raging niggers

> I wait the longest 20 minutes of my fucking life and run out with the pizza, and I slip and drop it on the floor


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fake and gay.

take your reddit spacing back where you came from or at least Jow Forums, /v/, etc. faggot.

BAHAHA thats what you get you retard fat incel. Cope more about your shitty career and your inability to advance yourself. Sorry you got lazy in your privelege fatty. No one to blame but youself. Get rekt stupid honkey.

here's my only one
>see a bunch of niggers with sagged pants
>want to cross the street but ill look racist
>getting close
>smile and say "hello"
>"yo is he gay"
worst experience of my life

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lol i remember you cumskin. your wifes pussy is amazing btw. me and the boys love gang fucking her while u at work

Hello brenton


>be me
>move to China to work
>get African roommate
>1 month in African roommate steals all my shit and leaves

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>walk into building
>building is full o niggers
>360 moonwalk out immediately
Should've went with Digiorno's

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Mental health and neuro-psychological assessment of the typical politically incorrect poster.

Pepe Frog, MD, MPH, PhD, Wojack Feel Guy,MD, PhD
University of Kek,Meme State

Every three or four threads created on the board you will find one discussing blacks and even threads having nothing to do with them will often times have some user/anons who feel it necessay to drag them into the conversation.Behind all the hate, behind all the monkey and KANGZ memes,Tyrone sheeit comics,gifs,demotivational pictures, and webms - pol/ users secretly admire the Negro.The raw brass confident masculinity that they possess which they are quick to compare to a feral animal,and yet at the same time acknowledge is what women truly desire at their core and what is lacking in many white heterosexual unions.Their intrinsic ruggedness that enables them to stamp their mark on any field of physical activity that they enter.The amazing sense of rhythm that they naturally seem to possess that they liken to ape gesticulations and yet are oh so majestic to witness.Then there is the stereotype of the black man's sexuality,particularly his phallus.It has become a bodily protuberance of myth and legend.There is a reason that r/AsianMasculinity trolls are laughed off while BBC and Blacked generates anger and solemn disdain.For where the Asian man's masculinity is considered a joke the black man's is a threat to be taken with utmost seriousness,for there may be a kernel of truth to it.Is it a coincidence that of all the races of men it is the black man whose masculinity has become a meme? Based on our assessment,Dr. Wojack and I have thus concluded that pol/ is a board populated with manic depressive autistic schizoid individuals afflicted with a sort of Jungian-Pavlovian psycho-pathological negro-complex.

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Kill yourself memeflag

I only talked to one nigger in my life when I worked at local adventist church. He was an exchange student I think. He didn't do anything niggery either, so I suppose niggers are only nigging in groups.

You should order your food from an app

It's OK to be a cuck
Stage 1: Anger
>spends all his time on Jow Forums
>hates blacks
>lonely and resentful
>hates life and finds meaning by connecting to racial identity
Stage 2: Shame
>alienation drives Jow Forumsack deeper into isolation and porn addiction
>taboos become attractive
>blacked spam starts having an effect
>begin jacking off to sissy hypno and BBC
>shame from anti-white perversions drive Jow Forumsack deeper into politics and isolation
Stage 3: Giving In
>in loneliness, horniness, and sheer boredom alt-right sissy hooks up with a black guy
>though shy and nervous, the moment black dick enters his mouth the Jow Forumsack is hooked
>months or years of porn and fetishism aligns to make everything- the black man's musk, his heavy, chocolate dick, the sissy's soft white hand on dark skin- reaffirm the sissy's fetishes and send so much pleasure into his faggot brain that there is no going back
Stage 4: Dedication:
>sissy white boi begins having gay hook ups at increasing frequency
>gradually loses interest in politics
>more body conscious, begins squatting and running for a better butt
>starts practicing a campy gay voice because it turns him on
>gets into cross dressing and make up, derives submissive thrill from looking slutty and ridiculous
Stage 5: Obsession
>completely broken by black cock
>flaming sissy faggot
>is a devout leftist because white extinction makes his penis twitch, votes for whoever increases immigration
>mannerisms so excessively campy they make his family uncomfortable
>no longer alienated, now extroverted and sassy
>has circle of faghag friends who he gossips with and makes BBC jokes around
>loves going to gay clubs and twerking his white booty for black men
>shameless size queen slut who fucks several strangers a week
>views alt-righters with mixture of pity and bemusement, uses Jow Forums only to post interracial and ERP
>thanks black cock daily for changing him from an angry, resentful loner into somebody with a full spectrum of human emotion

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>Be me

>go to school and achmeds sitting in pack

>stare them down

>they dont do shit

dont give into niggers. They have fear. That's why they roam in groups. If you knock one out they're little gang wont attack unless they are over 4 people

Pol is just an incel cope board and I look forward to humiliating these lonely recessive chimps to last of their days for daring to have such delusions of grandeur.

i'M sure that happened whiteboi

incel cope. Your grandkids are gonna be brown.

>rolling dice
Thats a real thing?

Yes you are already brown mutt. As for wish. Keep coping in fatladn jesut becuase you are scared to get hit by niggers "B..B..BUT MOMMY IT HURTS WHEN THEY HIT!"

grow a pair faggot mutt.

Lol after all of that you'll still be a nigger

Saw a nigger at five. It was like a miracle to me, because Ive seen only Bill Cosby at that age.

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Havent seen this pasta yet

Seek gf and career you washed out loser. Sorry nobody loves you and that you got lazy in your privelege. Must hurt to see the somali do better than you in the land of your forefathers. Such fate will be given to your sons.

>be me
>live in rural Pacific Northwest
>finding niggers is like finding Waldo around here
Feels good, man

well why did you cut in line? you sound like the nigger here

Keep coping nigger. I will do better than you in anything.

>be me
>be about 10 years old
>waiting for the bus
>for some reason have two wallets on me
>group of Somalia niggers roll up
>smallest nigger casually asks 'to see' my wallet
>give the nigger empty wallet
>nigger sees its empty and keeps the wallet
>niggers wander off to fuck with some other kid probably
>get on bus and go home using my bus pass

I learned that day and didn't have to pay much for the lesson. My parents were liberal as asswads when I was younger and have since changed their mind. Fuck niggers

Once I was walking in the street and saw with the corner of my eyes a very big nigger following me, I start to walk faster and faster and he keeps following me. I decide to look straight at him and ask what the fuck he wants... I stopped to look and so I discovered it was just my own reflection in the glass of the store.

Work at a helpdesk.
Getting a ton of calls because its payday and the company outsourced its payroll dept to fucking India
Constant payroll fuckups
Get a call
Black guy
Cant log into the payroll site
Payroll sites fucked up.
Only runs on IE11 for some reason
Black guy keeps opening Chrome instead
Doesnt know how to send screenshots so he takes a pic of his monitor on his Sail Foam and emails it to me.
Calls me an asshole because I cant fix his shit
Cant comprehend clicking on the blue "e" at the bottom of his screen

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Doubt it, thats why you live in an apartment. Know your place lazy cumskin.

>I pussy out and don't talk shit back to him
>reddit spacing
not surprised

>Chimpcongo south side
There's where you fucked up, OP.

>durr 2 wallets cuz smart
This is the worst greentext in this whole larp thread.

>Be me talk about Trump at work
>antifa socialist faggot says if I like Trump so much wear a Trump shirt or hat when we go out
> I’ve been in lots of fight and I’m 6’2 workout
> Wear “Team Trump “ shirt out to bar , restaurant and big retail store all containing decent amount of niggers
> few shitty looks but they do nothing because I’m not a skinny 16 year old kid, woman or elderly
>niggers only confront soft targets

>(Chicago South Side)

This is MAGA country, faggot empire nigger

> projecting his own situation.

nice, wouldn't expect anything more from a nigga.

>be me
>live in sec 8 projects
>get racist puppy shepherd
>granted I'm Hispanic but it LOVES me
>nigger steps in elevator with me
>they get scared as I have to hold the growling and barking puppy from mauling them
>just have a big smile on my face
>purposely walk near niggers with puppy all day

It lives with a nice white family now, but those were the days

So many gay shills after the NZ attack. Don't you have some children to rape Muhammad? Also were gonna kick your Somali ass out to Mexico. Let's see how the cartel treats you.

>BE you
>Shit job
>Shit pay
>Shit sex life
Kys faggot.

I live in a mansion but nice try cumskin, I live in america too, what cryptos you have?

Cope more incel. Sorry nobody loves you lonely little poorfaggot bitch. Go do some blue collar work cumskin.

So is it only $0.02 a post? No wonder you spam threads so hard.

More cope, I do this for free. Your time is over cumskin. You cant deal. You will be peacefully replaced. And it will be good.

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Does it help your chimp brain to believe that about me?

I actually have a job, girlfriend, two cars, and a house. I hope you have something to show for your shilling well besides all your butt hurt.

Its the truth cumskin. You can only get free pussy from tinder. You dont actually have any game. Go on them cumskin, swipe left so you dont kill yourself from loneliness.

We already know you don't have a job

You do realize you’ll starve without us right? Chinks will genocide you they are already raping Africa

Your gf is 6/10 butt ugly and thats why youre mad. Shes not your wife because shes beat. Your job is a blue collar manual labour. Do that until you retire cumskin.

Cope more incel. We can just make more of you, dont cry.

There is no way this is a full blown nigger, probably mullato, just white enough to find Jow Forums and post. Just nigger enough for the post to be retarded.

You're a nice guy thinking this blue collar working cum skin can pull a 6/10. You're not very good at shilling or insulting. Sad I need to speak to your manager.

I kekked

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>be me
>see niggers on youtube and in murkan media
>go outside
>never in my entire life meet a single one

niggers are just a spook by murkans to explain the shitty conditions in some parts of their countries

Ive been here for ages. Whens the racewar cumskin? Anyday now? Sure hope you dont get culled by your own again, seems to be the repeating theme for your people..

>Be me black bull from africa,liberating my people from the oppressive whitoid
>Riding my horse killing every cracka that i lay my eyes upon
>My horse soon get shot and fall,bringing me with him.
>I stand up and look at the shooter,i can see the fear on his eyes.
>Grab my sword on the ground and say "Ammaanto Montu"
>Run toward him and crave my sword deep in his heart.
>His friends come to aid him
>They're all dead in the matter of seconds
>Suddenly i hear a bang...
>Blood start to come out of my mouth.
>I got shot on the lung,from one of those cracka
>They shoot me from afar like the cowards that they are.
>Fall on the ground.
>As i'm looking in the sky i see Aker smiling at me...
>I smile back

Nice copypasta, nigger.

Go ride your lawn mower and have your sips boomer.

Nah he is 100% white. Just self hating because he has no real life outside of pretending to be retarded.

People here know better than to go into nigger neighborhoods or eat food that is prepared by them because they are animals who don't comprehend basic food hygiene. Plus Little Caesars in CHICAGO? You're a fucking mong. Go suck some more black cock, Shlomo.

Maybe I will. It is a nice day today.

Exactly, Poland, and Eastern europe are largely homegenous white countries but they are rife with political corruption. The people are enslaved and do not rise agains ttheir rulers. White ethnostates exists, they just arent incel utopias like pol expects.

Or this

fake and gay

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Cope more cumskins. Youve gotten lazy in your privilege.

Truth too much for you cumskin.

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Some negroezoid kicked my cart at the grocery store. I was the expresslane and he was behind me fussing.

I hate drama-queens.

>new years eve in camden club
>my wife's cousin getting harassed by group of guys
>I step in front of her and tell them to back off
>one guy sucker punches me in the side of my head and runs off (typical)
>other guy drunkenly tells me that if were him that he wanted to hit me in the head with a bottle
>security take me aside and tell me to calm down

Lmao whats up with your homicide rate then

> Be me, a good christian hetero huwihte man.
> Walking down the sidewalk.
> See a group of feral nogs ahead.
> Nogs blocking sidewalk.
> get to within 35 feet of pack.
> Causally stretch arms over head.
> "Accidentally " expose concealed pistol.
> Nogs decide they have to be somewhere else, fast.
> Continue on my way.
>It was a good day.

>be me
>smoking weed bymself at a park
>group of college girls getting drunk there
>notice negro, didn‘t seem to like refugee negro
>they call me over
>turns out me and one of the thots have mutual friends
>they offer me alcohol
>we talk about a recent Punk Festival
>negro gets mad at me
>“YoU ArE KiLInG My ViBe NiGgA”
>say I’m sorry and keep talking to thot
>he is 40 something
>his accent sounds familiar
>says I disrespected him
>i ask him why
>“you sus nigga“
>ask him if he could further elloborate what exactly I did was sus
>keep trolling him, I don’t give a fuck about niggers
>he gets mad as fuck
>”you wanna die nigga?”
>”you wanna die nigga?”
>”YoU wAnNa DiE NiGgA”
>ask him why he wants to kill me
>doesn’t reply to my question
>asks me if I want to fuck with a crib
>shows me blue bandanna on his jeans
>mood has shifted
>contemplate if I should just fuck him up
>realize the first ameritard I meet in person is a crib
>grew up admiring US hiphop
>say “holy shit you are really a crib?!”
>”Hell yea nigga I’m a real ass crib from Virginia out here in Germany”
>thot looks at me
>i laugh
>we talk about hiphop
>smoke my weed with him
>takes a picture with me

This has shaped my view on negros, this situation could have played out differently if I looked like someone he could easily pick on.

>17 posts by this ID
Get a life, nigger. Kys

Americanization really destroyed your country. You went from Bach to Bimbo.

You have no respect for the truth, stick around newfag, you'll learn and oh, you're here forever

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>Be you

Little Ceasers is shit. Niggers buy that shit.

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Home of the gay nigger hunters

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keep a DNA sample and give it to the chinks, they will harvest his organs

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I agree.
I don‘t care, I intended to spend more time with the group, he was nothing like the character I used to admire as a child.

Its an honor to humiliate cumskins.

Ive been here since before the election. It was an incel cope board then and it is an incel/autism cope board now. All your base are belong to us now.

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Kys nigger

Cope, blacks dont even come to pol, they are too busy running a train on stacy.

Kys nigger.

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American blacks are MK ultraed to get triggered at white people saying nigger or nigga.

LMAO no, they are too busy being retarded niggers. They still don't have computers, they have consoles.

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that one is awesome

>running a train
Do trains actually run?

Stay lonely and poor lazy incel.

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You have nobody that loves you sad beta loser. Silly subhuman cumskin mutant. Ashamed of your true history. Such great overwheming shame.. Blissful ignorance.

Keep poking the bear nigger.

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i dont get it