Neo-Nazi Beats Shit Out of Nigress

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So whats the problem?


So he beat her skin off her?


Hate crime laws are bullshit. I should be able to beat the shit out of any nigger or kike I want.




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She probably deserved it.

>YOU NEED TO GET ME UHH *smacks lips*
>AND HURRY UP DAMN UGH *smacks lips*

he looks like a basedboi

we all know how civilized those niggers are.
she probably excused herself, tried to correct her mistake and that's what made this dude go 3rd Reich on her.
he will regret not making her bite the curb.

There isn't one. They're going to cost you your job, family and future anyways-- you might as well beat them within an inch of their lives.

Jesus fuck is that really her name??
Yep. This. Definitely this.

Do she do anything to provoke him? I find it difficult to believe he just wanted to start punching a random black woman for no reason.

>excuse me miss, you are blocking my way
>it's miss L'Daijohnique, for you
>ok, miss L'Daihn... L'Dail... liste up nigress

>L'Daijohnique Lee

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How can this be a hate crime? All I feel is love when I see shit like this.

The fuse is getting shorter


If you'll notice he knocked her phone out of her hands so she hit him in the face (which is assault) he reacted in self defense.


Why are americans like this?

So when will the video come out of her chimping out and starting everything?

wyppo evil

Lawyers will argue that him knocking her phone out of her hand was the initial assault

Would bang. But that cat suit isn’t kind on her stomach

only nigger americans

It’s amazing. All the thing white people get blamed for being like evil, bigot and privledged they sure do get fucked with a bunch.

Are you nazi fucks assulting black queens now? Anyone that wrongs a black queen needs to be thrown in prison for life. This white man will defend his black queen so don't even think about it.

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What can I say except based and redpilled

Oh shut the fuck up, everyone knows they be acting like fucking monkeys

You’re supposed to breed her not punch her

How do niggers always come up with the worst names possible?

This. He should be locked away forever for hurting a queen. They deserve to be love and Bred. A real white man would love his black queen

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Niggresses, look like Men. They're not real women and should no be treated as such they are sub-human demon monkeys.

She punched him in the face so yes. The video is in the OP link

>"wrong way down a one way street"

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Fuck right off. This board is historically a pro black female board and black women usually look better than white women. A real white man loves his black queen's so you're probably a beta. Black queens deserve nothing but our love and protection.

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What was that?


Your father would be proud

Kek, this x1,000

What's wrong with american niggers, they don't behave so badly anywhere in the world besides africa

>L'Daijohnique Lee

Fuck man, i know 6 languages and never ,really never saw a name like this....

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Reverse the races or make the man a Muslim and whole thing would be hidden after guy gets let off with warning

>Neo-Nazi yeets tranny
Fixed your title kike shill

Okay yeah
but the Sheffield had it comin'. Pulls a gun on her and knocks the phone out of her hands like a punk. Wasn't even a black male just some hoe. Shoulda never pulled the gun he's gonna get locked up.

wow, what kind of a sorcery is this? it's like real cancer cells only in digital format. well done sir..

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Looks like a leftist lel
Joseph Alcoff 2.0?

who is this cutie?


He is just gonna go to jail where he will then become even more invigorated with hatred for the system, for blacks and for leftists. He will meet other white nationalist in there and be able to train even more. Wew lad.

This.beautiful Black queens will use their black girl magic and make you instantly lose your nazi beliefs.


She literally punches him in the fucking face before he does anything. Jesus fucking christ.

Houstonian here.

A white person beating a black person is in itself a moral good, if both are of Texas origin. This is an immutable fact.

>Lee said Shuffield confronted her for driving the wrong way down a one-way street and blocking a parking lot exit with her vehicle while he was trying to leave the lot

she dindu nuttin she a good gurl going to college

so "she" punched him and he punched back? why was he fired?

“I need toohunnid fitty touzuhn dollas fo muh pain n suffrin!”

I’m telling you there is absolutely no way in this situation the nigresse didn’t absolutely have this coming.

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Writing composition on fleek, fren.

That's a tranny. I'll bet Mr. Shuffield got a handful of something he wasn't expecting.

Post video


A hate crime? I hate to sound like Joe Rogan, but that's preposterous. He got into an altercation with a person who blocked the exit of a parking lot, who happened to be black. Even if he did use racial slurs, so what? People call each other mean things during fights.

The DA isn't going to ramp up charges b/c your feelings are hurt. They're already going for gold w/ the greatest possible charge they could construe. Her attorney is hyping the case & getting the media to call it a hate crime bc tainting the jury pool & all, & evidently he thinks he can milk a 24 y/o bartender in a civil suit: Former, unemployed & unemployable bartender, that is. He has the deep pockets.

The video begins in the middle of the incident because of course it does. He had his gun drawn, but pointed at the ground. I don't know what prompted him to have it drawn, but she stood her ground & was not intimidated or under the impression he would actually use it. A reasonable person would not lunge forward to punch a much larger person who was walking away if they felt doing so might get them shot.

I mention all this bc it factors into whether aggravated assault is going to stick. I believe he was charged with 2nd degree AA, which is a felony.

Did he technically brandish the weapon? Mehhh. Even if he did, he had already put it away before the fighting started. I see the fight as a separate incident in which the gun was not involved, and for AA a deadly weapon has to at least be "exhibited" during the commission of the act.

The 2nd argument for AA is that he caused serious bodily injury. Britbongs, think GBH in your country. Pummeling someone and giving them a concussion is bad news, but it's no GBH, at least it shouldn't be.

Flipping her phone out of her hand is not assault. It's not even a battery in the trad sense. She lunged forward & assaulted him. Where he is in the wrong is the amount of force he retaliated with was excessive and not a proportional response to the threat.

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We should just go back to lynching

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See, niggers give their nigglets afrikan names. Except they aren't actual african names, they are just vaguely african sounding to nigger ears. So you end up with some absolutely ridiculous shit.

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basically this. you can't just crowd radically different cultures together and expect them to get along. all hate crimes are the fault of our politicians who forced this on us.

I'm sure this sheboon was acting all mannish and squaring up then got fucking dusted when she realized: yes a man will knock your shit out and yes white men aren't going to let your push them around.


>National Geographic tits
No thanks

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We need to get him into hiding and then out of the country. He will never get a fair trial.

>video's audio edited
>video taker is a faggot and lowers the camera when sheboon gets aggressive
>she throws the first punch because of a phone
>'Hey bro, chill bro, that's a female,'
My favorite line when these situations arise.
>'Why you put your hands on me like that?' she said of Shuffield. 'You literally sat there and beat me like a man.'
You damn right he did.
These fucking black fucking dogs and burners too think they can punch a man and he's just suppose to stand there and eat it.
Men have ended up stabbed and losing a eye because this false idea that a man is suppose to never hit a "female" and allow them to assault you.
Fuck that cunt I hope she forever hear bells ringing after this.

Drawing a gun on a single female who is unarmed. He is so fucked. Hate crime will stick too.

The fucking comments by these niggers. "CAVE BEASTS". ITS OK BC HE'S WHITE.
They forget that's it's the white man's law and order that will protect this dumb nigress. She deserved a beating just for that retarded ass name.

i enjoy L'Dijonaise on my sammiches

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You never know if someone is unarmed until they aren't.
She was also blocking him into an enclosed parking lot.
You may not know this but that's a fairly common tactic to rob or car jack a person.

> that's a woman
kek what the fuck?
Looks like a fucking tranny




Lol good luck, have you seen them?

We got a faggot over here lads

Hassan, bring the stones. Faggot blood for Allah, please.



No thanks to the Sub-Saharan cucks that rescued your whiny asses from Serbia? lmao


He pulled out a gun, so she pulled out her phone and started to call 911. He slapped the phone out of her hand, and she punched him. At which point, he beat the shit out of her, calling her racist slurs.

He was fired because no quality American business wants to be associated with a racist piece of garbage who beats up women.

>postiing normie links
That last thing these faggots need are clicks

That video though

You can't hear a word he's saying in the video thus the claims of racial slurs are hearsay.

Poor, poor, L'Daijohnique

niggers make up names for their kids. they're not african in nature, african sounding or anything. they're simply made up because niggers cant have a normal name that would be selling out to the white man.
90% of the time, the niggers names are misspelled as well.
from what i know, niggers come up with their kids names when they are kids themselves, guess they know they're gonna be welfare mothers from birth.

>Looked at her pic and his


if a black tree falls in a white forest, is it a hate crime?

This has got the nigs all riled up again, they've already doxed him and sent him into hiding. Around here, niggers assault, rape and rob white women almost every night. The police will hardly even bother showing up unless you're literally bleeding out on the street. Even if they catch them, the nigger DA and police chief will let them go without posting any bond money, then the jew lawyers will plea them down to nothing. The real hate crimes never even get reported on the news.

Probably that uppercut lmao

men who beat women are subhuman and deserve to rot in prison for the rest of their life

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These kinds of names give me the shits and I don't know why. There's something visceral about black fake names that pisses me off.

That dude is so fucked

ghetto lottery

>"H-h-have you s-s-s-seen them?"
>"It's over, let's just let them fuck us"
typical nordcuck. And yeah I have seen them. Scrawny manlets. If you are afraid of a nigger you are a pussy faggot

Gets me every time.

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Baste and sleep pilled