We've lost New Zealand


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Well, this showed before hand what western nations will all become down the land. Take it in, this is what awaits us in the near future, all of us, if we don't stop it.

down the rode*

Tarrant predicted this

A nation of Dhimmis.

Yup, he did. It only takes time to prove someone who's right, right.

It was horrible and scary. It scared the shit out of kids that thought something bad was going to happen. It really was terrible. No more freedom, Sharia.

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This fight extracts a heavy toll

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The fact is that it was already lost and he just showed it to everyone by coaxing their reaction. You now know how everyone who got redpilled on "it's okay to be white" felt.

You've been stewing in redpills for so long that you forgot what the shock feels like with your first big one.

come on idiots its better than secular country

I hope she wears this.

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what's next? are they going to outlaw having white children and raising them with western values?

New Zealand going full Sweden is an acceptable casualty

>You've been stewing in redpills for so long that you forgot what the shock feels like with your first big one.
I found the worst feeling in existance is when youre not surprised by anthing anymore and become desensitive to Redpills.

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Rip to the victims. I absolutely reject free murder and will never compromise my mental stability that depends on my morals. However, promoting Islam isn't something I'd do. I understand the motive behind it but I'd worry if westerners started converting to Islam.

Ill ask you folks again. What the fuck do you keep voting in these female leaders? Fucking retards, we have never head a female president, thank God.

How e-celeb of you.



the dodo bird has extinct


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The Maori should just eat them. It's a better fate than this continued faggotry.

This is the perfect time to release manticore gene targeted bioweapon, please test it on NZ. Return nation to blank slate.

>retard shoots up mosque to combat cuck policies
>nation gets even more cucked

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did we ever "have" NZ on our part? lmao

Top b8 m8

>people will revolt whilst they're in their comfort zone

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You need to research before ridiculing.

>Using 'e-celeb'
How cool of you BuzzFeed contributor.

>You've been stewing in redpills for so long that you forgot what the shock feels like with your first big one

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See this:

Yeah sure, how many generation will we wait trough? I think about 3 at the very least

>New Zealand
oh no the horror

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>of you BuzzFeed
lol of you BuzzFeed

Quit blackpilling, you moron. Do you think this is really going to be welcomed by Kiwis overall?! You know, the same ones who have NOT turned in their guns and are most likely going to report boating accidents if cops come try to take them. zerohedge.com/news/2019-03-20/after-multiple-reports-about-new-zealanders-turning-guns-guess-how-many-actually

This is just going to piss off more whites.

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Drop that faggotry user.

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lol that

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It’s not a surprise user, white New Zealander’s are insufferable faggots and within 10 years they’ll be a Chinese colony after being demographically replaced by Chinese colonist’s arriving via the overseas student visa program. Australia will be next as it’s about to elect a radical left-wing govt, your allies in the Pacific Ocean are being subverted within and I don’t hold out any hope the US will act to prevent it from happening as the samd mind virus is sweeping through the US as well.

>Implying you're genuinely interested in this back and forth.

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Would love to see faggot cops try and take guns in the US. We would probably massacre them. Plus cops are usually based


My master, Allah the Great, bids thee welcome. Is there any in this rout with authority to treat with me?

I have a token I was bidden to show thee.

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White Northern Europeans are pathologically averse to inter-personal conflict, your enitre race applauds its own replacement so it follows you will gladly hand your guns over as well.

The worst is when you don't feel that worst feeling about not being surprised anymore. The worst is when you don't feel anything at all.. Or maybe that's the best. I don't even know anymore.

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>Brenton Tarrant predicted this

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>in this back and
lol in this back and

Big Opsie!

>headscarf represents oppressive treatment of women
The left really doesn’t know anything about Muslims.

English is rather unflattering. Switching to French would do wonders.

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May as well declare Sharia and plant the Saudi Arabia flag

So what's wrong with this again? I know it might be shocking to you racist cowards, but normal people have empathy and this is one way to show it. It's not "the great replacement" or "Islamization", just a display of solidarity any decent human being (obviously not you) would do.

>unflattering. Switching
lol unflattering. Switching

That's the most attention seeking thing i've seen a politician do. What a silly cow

The surroundings to this tradegy is all too suspiciously convenient. I feel like if the terrorist wasn't just an attention-seeking asshole looking to set the world aflame, he was an agent of (((them))) in order to give the maistream an excuse to push their agenda more aggresively. I just hope the fall of civilization happens before 1984 becomes a complete reality.

Depending on how this plays out, I might just pack my things and move to the country side stocked up on weapons waiting for the fall.

Not when it comes to taking my guns. Fuck your empathy , come for my guns youd better kill me in my sleep.

funny i was just thinking that. that shooter cunt has turned the whole world more muslamic.

they even done that call to prayer thing in Trafalgar square. it was on every news channel at dinner time- i had to switch it off.

You're highly perverted user.

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lol You're

You should consider reading his manifesto, it's supsiciously prothetic and accurate to the detail about people's reaction to all of this, it would not suprize me of this was all staged as a political agenda.

>Obama kills thousands of muslims
No one bats an eye
>One guy kill 49

There has been a lot of virtue signaling, but most people here think it's sad, but don't really give a fuck.

It's always the feminists the first ones to submit to islam.

is it sad that you pay taxes to subsidize islamic invaders in your country?

Yes it is, in the same way your taxes go to Israel.

w-we're just pretending. trolled you guys! haha. based kiwi trolls!

You are retarded. See? You are. Shortened popularly and accepted everywhere as "you're"

Haven't we covered the 'lol' user?

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The women that have been virtue signalling this just boil my piss. So fucking clueless to what they are standing in solidarity with.

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Tarrant was right.

>You are. Shortened
lol You are. Shortened

>We've lost New Zealand

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Obama does it smoothly, the other films it for all to see.
Both were looking for different results and got what they wanted.

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>covered the 'lol'
lol covered the 'lol'

What are you talking about losing New Zealand? Lets liberate the white gun owners and send all our muzzies there.



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time to revert Jow Forums

lol Innit

you literally pay for muslims to live in housing with minimal rent and not work a job. they live better than many actual new zealanders and youre too much of a pussy to do something about it.

>what is hurricane katrina

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You literally give money to Israel for them to exist, and you're to much of a pussy to do anything about it.

>so assblasted he has to change the subject

>Tarrant predicted this
I like this so much more than Qnigger.

Giving away tax dollars, same subject.

ladies and gentlemen we're about to have a new Bosnia

no. the subject was new zealanders giving tax dollars to foreign muslims
good try though, sweetie

F*ench is a dog language you Walloon faggot.

Every Aussie always told me Kiwi's were the worst kind of cunt. Always stuck with me.

leaving women in charge of anything...

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MissAlice, Noooooooo!

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Americans love hypocrisy

You don't see the correlation sweetie?

>write a manifesto clearly outlining that this is your goal
>government thinks your bluffing
>give you everything you want just to spite you
>not only that, but also bans your manifesto so that no one catches on that this was your plan all along

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yeah there is a correlation but it had nothing to do with what i posted. how subversive of you, maybe youre jewish

>We've lost New Zealand
Between this and the chinkfluence, kick them out of the 5 eyes.


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