American racism makes no sense.
How can you hate black people living in your country when white americans where the ones who stole them from their homeland and made them become slaves?
It's not like they wanted to come to America.
American racism makes no sense.
How can you hate black people living in your country when white americans where the ones who stole them from their homeland and made them become slaves?
It's not like they wanted to come to America.
Other urls found in this thread:
Those two things are unrelated
>white americans where the ones who stole them from their homeland and made them become slaves
Do you want to know how I know you're retarded?
Let’s be clear about who started slavery in North America.
It was not Americans, it was Europeans.
British and French colonists.
Know your history OP. Blacks capture though warfare and religious persercution other blacks and sold them to whites. Most black slaves went to South America to work to death on sugar plantations (the king cash crop of the 18th century world). Only a few blacks ended up in British North America for tobacco plantations.
white Americans are Europeans
there were no "Americans" back then
>stole them
*bought them
>it was a nigger that made slavery legal in the colonies become the first slave owner
>slave brought here were already slaves in africa owned by black africans
>there were plenty of nigger slave owners
>im not an anglo and my ancestors didnt own slaves in america
Jews brought them over as the newest farm equipment.
>How can you hate living around black people
Like have you met any?
Most slaveships were owned by Jews. European Jews from Spain and Britain.
They don't teach you that in school. They'll teach you French but won't name the French Jews profitting from blackening Native American lands.
We want to send them back.
The first slaves where sold to the portuguese by the king of Kongo during the 16th century and they where prisioners. Most slaves went to south america as stated earlier and I am pretty sure the remaining afro americans in murica where descendants of the ones moved by the brits, since the USA stopped trading slaves since 1790s as producing cotton was more profitable than selling the slaves.
They have had 200 years to leave if they're so oppressed. Why would they stay if the USA sucks and Africa is so great? Can you help me with this, OP?
>The white man cries out in pain as he exploits you
Good thing whiteness is a thing of the past, just a few more decades and pigskins will be an endangered species. Me and my grandkids will go huntin for the last few.
White people did not bring them here. White people did not make them slaves.
Africans were captured and enslaved by other Africans. And Jews bought them and brought them over.
Only 0.5% of Americans were slave owners.
And even still, they were property. Poor white people who immigrated here looking for the worst jobs possible were seen as much more disposable.
You don’t know your history.
Jews brought them here. They had better lives under non-jewish owners (veey small % btw) than they did in Africa and then and now in america. A nigger left to his own devices will literally create a hell on earth
niggers are unable to do anything, watch african technology videos on youtube for some lulz
White Americans never wanted them here, they were sold to Dutch and Jewish traders by other West Africans who conquered them in war. Most slave owners were Jewish or Jew-Affiliated wealthy established white gentry that comprised not even 2% of the population of the CSA alone, even smaller when you factor in the Union.
Literally nobody but the tinyest minority actually wanted them here. We even created Liberia as reparations to give them a place to return to. It's still around, if black people decided they were going to go and turn a jungle of cannibal transvestite child soldiers into Wakanda and all move back there away from evil whitey they could do so right now. But they wont because Africa has no gibs and it's easier to complain and chimp out till you get your way in America.
>stole them from their homeland and made them become slaves?
They were already slaves, they were bought from other niggers. Was still a terrible decision.
>obligatory alt hype video
The correct response when someone brings up the slave trade is "you're welcome."