I had enough of your shit Jow Forums

Listen Jow Forums, thank you for enlightening me on some situations that has been revolving around the world and revealing the truth behind the National Socialism.... however...

I deeply despise the stuff you all made to honor this terrorist, who wanted to ban guns on New Zealand so in the future white people could not have anything to protect themselves.. How can you not see that Tarrant is a fucking manipulator that wants you all to think that he is a hero, while in reality he only caused harm to people.

Either way, I still believe you can redeem yourselves if you actually stop looking at him as a hero and try to be a better person, but honestly, I've had enough of your shilling shit. And I am not implying to everyone here who uses Jow Forums, but to people who glorify the shooting that happened week earlier. And before you ask, no I do not mind Trenton memes, since I take them more like as an insult to Trenton himself, but I am really sick when you use those memes to promote your hatred towards muslims. Farewell Jow Forums, been a good time while you were based, now you are kikepilled with hatred the kikes wanted you to become.

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/Shills say that Brenton Tarrant/
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/ Brenton was just like you and me/
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/his attack seems to be trying to enrage/

see you tomorrow
our guy brenton did nothing wrong

See you tomorrow user.

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Retard, you would do nothing about the immigration issue, just like you are doing nothing about trying to get you guns back

>I still believe you can redeem yourselves if you actually stop looking at him as a hero and try to be a better person
Where do you think you are, Redditor?

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Pretty sure that was a mix of edgy teens and shills trying to make this place look even worse than it is/get it shut down and a lot of real posters think it was fake and a psyop. But you shouldn't believe me, you should leave. You should run and never look back and go live a normal life and maybe someday find some semblance of happiness. Goodspeed, Serbia.

You sound like a goddamn NPC with all that shit... Look, the elite wants you all to have a race war against yourselves while (((they))) will watch and sooner or later, they will finally have a reason to unleash a full scale genocide on white race. You have been warned.

don't care, i'm comfy at home eagerly waiting for chapter 2 because i know someone's gonna do it.

Cool, so what do we do Einstein?

>Implying I use plebbit

>Farewell Jow Forums
Sure thing, see you tomorrow user

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You might not like this but I honestly think that instead of killing bunch of muslims, why don't we directly go and bust in to the white house and kill all those jews?

Thanks mate, Goodspeed you too American user.

> why don't we directly go and bust in to the white house and kill all those jews?
Yeah, have fun with that dream. Good luck gathering 50k people to do that, and attacking the central American government something that isn't directly connected to Europe

It's still better than honoring some fucking kike disguised as a white supremacist who killed 50 people...

Better to think about something that's possible, not something that's impossible

Feel free to stop posting any time boomer

Can you at least all stop glorifying that kike?

When you come up with a realistic alternative

Can you stop calling him a kike, you cuck

Why is it never (((them)))? Why is it never immigration ministers, reserve bank chairmen and shareholders, media owners, our (((elected))) leaders that enable and promote this multicultural cluster fuck? All of these staged events only ever take out the insignificant plebs of society - a sure sign of a government psyop.


Can't you come up with one though since you really care about your own race? And yes, I can come up with an alternative, I am simply just concerned how you as a concerned white man who loves his country decides to still honor a guy who has been proven to be a secret merc for Israel?

The thing is he never mentioned anything about Kalergi plan or white genocide in his manifesto lol...

Jow Forums loves to rant about d&c meme but this kike faggot is the only thing that's actually managed to divide us. I used to consider most posters here as allies since they all wanted to oppose progressives and conserve the white race. Now Jow Forums it self has turned radical progressive through the dumbest meme ever "accelerationism". I have no common ground with most posters. Whatever "white solidarity" was forming in the world is now dead.

When the radioactive nigger rape gangs find your bunker remember that you faggots chose this. This is what you wanted and fought for.

Sloppy job mossad kike

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This is epic. You object to Jow Forums glorifying Tarrant for killing Muslims, but then it turns out your real objection is that you think he's a jew. This is Jow Forums in a nutshell.

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I would still hate him if he wasn't a jew to be honest...

White solidarity is a meme, it can only exist in opposition to non-whites. History shows that whites will kill one another in the tens of millions for basically nothing.

His goal was to force you into a corner, he said this outright in the manifesto
And your first instinct is to act like a little bitch
Freedom is worthless if you don't fight for it

>Trying to shame Jow Forums into agreeing with your emotional appeal
>change your ways Jow Forums - be a better person!
You know, if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...

fuck off back to r/centrism you faggot

because an attack on israel would be suicide at best, it is the true power centre of the world, a rebellion would be crushed instantly, you would need to reclaim the nations from them first to weaken them
remember not evem hitler and his reich could defeat them, you will need a fuckton more then just a brenton tarrant to achieve it

>still implying I use plebbit just because I actually want to help Jow Forums to get on its right direction
Have fun being gangraped by muslims who want a revenge because you never had patience to actually learn anything about whole middle east issue you faggit.

Gas yourself jew. Icelandic solidarity exists but that doesn't imply violence. Your second sentence is such a disgusting display of blatant propaganda that if you're not paid to spread it you should reconsider every choice you've ever made in your life.


You'll be back.

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The man used the 14 words, posted on 8pol, named our heroes, shot them up while a nazi remix was playing and wore the black sun. What more can an user do for the shizos? The "L'" marker on his gun is from the Latvian SS division.


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Maybe you'll finally grow a spine then

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turkscum on suicide watch

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Shalom brother. Very good job! Yes, very good job, indeed! The goyim are sure to fall for it this time!

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Tarrant said he ultimately attacked Muslim men because they have the highest fertility rate and are hated more than any other group. His goal was to accelerate inevitable social tensions, gun seizures, speech crackdowns and a coming race war. If you actually read the manifesto you'd know this.

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Weak as fuck. Sperg or sandnigger?

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English solidarity also exists user. Identifying as white is only possible if there are non-whites around. I bet it never occurs to most Icelanders to identify as white.
>Me against my brother
>Me and my brother against you and your brother
>My country against your country

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The elite are terrified of race war. This is why they've spammed our board calling him a Mossad plant/controlled opposition.

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/Shills say that Brenton Tarrant/
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/ Brenton was just like you and me/
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/his attack seems to be trying to enrage/

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>Jews must be removed from the west
>Jews in Israel that don't subvert us are fine with me
HE'S A ZIONIST PLANT! .. said the sandnigger

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I honestly don't care and don't fucking know at this point.... Like I said, I am gonna leave Jow Forums for a very long time... Looks like it wasn't place for me after all..

The other thing about my second sentence is that it also applies to non-whites, war is the natural state of humans unless a couple of hundred thousand of them live on an island in the North Atlantic hundreds of miles from anybody else.

When Europe was weak Islamic hordes raped, murdered, colonized and pillaged us for centuries. They'll do it again the moment we're weak. You of all people should know this.

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If your main concern is the jews you will fit right in at cripplechan, they talk of little else

Yes brother! Your trickery is very good. The goyim are sure to believe you! In order to subvert the goyim we must pretend to be the goyim! Well done brother! Save a seat for me in the synagogue. Shalom!

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Stormdrains are the absolute worst. I had a guy tell me yesterday that jews forced Muslims to fly into the WTC and that most of those 900+ terrorist attacks were planned by Mossad.

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Brendon Terrant
>funny, nice sense of homor
>good memer
>made good content, and content was made about him for a good week
>principled kebab remover
>got some revenge on shitskins
>called out gun cucks
>caused a shitstorm

Anti Brendon Terrant shills
>always making shit up
>cringe liberal talking points
>schizos and spergs
>disavow cucks
>eternally butthurt
>no content only cringy whining
Did I forget anything else?

You're going back Abdul.

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The jews got a country!
What will the Muslims get?

Sorry to hear this. Here at Jow Forums we value your opinion. You are very important to us. Thank you for the trust you have placed in us. Please call us anytime with any questions or concerns.
Your loyalty as a customer is greatly appreciated.

bye fag

shills, (((MSM))) and npc's all agree that the NZ shooter was a lone wolf, whyte supremacist channer
>pure coincidence

Our countries

"they are banning guns" is not different from "they were going to ban guns anyway". he did not change what was already going to happen, he merely made it happen sooner
did you seriously think they'd let you fight back against them? are you retarded?

If you read his manifesto you wouldn't ask this question. He was born in, and committed his attack in, a colonial nation that exterminated the aboriginals. Opposing Israel for colonizing would be obviously hypocritical, why can't you dumbass spergs rub two brain cells together for a minute?

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He talks about this in his manifesto that nobody wants to read.

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>I-I'd like to speak to your manager
We appreciate the confidence you have placed in us and we look forward to providing you with the best possible service in the future. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you in the future.

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What a brilliant argument.

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>A Serb

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He'll be back. They always come back.

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bye bye

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I get sick of reading questions on here which he addressed in his manifesto. Anybody who hasn't read it should refrain from posting about this matter until they have. And he's right, having guns is no good if you're too scared to use them. Legal gun owners are the goodest goys of the lot, because they are scared of losing their guns. The Second Amendment is the cleverest means of social control ever invented.

patrician taste in kebab removers

Finally a good post.
I recommend everyone watch the video too while they're at it.

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Yes, yes! Your tactics have proven that you have been paying close attention to our teachings at the synagogue. The goyim are completely fooled! They will never suspect who you really are! Shalom!

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that cannot be real

Well said op. Someone had to say it.

Once you've taken the red pill there is no going back.

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Do you just keep spamming the same shit over and over again?

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For someone that quit Jow Forums you sure seem to do a lot of posting... AFTER QUITTING Jow Forums! LMAO!!!!

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the way he answered the question "are you a neo-nazi" screams that he is no channer and definitely not a Jow Forumsack

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>he's only one of his if he shaves his head and identifies as a neo-nazi
Stupid nigger.

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You know where the Black Sun comes from.. right? From Himmler's castle. He's /ourguy/ that led the SS and had millions of inbreds dumped into pits.

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The only thing I'm worried about: do you think he's going to trash us on Yelp or RottenTomatoes and cost us future business?

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His answer to "are you a conservative" is pretty redpilled though, self-styled "conservatives" from r/the_donald are the people who have ruined this board

A) Fuck Off
B) (You) C) Fuck Off
Newfag SG trannie retard.
This video reveals everything (You) need to know.

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>goodbye threads

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The issue with humanity as a whole.

"Man is at bottom a savage, horrible beast. We know it, if only in the business of taming and restraining him which we call civilisation. Hence it is that we are terrified if now and then his nature breaks out. Wherever and whenever the locks and chains of law and order fall off and give place to anarchy, he shows himself for what he is. But it is unnecessary to wait for anarchy in order to gain enlightenment on this subject. A hundred records, old and new, produce the conviction that in his unrelenting cruelty man is in no way inferior to the tiger and the hyaena."
- Schopenhauer

>now you are kikepilled with hatred the kikes wanted you to become.
oy vey don't kill your invaders goy, we HAAAATE it when you do that!
*hand rubbing intensifies*

Even the SPLC has stopped talking about it.

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a Jow Forumsack would have internally REEEEEEEEEE and say neo-nazis is controlled opposition
>not dropping that redpill, but you and your rabbi fail to realize this

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Keep it up brother! Keep it up! You will be given a raise for all your efforts! I will notify your supervisor to raise your wage by 2 shekels. Shalom

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I remember in the mid 90's when it was a joke to talk about new world order, dark groups, and to be spied on constantly by our government.

I had a friend in high school who would constantly tell us these theories he learned from his parents. I joined the Army, served for a decade. The year I got out was 2009. Rap music had glorified the NWO type groups. Digital big brother was sold to us via google and apple.

Now a decade later, I am thinking about the constant "conspiracy" of white genocide. Now understand, I am jewish through and through, so I have no vested interest in a white race war. They always turn on the jewish people.

Honestly, short, of overwhelming united violence had can any political movement or government stop it now? France, Germany, Italy, and England are lost. Even China is having to do deal with the muslim invaders.

He didn't single out any specific race in his manifesto. I'm sick and tired of stormniggers blaming jews for literally everything wrong in the world. There are virtually no jews in New Zealand, and most European countries for that matter.
>The invaders must be removed from European soil, regardless from where they came or when they came. Roma, African, Indian, Turkish, Semitic or other. If they are not of our people, but live in our lands, they must be removed.

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A pic of Trump's chest 10 years ago?

>I'm sick and tired of stormniggers blaming jews for literally everything wrong in the world.
what are you doing here?

Opposing jewish colonialism while committing an attack in the name of European colonialism would obviously be hypocritical, and that's why he tossed in "if they don't subvert my people" as a qualifier after saying he wants them assbooted from the west.

Are you a sandnigger or a stormnigger? It's almost impossible to tell the difference these days. You'll cry about muh Palestinians and muh colonialism while living in a colonial state your ancestors ethnically cleansed.

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