The French Jow Forums like is massively censored so allow me to join you

I have been redpilled too

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>he thinks JVC is the French Jow Forums
/dempart/ is the French Jow Forums

parle-vous francais je suis Paul desu.

Are french anons smart enough to host their own guerilla chan?

French posters on Jow Forums are required to show deference to their British and American counterparts. You are encouraged to respond positively to posts by British and American flags

I thought DP was French TRS.

We rape US/UK easy

Fuck both of you Ahmed and Muhammad.

I see you are one of those melanin enriched Frenchies.

>I see you are one of those melanin enriched Frenchies.
U mad bro we fvck erry white slutZzzZ

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i got news for ya, Jow Forums and 8ch are going to be shut down soon or restricted by ISPs from accessing. we're moving to because it is censorship resistant because its a decentralized chan. moderation is decentralized and randomized per each reported post. it pays you to post as well. keep in mind when ISPs censor the legacy chans, they will turn into ghost towns. c ya around anonkun

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Im not algerian try harder nabZ, i'm pretty sure you live in france

Stop begging for money you faggot and start to code already

the crowd funding phase is over you illiterate frog.
the board is in development phases now and launches Q4 2019

6 months to code an imageboard ? gotta be good.
At least the website looks decent, I've seen so many awful chans I started to lose hope of a true decentralized and uncensorable platform.

Why do I have to pay to send messages on 0xchan ? 0.5 Ether entry fee how much $ is it?

well yeah thats kinda what every hardcore chan fanatic is thinking.
the "decentralized chan" is the final end game of chans basically.
you see the notion of it discussed on Jow Forums on a monthly basis almost.
someone was going to build it eventually and its coming sooner than we expected.
ive followed it closely cause im crypto fag but almost every aspect about the board concept is what many of us fanatics have hoped for for a long time.

the design of 0xchan is very close to legacy Jow Forums design.

but check how moderation works:
>a post is reported
>the system choses 10 random recent posters to vote on the post in question
>no one person will ever indefinitely be able to moderate the board or subvert it thru this kind of power over posts/etc
>the 10 normal posters that are given a special mod task to vote on the post vote
>if 6 votes are in favor of banning the post from the board, the post is shadow banned and invisible on the 0xchan client
>the post still exists in the blockchain tho just its invisible to the board
>the user in question who likely posted something illegal is fined their 2 ETH stake as punishment for being a shitlord

it costs $0.003 to post to 0xchan. you have to realize that NOTHING IS FREE on the internet. any service that is "free" is actually selling your user data - just like gookmoot is selling all of our data on Jow Forums. and each time someone posts on 0xchan you get xyz amount of ETH added to your 0x address in the smart contract. so essentially you are getting paid to post.

>the "decentralized chan" is the final end game of chans basically.
ok not so bad but getting into crypto and shit just to post is a strong entry barrier, meaning it has to be good.
I'll look into it thx for the answers

Salut, je suis "red-pilled", mais je suis pas completement débile.
Tu habites ou en France?

yeah just read the white paper. and the board being crypto oriented is to the point to where it can never be shut down by any ISP or govt. all you need to access the board is an app for phone or software for a computer. so any ISP censoring access to would entirely be bypassed by the actual board software itself. thats the major thing about this board design, it can literally never be shut down since all the board is doing is interacting with an immutable smart contract that then relays the posted messages onto the ETH blockchain. and when ETH scales with plasma and sharding very soon, it will be lightening fast just like posting in real time on any traditional chan. it will also not require capchas which should be a relief to almost every user in general.

im pretty sure that coinbase works in France but I could be wrong. either way, you should buy some ETH right now because the bull run is on the way and prices will soar once again.

t. long time Jow Forums and Jow Forums fag

>see ya around, frog

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Rolls over to Germany everytime in hoi4