I am the new Führer

I am starting a youtube channel. Ask me anything politics-related. I believe strongly in the 14 words. Who among you will become my disciple? I will answer all the questions of this thread in my first video. 88

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Nice shirt

Alright, how do we stop Tenda Spencer from preventing me from finding my future wife who is Asian probably

Hi OP big fan of your work, my question to you as a fan is how many cocks do you suck a day?

you're only in it because you want people kissing your ass. Adolf Hitler wasn't in it for that.

No, I'm the new Führer, stop lying Himmler

We must secure the existence of Isreal and a bright future for Jewish people.

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/fa/shy-goy here.
Shape up your hair. Your facial structure doesn't look half bad and you don't look like a stereotypical mong the shills like to spam out

Make sure to not be fat or skinny too. You don't have to be The Golden One but keep yourself in shape. Optics are key when you want to become a public figure. Good luck user

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It's actually a flag. Thank you.
Rice boilers get the rope. Stop scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Don't you have a street somewhere to shit in, Pajeet?

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Stop insulting mein Führer

Quiet down, Göbbels.
My hair is already a lost cause I'm afraid.

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Apologies mein Führer

Dam....he cute

So this is the creature which calls me a street shitter on Jow Forums.

channel's name

You look like a mongoloid faggot

haha manlet faggot

now stop being a narcissist and make your videos.
Or is your real purpose is to and show off to people who dont give a fuck

big fan here. keep up the awesome work lol get woke! haha anyway make a redpill video and tell people how sheepish they are ! ! that will show them lolrandom. haha but yea keep it up bro

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neck like a french fry.
get them shoulders right!
you will also need one of those 6 months supply of in-case-shit food cases for if you have to go on the run...
enjoy your ban from shalomtube

Thank you, Laquanda.
Let who has never shat in the street, poo first in the loo.
Any suggestions?
I am 6 feet tall. Nice projection Great Khali.
I am truly sorry God made you hideous.

Let's see how much of a pure Hyperborean you are then.

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What makes you think you're worthy of being a leader of anything?

Let's see those guns, weight-lifting expert body-builder.

What makes you think I'm not?

>not The Golden One
Fuck off

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You're posting your face on Jow Forums with a meme shirt and your big plan is starting a jewtube channel. You should be ashamed to compare yourself to Hitler.

fuck idk try something edgy ?

You're afraid to post your face on Jow Forums, and likely suffer from paranoid schizophrenia. Pitiful.

>suffer from paranoid schizophrenia
lel, k

Also it's a flag wrapped around me, not a shirt.

You're homlsexual.

oh no.
you mistake me for somebody new and or completely unawares of just where the hell we are.
you keep on posting your pics all you want.
Im not about that life.

also... my bad meant to reply to:

homosexual detected

I've posted dozens of pictures of myself. Nothing has happened or ever will. Doxxing is a bullshit excuse to be a pussy. It ain't shit to someone like me who tells niggers to eat shit to their faces on the daily. Quit being a nutless little bitch.

This is pretty cringe.
You're not even blonde hair or blue eyed.

all of the things you think you know...
like I said; im not about that life.
If I ever do feel it is somehow in my best interest to do away with my anonymity (what little bits of anonymity I may or may not have) I'll fully expect you to come talk shit in the thread I make about myself, pencil neck.

You have been pood biggly, jewberg scum

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I'm dirty blond and green-eyed. There's such a thing as camera lighting/low resolution retarded faggot.

Like I said you're a little pussy. My neck is wider than your dick, queer.