Help with a project

I'm working on a something where I have the opportunity to redpill a lot people, but I need really simple entry-level redpills to do so [pic related]
Dump your simplest, most easy to understand redpills.

Attached: 1553218322845.jpg (640x624, 68K)

Stuff like this

Attached: 1553218430403.jpg (480x312, 35K)

Or this

Attached: 1553187944729.jpg (620x742, 118K)

The construction/banking industries depend on population growth more than any other industries; western birth rates do not support population growth, ergo: the construction/banking industries depend on immigration for profits.

look to latin america, they are the example of what must not be done

Attached: world_IQ_2akajs01imacg300200.png (6460x3455, 1.9M)

Thanks man, but I need stuff that borderline retards could understand. More this speed.

Attached: play-da-y-do-diversity-multiculturalism-multiculturalism-in-a-nutshell-30455264.png (500x699, 155K)

Yeah I suggest you hide your power level and do a report that normies will agree with. Don’t throw your life away on this mate.

Separate is beautiful, mixed is ugly.

Attached: 1529787595226.gif (313x339, 17K)

I'm not necessarily anti-Islam, but this is the first thing that came to mind for me.

Attached: this-woman-hitchhiked-trhough-the-middle-east-to-prove-muslims-16174745.png (500x522, 157K)

Attached: 5aaa9c5d6c993.jpg (421x539, 109K)

>88 IQ
Jow Forumss favorite IQ

Attached: 54132955_10215074304745058_6551893453800734720_n.jpg (482x857, 102K)

Attached: 1522149207504.jpg (500x417, 79K)

Attached: diversity_is_genocide.png (680x267, 106K)

Attached: leave_whites_ALONE.jpg (596x380, 65K)

Attached: japanvseurope.jpg (649x729, 103K)

Fuck you're optics. I'm going in.

Thanks, brother. This stuff is perfect. Keep it coming.

Attached: cv8KLMn.png (4200x6184, 1.19M)

This is a favourite of mine to share with normie friends.

Attached: 26169834_684733111731402_6749530965847592819_n.jpg (576x960, 69K)

ALL media and entertainment outlets worldwide just HAPPEN to be run and staffed by a race of known propagadists and swindlers that are .002-.003% of the total human population.

Attached: 1531115778726.jpg (2135x4273, 3.77M)

Attached: libertarian logic.jpg (1312x1410, 355K)

Attached: 1529788922107.jpg (1024x827, 179K)

Attached: EKChzbS.png (969x593, 562K)

Attached: DmilOYEU4AEr3gx.jpg (716x1249, 133K)

Attached: 1553264778350.jpg (1013x537, 159K)

When they talk about colonization, remind them that other races were colonising way before us - they're just jeaolous we happened to be better at it.

Attached: 28058947_10215759716123032_196268229681272690_n.jpg (960x842, 64K)

Attached: 37872598_2072184679702705_4529623332433166336_n.jpg (403x403, 60K)

Attached: 1512532457790.jpg (790x960, 83K)

Attached: 2408152f4c224f27c98eba9d42c81af26c6e78ae.jpg (600x703, 214K)

Attached: niggers_arent_human3.png (599x413, 389K)

>Can you bring yourself to have one fewer of these?

Attached: 1523465551829.png (1460x1929, 2.34M)

Simple you say?

Attached: 1553229689519.jpg (2650x9922, 3.94M)

Your science project is going to get you expelled kid

Attached: human_development_history.png (1237x1017, 108K)

Its Paris that always gets me, how could the people famous for rebellion let their shithole politicians turn the famous City of Lights and Love into a drug/rape/AIDS/hep/TS/herp/human waste ridden, illegal immigrant infested trashheap??

Attached: 1491381005465.jpg (644x781, 106K)

Attached: 37723812_10215612747538968_3745948373945942016_n.jpg (902x920, 94K)

Attached: 37846568_2184281381599337_2217131078190104576_n.jpg (720x685, 72K)

also the boomers need their shitty houses to increase in value so their retirement isn't interrupted


Attached: 41442393_1817622275025222_8792154489952927744_n.jpg (720x825, 76K)

Attached: europe-in-a-nutshell-muslims-having-many-babies-im-still-working-on-my-phd-im-not-ready-to-have-chil (735x853, 114K)

Attached: 1529854418228.jpg (618x536, 88K)

>wooden doors

Attached: 1517175350397.jpg (1600x2812, 464K)

I've been looking for this one for some time. Thanks again for the dump.
Do you have the picture of the European girl with bunny ears walking past the police officer who's armed to the teeth with a caption like [Europe in a nutshell]?

>Diversity is our strength
I find this one poignant. It speaks for its self.

Attached: diversityisourgreateststrengthgoyim.jpg (1000x667, 116K)

Attached: 1491250828730.png (490x483, 292K)

Attached: 1491086780869.png (1024x512, 1.18M)

favourite one

Idiocracy 2: (P)E.U.

Attached: 1491248750690.jpg (841x673, 132K)

And that's all I have (I think) relating to the kind of infographs you wanted (judging by your first couple of posts).

Attached: tumblr_n2i5w0kygo1qaeo2oo1_500.png (500x357, 67K)

Attached: 1491184938308.jpg (1024x800, 141K)

Attached: replacement6.png (2276x2081, 1.75M)

Found a couple more

Attached: 29541075_10155544843607153_6121871847374030178_n.jpg (603x893, 152K)

Attached: 29570378_10204546316693841_2085926799706058380_n.jpg (640x636, 111K)

Attached: 29572285_590255171339211_6068178658945573483_n.jpg (474x391, 53K)

Attached: 1541253416930.jpg (500x725, 156K)

Attached: 1507491916546.jpg (974x928, 281K)

Attached: stop breeding whitey.jpg (1013x537, 111K)

Attached: 36785186_185695422288180_6923342527869222912_n.jpg (590x960, 111K)

Attached: 1553185556531.jpg (885x503, 60K)

Attached: 1518400678789.jpg (918x400, 66K)

Attached: 1523562082193.jpg (865x486, 110K)

Attached: times.png (1406x643, 906K)

Why side these demons?


Attached: 1529788904274.jpg (404x588, 59K)

Attached: 1529788966497.jpg (1024x442, 99K)

Attached: 1553177191397.png (1024x398, 532K)

Pollution is mainly from non white countriesß
Overpopulation is due to ethnic minorities not whites

Attached: 1513559080955.jpg (843x843, 146K)

Attached: 1529788949016.jpg (750x676, 100K)

Attached: 1553176997010.jpg (1242x1241, 217K)

Attached: article-2258740-16F5C7BE000005DC-169_964x844.jpg (964x844, 323K)

Attached: 1520733028621.png (1119x1067, 1.21M)

Hausa in the house!

Attached: 1523312714968.png (700x525, 807K)

Attached: 1529789090099.jpg (600x671, 144K)

Attached: barbary2.png (720x750, 1.09M)

Attached: images.jpg (194x260, 22K)

Attached: crimestatsbycountry.png (1531x841, 117K)

Attached: black_shooters.jpg (454x419, 57K)

Attached: anti white racism.png (1695x2000, 2.29M)


Attached: 1483386208075.gif (500x375, 337K)

Attached: wb 1548540762867.jpg (600x450, 63K)

Attached: least_diverse_safest_areas.jpg (750x756, 79K)

Attached: 1523311145578.png (931x465, 345K)

Attached: wb 1546242277962.jpg (403x370, 28K)

Attached: reality-worst-game-ever.jpg (616x2030, 399K)

this is why americans need to stop trying to make fun of canadians and accept us as your overlords. americans are too low iq to even understand what we are talking about most of the time

Attached: circle_of_diversity.png (2000x1955, 284K)

Attached: fbi_murder_stats.png (675x546, 127K)

Attached: goodevilww2.png (500x559, 96K)

Attached: wb 1540206678974.jpg (700x700, 117K)

Attached: communist privilege.png (1000x1000, 102K)

Attached: wb 1542691726833.gif (684x784, 612K)

Attached: w IMG_20190113_193324.jpg (1280x1200, 179K)

Attached: dankula.png (770x1070, 576K)

I don’t get it

Attached: w 1549686406090.jpg (720x877, 135K)