Illy Omar 2020

C'mon Jow Forums, why isn't this a meme? It's like t-ball.

And you faggots claim to be "fuck the system" accelerationists, and what not.

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would unironically vote for her

somebody with paint skills add "Gas the kikes! Race war now!" lmao


Just throw a black sun on there and write inshallah gas gas gas or some memri tv shit.

cuz U.S. already had a Muslim president (Obongo)
now it's time for a literal commie or some shit that hasn't been seen so far

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If she weren't a rabid leftist loony electing her to anything would be providing some serious luls.
Watching these jews squirm in terror and disgust just cause she simply shares the room with them is fucking hilarious.


Wasn't even born here.

damn this is true, didn't consider that.

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>thinks anybody redpilled gives a fuck about "terrorirsts"

It's the KIKES we hate.

by e nigger


20 hours in paint

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I'd take out the word "sharia" to make it pseudo-serious so folks wouldn't know what to make of it, making it a better meme.

>I'd take out the word "sharia" to make it pseudo-serious so folks wouldn't know what to make of it, making it a better meme.
As if this whore is at all shy about her intentions to turn the US into a Sharia country.

Not naturally born

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>Lets ironically btfo Smumpfh
Yeah no Bergerstein


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I would unironically assainate her if she was elected to that position.

Ilhan Omar -- great stateswoman

will bring great understanding to the region she comes from and understands so well and speaks so frankly about..

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wont prevent her from running, the trick is to have her kicked out

she's got my vote

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>implying sharia wouldn't be a massive improvement over (((feminism)))

Yeah and Trump is holding secret fundraisers with White Nationalists

would unironically breed her

But I am not willing to live under some dune coon set of laws. Femmunism will kill itself off.

wow youre retarded
poster here is telling you how to sell an idea and you cant help but sperg out.

>natural born citizen

doesnt matter

Nice come back CAIR fag.

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pic is you
posts like yours reminds me that Jow Forums is filled with two digit IQ larplords who dont understand chaos is the enemy of the system. What do you think happens when ilhan starts spewing her leftist anti white anti jew talking points and comes under serious scrutiny, we WANT her on the spotlight but youre so low iq I I have to fucking spell it out like youre 4 years old.


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