These are two Jewish girls from UK.
Now tell me - you wouldn't take a bite of that forbidden fruit lads?
These are two Jewish girls from UK.
Now tell me - you wouldn't take a bite of that forbidden fruit lads?
I bet they taste like and ashtray.
cuck jewish males? sure, i'd also make them convert to Christianity
What does "Jewish" even mean today? Certainly not culture, or genetics.
and... makeup can make a 3 look like a 7.
Actually, I don't like how they look. Not my type, you all can have them.
those aren't even half jewish, you can tell because jews have freakish genetic features.
They are Jewish 100%.
Mmm I'd convert these 2 to Christianity in a heartbeat
Pretty standard looking. Show them w/o make-up.
Jews are now the 2nd fastest group to get AIDS, just behind homosexual niggers. Why would I want to fuck one and get sick?
One on left.
>implying Jewish girls aren't fuckable AF
Drowning in my own lung fluid from getting kike diseases isn't high on my list of things to do in this lifetime.
I have turned down hotter jews before
This woman is also Jewish
If you wouldn't marry this you're queer
They have to go back
they look like cunts
whats a nose job?
>fuck a kike or you gay, nigga
Maybe this is why AIDS is running rampant through Israel today...
i'd let them use my shower
if you know what i mean
That girl has more make-up on than my wife has ever had.
Fuckable, but that's it.
Also, snapchat filter adds a few points. These girls are 4/10 at best, worth a pump and dump, but fuck all else.
If I was a Chad then a quick fuck and dump if they kept their mouths shut would be the way to go
you can't see this coming
but I would abort mission upon discovering so
make up
and they look like they're mixed Europeans over several centuries
u gay
>fuck jew girl with your uncircumcised penis
>cum on her face
>move on
Sounds like a plan user
t. a guy in a fursuit eating human feces
One on right is a huge bitch.Gross.
they are most likely diseased
with whatever jew diseases are out there
pretty disgusting in all honesty
>make up
>low res
>at least 50% european
try again cuck
They cast a spell on you, you know, the Jews. When you work closely with them, like I do, you see this. They have this power. It's like a virus. Some of my men are infected with this virus. They should be pitied, not punished. They should receive treatment because this is as real as typhus. I see it all the time. It's a matter of money? Hmm?
nah im not German
sorry to dissappoint you
just wear a sack whitey
I can give you a Jewish girl at five marks a day, Jow Forums. You should kiss me, not them. God forbid you ever get a real taste for Jewish skirt, there's no future in it. They don't have a future. That's not just good old fashioned Jew hating talk. It's policy now.
Ash and Tray are the names of their nigger boy friends no doubt.
>reverse search this image to find out whether OP is lying
>immediately get struck by the feels jew
you could get diseases just by being near them
Hot women are hot - OP circa 2019.
An individual can be sexy regardless of the cultural sickness that pervades them. Doesn't make them not your enemy
average night at passing clouds in dalston. always full of jewish females
this thread just goes to show why rape and murder need to be made legal. jews have been expelled from the uk twice yet they still breed here like vermin
>whatever jew diseases are out there
pretty disgusting in all honesty
Maple Syrup Urine Disease
1/3 of Askanzi have it, from the inbreeding.
>Maple Syrup Urine Disease
Thought this was bait but it is actually real topkek
>not latina with a nice bunda
i'll pass
The Jewish disease is genetic, not religious.
Already have a hot & subservient Japanese wife, thank you.
>germans have no humour
this is her without snapchat filter
fuck... wish I could unsee
Fuck off faggot. Women are whose womb is to be conquered by the alpha male
>Maple Syrup Urine Disease
>Thought this was bait but it is actually real topkek
This is why the Instore prices in Canada are so high
Two? i don't know if my oven would be able to handle this
you don't like the chosenites, goyim?
Described Askhenazi and Sephardi there
Here's the national institute of health
On the jewish numbers.
How is this not common knowledge?
Look, it doesn't matter if they are hot. What happens when you have kids? They are now Jewish and you aren't going to be on the winning side when things take a turn. Promptly ending your lineage.
yesterday there was a documentary on our belgian tv about women in their hadishiwhatever cult in israel made by the bbc i think? it's with that female with low hanging tits, curly brown hair spouting jewish lies on everything? she even started this docu with the standard, we white women are truely privileged yadi yada..., she has a series on women all over the world about how they are being treated and living under their cultural and or religous rule.. aanyway, in this one with the jews in occupied palestina they have just like the muslims their own patroling religious police those guys all black in dresses with their oversised furry hats lol.
ooh the horror when interviewing those women.
when young it's not forbidden to wear make up, wich is strange for their cult, hipocrite even, anyway, when older they are fat and ugly, the kind you know they smell like they look. they are free to do with their bodies as they want BUT forbidden to wear what they want though, speak to and do what they want, aslong it's sober, not too reveiling and the most important, a wig, wich they reluctantly had to admid while having the "oy vey face" is recolted from russian women. hence the blonds and light brown haired soldier supermodels you see in their propaganda.
even the regular women, it's a complete contrast with heir bait propaganda, jewish beautyfull women are a lie it's the jewish burka you see. and those who rebel against that faith happen to be the ugliest ones and the eternal singles for whatever reason lol, colored hair, noserings and tattoo lesbianism shit included.
Jews arent the problem wasps are! Not all of us are blind!
Jesus h Christmas
i'll have sex with their makeup cause without it
no one will fuck them.
Don't forget also 40% more likely to be schizophrenic
11 holes in mine but i drilled an extra hole in my showerhead in case i get fooled by one because there are days i could get drunk, if you know what i mean.
While id fuck a jewish girl theres no way i could marry one or have kids with one
bigger kek
what the fuck
Mossad is that you?
They have a shit load of plaster on their mugs....make up off app and they would look like a couple of rats
This may surprise you, degenerate, but there exists out there a group of principled men who don't immediately sacrifice their values because of base impulse.
Of course I would. If it is jewish pussy - bleach it.
That’s a nose job for sure.
I don't go outside so no
I go to uni with this girl and she's jewish. Would you even know?
I went home with her after a party when I first met her and when I checked her insta the next morning lmao
at least they took the nosejob over the car for their 16th bday
My wife and I were at the doctor, they were trying to sell us on genetic testing, we were having a baby. The nurse had a book, it had a list of phenotypes and what genetic disorders are associated. She was flipping the pages to get to ours. Every other group had 2 lines to maybe a paragraph. Ashkenazi had a whole page. Maple syrup urine disease popped out at me, I chuckled, the nurse pulled the book back to her side of the desk. I've never been able to find the whole list, it must be proprietary to the testing companies. Their own genes are a Shoah.
Anything looks better than your average Anglo girl
I’ve talked to a few of them and they say the single most attractive thing a male can do is subvert a Western nation
No lie
>implying I have standards
Yes user, I would.
Pic related
Implying these bitches would ever shut the fuck up long enough to possibly have a 2 minute fuck.
>Now tell me - you wouldn't take a bite of that forbidden fruit lads
Not if I knew they were Jewish. Would prob wake up without a kidney
I wonder if she's seen this
Take the make up, and filter off, and they are standard 6 out of 10
Of course I'd put my penis in them. What man wouldn't? Doesn't mean I want Europeans to be replaced.
Neither, they're both disgusting kikes. They belong in a gas chamber
I'm a gay man so no, I wouldn't
Weird looking nose. 2/10, wouldn't fuck.
Nah bro, I'd rather bang this
Don't you have more pressing matters to think about?
How much Levant DNA do they really have? Seems like so many Ashkenazi Jews are mostly Southern/Eastern European.
I'd have my girlfriend stab them to death and then take her out to dinner as a reward for her good deed.
Not a chance, now fuck off
>I'm not jewish but my penis is.
TIL Jow Forums are a bunch of faggots. The only people who hate Jews are those too I ugly to get premium jew pussy.
>Gas, gas, gas! Gotta step on the gas!