How does it feel to know that everyone hates you zoomie white boys?

How does it feel to grow up in a generation where most other people hate you. Non whites hate you definitely, most white women hate you because they’ve lapped that feminism stuff up like milk. Oh and a lot of your fellow white male zoomers also hate you funnily enough. So how does it feel hated? How does it feel to know that they’re gonna have power over you soon enough and they’re gonna make you pay for the sins of your ancestors? What do you think of that? :)

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Feels pretty good desu. Because for every white roastie that hates me there is 100 cute asians that would love to have me. Get dabbed on niggerfaggot.

based and yellowpilled

You're just an Anti-White.


Shoo, we're busy mining salt.

All fields. Same pasta over and over.

So what

Approbation is for pleb

Adversity for kings

so easy to spam thred

>What do you think of that? :)
I'd say just say keep stacking guns and ammo and stay cool

tough times create strong men
and strong men will btfo the enemy

Haha please

nice, now imagine if the zoomer was not white.


Indiferrent, I care not for opinion of children.


>How does it feel being hated
Not bad enough to do any of the shit niggers use it as an excuse for.

In reality women love white men. I don't care about being hated by niggers and muds, I hate them back. My life and career is unaffected by them.

I couldn't give the slightest fuck. How does that make you feel knowing that

you Racist fucking cunt

Feels good. You brown people can’t run shit and wouldn’t survive five minutes without white people.

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who needs white women when you have asians

why aren't you banned yet

Jannies support my rhetoric

Cope white boy. Even white girls hate you now and see you as oppressors