This time period sucks dick.
What happened to this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Jews happened
It's still there.
you dumbass. this is a fucking postcard
>It's still there.
not like this
t. new yorker
Cameras got better. Oh you mean the niggers kikes and spics.
Good point, postcards portrayed cities in the most favorable light possible, but one has to admit that there’s a much different mentality to building the Empire State Building than a sheet of glass skyscraper.
imagine living in new york and still shitposting
Do you think that 50s New York was a picnic for the average person?
unrestrained capitalism and cultural decline.
i mean big cities were always shitholes to live in but just look at the pics in:
we've had tons of threads on this shit. jews have destroyed any sense of culture and beauty in cities
>imagine living in new york and still shitposting
It took a bit of a stumble
Europeans built new york, even if now immigration and non white demograhpics won, but it still must be reconquered, like all the west.
This. Jews have single handly destroyed this nation.
good goy here, faggot
U suck dick
Skyscrapers are gay.
Except that law was created and pushed by a Jew.
>being nostalgic about a time when amerimutts lived of destoying europe
Jews fucking built half your country.
In a society where cultural identity is almost barren, architectural masterpieces are lost to history in favor of a soulless capitalist structure meant for naught but advertisement and to bring disgust apon ones eye.
I guess its gonna be one of these threads
Jesus fucking Christ
Postwar culture believes in no power beyond science, so aesthetics were replaced by displays of engineering.
Cute little house
Eh. Could be worse. You could be one of those poor bastards that got stuck in the shillary timeline.
What happened = 1 word = Corruption
And it was already happening at time of pic.
Jews and fighting on the wrong side in ww2.
The fact that this used to be reality not so long ago makes the whole thing even more depressing. We went downhill incredibly fast
>Although New York had a newly created Landmarks Preservation Commission by the time demolition commenced in 1967, and the Singer Building was considered to be one of the most iconic buildings in the city, it did not receive landmark designation, which would have prevented it from being torn down. Alan Burnham, executive director of the commission, said in August 1967 that if the building were to have been made a landmark, the city would have to either find a buyer for it or acquire it. Demolition commenced in August 1967 and was completed the following year.
it's much more about capitalism being all about cutting costs, and anonymous blocks of glass being cheaper than a detailed monument
America was a more capitalist nation before the war.
The first President you had was a fucking Freemason.
You are all retard tier shitfags.
The Jews always ran your country, the difference now is that they have a different agenda to the ones 80 years ago.
And then the kikes started to control our media and turned the boomers and generation before them into degenerates