Get Off Jow Forums Now!

>Shills inbound
>Seven dwarves awoke
>Orange Stalin Activated
>Gay Luciferian Masonic Kali Yuga Trash incoming
>Traps doubling their HRT regimen


Attached: pollycia.jpg (719x714, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:


user, wanna see a pic of my penis and asshole?

how much is that bird in the window??

wh-what's going on with that poor bird?

>what's going on with that poor bird?

it will be inserted into a tranny asshole soon

sure you sick fucker

Putting it under for surgery, likely.


It's a bird. It's not waking up.

I fucking hate it when people say they're gonna do something and don't deliver.

Delousing with the pesticide gas Zyklon B to prevent the spreading of flea related diseases. If a human was in this situation and required delousing, they would shave off all their hair and burn their clothes beforehand.

Also, what you're saying amounts to
>Surrender to the enemy and let them gain ground unopposed
Step in front of my M60, NOW.

tfw post op lept in jar

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It's pretty bad

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Polly wants a cracker.
let me take a ride i got some rope.

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>I dont have a dog

Your trigger are blue stains, that aren't present....

Attached: TRIGGER.jpg (225x225, 12K)


Bring it on.

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CIA niggers if you will keep smoking DMT and talking to machine elves you will soon lose sanity. Human brain isnt advanced enought to comprenhend eternity. Maybe one day we will become like them but now you are just getting pranked and tricked into their bidding. Have you ever considered this possibility that infinite knoweledge can cause more harm than good? Also dont go to astral plane today if you want to stay sane.

>shills inbound

Inbound? Dude, they have been here for years. And they cannot change our opinions, it's glorious. Jow Forums is the best place on the internet, a magical place.

This place is a shithole that never fails to make me depressed, and I'm sure it's also an FBI honeypot... but I will probably keep posting here.

Seems like a good place to post this since the TI thread was instantly 404'd and this will probably be up for an hour or more.
>targeted individuals/gangstalking

I was homeless for years mostly by choice. Hitchhikedbaround the country with nothing but a backpack, slept quite literally on the sidewalk at times. You'd be surprised at what you see when you stop having things to do and start observing people full time. There's a lot of layers to all this(targeted individuals)but one thing I've noticed is that the average shmuck involved knows next to nothing about what they're doing. Its all compartmentalized for plausable deniability and the people in the field are on a strict need to know system. Most of the people on the ground are protected witnesses or low level family members of elite, failed actors and musicians, former gang members who agreed to do anything to avoid jail. The people they target are usually the types who nobody will believe. It's likely they're all simply told to go talk about certain things next to the target 'because the target might be a real bad guy". At a certain point the motive shifts from information gathering with low level units to full on psychological warfare with high level units in the know.

>but what's the point?
We're all pets in a zoo. They consider themselves the magicians behind the illusion, the joy comes not from the trick but from the wonder in the audience's face. If they can convince some poor guy they're gunna kill him so he runs away screaming, that's hilarious for them. At the upper levels, the elite place bets(like the movie rat race) on crazy shit like how many people are gunna die in a terrorist attack that they were able to cause through pushing a targeted individual into the position to preform said attack. That's an exteme example.

>how do you protect yourself
Laugh at them.

I know I know still waiting on that Aquino thread to pop up.

I'm a Polly now free birddddddddd

at the moment the shills seem to have diminished a little bit

gas the dinosaur seed

Interesting, user. Got any examples/stories to share?

A message to the perpetrators of the Targeted Individual Program and a Declaration of War:

1. In subjecting Targeted Individuals to this experiment, TI's were treated as people with no rights. If we have no rights, then no one has any rights, including the perps and their families.

2. We're the victims. YOU started this. We define the crime and we decide what justice looks like.

3. Since you have systematically invaded, poisoned and terrorized our lives, everything in your lives is "ON THE TABLE" – people, places and things (along with the perps themselves, all perps' property, money, belongings and family members will be seized).

4. Given the nature and severity of their crimes, the perps must be killed. Weapons of warfare have been tested on Targeted Individuals. This is a Declaration of War against the perpetrators.

5. The punishment in USA for treason against the country is death. Taking part in a conspiracy to "target" another person in the manner at hand shall be viewed as Treason Against Humanity. To set an example going forward the perps' families must also be killed.

6. Not only does this Rationale apply to and delineate the punishment of perps (planners of and active participants in the perpetrator side of the Targeted Individual Program), it also applies to and delineates the punishment to be meted out to any persons found to be Complicit in the crimes of the Targeted Individual Program.

This shall henceforth be known as The Rationale. It is Law. There are no exceptions. There is no debate.

Forgiveness does not exist.


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look at the thread i posted above its literal hollywood jews pushing Q making it all about caught Killary the queen ZOG bitch instead of the whole damn psyoping bullshit system

Aside from things that could be written off? Not really. Like I said, theres a lot of plausable deniability involved. I have multiple anecdotes but one could say
>oh it was just federal investigators investigating
>oh it was just human traffickers feeling for a mark
>oh it was just a protected witness(narc) looking to commute time on their sentence

Plus, the stories take place across multiple states and years, for all I know it WAS just human traffickers or feds glowing. The only time I ever felt like I was a target was when I lived in San Francisco, but I didn't feel it was so much malicious as it was just people doing their jobs gathering intelligence and narcs who'd been told to talk to me trying to find something on me. Ill give you a silly example from Denver in the next post, probably gang shit or narcs but whatever.

Put to sleep for surgery