I wish he'd won :c

I wish he'd won :c

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nobody cares. fuck off, faggot.

The media pretended he didn't exist, talking about other candidates who had fewer votes...

He lit the fire.

Too soon.
Gradually we began to hate (((them)))


the GOAT

he did.

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>sporty sneakers on an official suit

you can tell he's a crackpot

>Wearing comfy shoes is bad when you have to do a fuckton of walking

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We would be in better shape as a nation if he had his chance.

It's amazing to think how quickly this board got overrun by boomers from reddit and their bootlicking kike of a candidate.

I met him back in 2007, he was a genuine guy.

>autism on Jow Forums

gee, what a surprise, would you dress as a clown for a funeral ?

Crossing all of Croatia is like going to the corner store in North America.

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same. /new/ was high energy back then with money bombs. I had a chat with Rand at a rally in which he said "no way; too messy" in regards to ever running for office, himself. I think the media fucking Ron over so hard was the impetus for his senate campaign.

Could the Republic have actually been saved?

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i wish he was charismatic

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powerful picture

what would have happened to the roads?

>accuse him of being a nazi because he accepted a donation from a nazi while disavowing his beliefs
>don't ask him any questions during the debates, lol so irrelevant :3

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they would still be there, like they always were

Look at those fucking shoes

this board was overrun by newfags like yourself a long time ago. fuck off shill cuck.

Rand saw how elections were stolen. This last time his NH office was broken into after Iowa was robbed for the 3rd time. The Paul ground game was unbeatable without that. So, it was used as leverage. Trump was lynch pinned by Paul supporters in Nevada. Any threats of a primary challenge (like a Romney) are easily countered by the Paul ground game.

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better than being overrun by asian manlets

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Fuck you, dumb faggot.


Yeah well when Ron Paul invents the iphone he can wear whatever he wants
Until then he's just a poor old man

Says the guy from a country so shitty nobody even thinks of, let alone wants to move to.

just talking about his numismatics makes your mom cream leaf

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>I wish he'd won :c

Met him a long time ago. Really humble, friendly guy. You can tell that he doesn't really like crowds or socializing much.

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he's a doctor from Duke, captain in the Air Force, and was a congressman for over 20 years. go fuck yourself

at least I'm not losing my country to foreigners

you can stop responding, there really is no comeback to this. you gave up the lands of your ancestors to foreigners you enormous cuck, I'd shoot myself this instant if I were you, wuss

A school bus accidentally take the wrong turn and entering your country has as much an impact as the rich foreigners moving here on purpose and we're the least populous of the countries in North America.
>I'd shoot myself this instant if I were you
I bet you don't even own a gun. Fucking lmao.