In 2 sentences or less, explain why Jews are evil

Title says it all, I've been lurking here for years and I just don't get it.
It's easier for me to believe in reptilian alien NWO then it is for me to believe that Jews are this ultimate all powerful evil.

My current theories:
People just want an excuse to be a Nazi (edgelords)
Scapegoating (I tripped walking into work, it's all the Jews fault!!!)
And then there's just sheep that post whatever seems to be popular trying to fit in.

I'm WAAAAY more worried about niggers than Jews. I've never had any REAL LIFE relevant reason to dislike Jews other than the shit I read online, even after reading all the conspiracy theories when I meet Jewish people I'm not worried about being attacked or having my valuables stolen.

If anything all you people are doing is making me pro Jew because I feel bad for them. I mean they've gone through more genocide and slavery than any other group of people in human history and they're still here, they're doing well, and they aren't being sensitive little bitches about it. That actually sounds pretty tough to me.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Because Jow Forums said so and I want to be part of that social clique.

Killing Jesus and practicing exorbitant usury. Inventing and pushing Communism while playing both sides.

they are gay and annoying and they smell like shit

Niggers are the symptom, jews the illness
Without jews, we wouldn't have niggers

They're shaping and eroding your society.

The Romans killed Jesus, Jesus was Jewish, fucking not only that, when he was alive he was regarded as "the king of Jews"

Fuck off juden.

So the founding fathers of America were Jews?

Usury is the only reason you need.

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Read the talmud and find quotes of what they think about the goyim (non-jews). The Jews of today are fake and satanic, unrelated to the real biblical jews of the past.

They were Freemasons. Is there really a difference?

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Lol this one tickles me.
Do you live in a cave?
You must because you're implying you don't work (Jews own all the businesses right?) No TV, no music, no news, no store bought food. Your life must be a paranoid nightmare.

Seriously I'd rather believe in NWO alien reptiles, because you know, alien technology can do theoretically anything. Sounds more logical to me.

very weak bait jidf

I said 2 sentences lol
Not reading anymore essays that can be debunked via single web search

It the best feeling in the world when you hurt people znd they cant hurt you back
You want it two, but you just cant while i can

Why do we give so much money to Isreal? Why is it illegal to boycott Isreali businesses and _only_ Isreali businesses?

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Google Ulysses S Grant 1862

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The come out of babylonian pharisees. A satanic cabal named by Jesus "children of devil".

Modern Jews originated as a crime family. They're not descended from the people of pre-Roman Judea, but from the usurers and panderers (loansharks and pimps) of the Roman Empire, who adopted and redefined Judaism as a means of becoming exempt from the enforcement of Christian moral standards.

loxism tribalism

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Freemasons are hardcore Christians but ok.
It's a fictional book? The Bible and the Quran also have a negative label that applies to me. Do I care?
Well, do I care if a Harry Potter fan calls me a muggle? Nope.

>I said 2 sentences lol

what a pathetic niggerkike. of course you dont wanna read essays. u cant even read

>explain why Jews are evil.
Jews are hypocritically progressive but only for other people, not their meaning century old Traditions are for the Jews, not the Goyim and since they have such large control over media and institutions, they can comfortably push those ideas.

That's the "2 sentences" you wanted. If you are a Nationalist/traditionalist/christian/strong conservative then you need to see that Jewish culture is your enemy. I am no enemy of every individual Jew, it is in their culture and blood to be like that and since culture is extremely important to Jews, it is hard to find a Jew who aligns with my ideology, on the contrary, it is too easy to find Jews which are actively fighting AGAINST my ideology.

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Jews mutilate the genitals of young children.
Case closed.

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don't even bother he's clearly just doing this for the keks . he's prob a shitskin

Jews aren't evil.

Killed Jesus. Refused to repent to God.

I'm circumcised. I'm cool with it. Will probably circumcise my kids too if I ever have them because EVERY woman I know IRL thinks it's disgusting not to be circumcised.


Jew spotted. The Roman washed his hands of it and the Jews eagerly, EAGERLY, called the blood of the lamb of God on themselves and their children. Their children means you too Schlomo

>EVERY woman I know IRL thinks it's disgusting not to be circumcised.

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They killed the Son of God.

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They sold some cotton during a war?
Oooooooooh scaryyyy.

Again, Jesus was the king of Jews

I'll take What are the Crusades for 200 points please

>Prove it without proof lel
The fact that you have to make these constraints to even begin to level the playing field in their favour speaks volumes in and of itself.

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To any true Christian, a Jew is the worst being on the planet. They had the choice to be saved and complete the holy covenant. Jesus spoke to them, helped them and showed them the path they have strayed for for a long time.

But they refused. Too greedy and arrogant to accept the fact that if you truly follow God there is no place for usurers, cheaters, narcissists and tricksters. They could not accept the fact that the 'Goyim' were to be part of their exclusive "seekrit klub" which justified their countless slaughters and genocides on the Canaanites and Samaritans. Modern Jews are the decendants of those heretics.

However, all have the chance to be redeemed. Like Brother Nathanael who would be an example of a Jew realizing that Jesus is the Son of God and that his ancestors betrayed God.

Romans did not kill Jesus. You are blaming the executioner who was a third party and had no internal affairs between the Jews and God. Romans carried out the will of the Jewish people of Jerusalem. And Jesus was not 'Jewish', he is God's Son and precedes Religion as he is its centerpoint. If you will, Christianity is the True and Original faith while Judaism is a remnant of the old faith that refused to keep the covenant. At most you could say he was Israeli because that is the mortal body he took when he came onto this world.

Looks like this guy is our winner.

Good job becoming the new /x/, Jow Forums.
Enjoy your tinfoil hats.
I'm going to go play some Nintendo and enjoy my life not being scared of Mort Goldman lmao

because the only country run entirely by jews is constantly committing war crimes, and still has the audacity to play the victim

Genetically predisposed to schizophrenia and psychopathy.
Cunning and in group preference is not intelligence or merit.

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I mean you could just say Google this, like some of the others did. Here's a quote from a piece of shit Jew that helped us with WW2, what a kike scumbag amirite!

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So you were not looking for answers at all?
You were just looking for someone to agree with your worldview so you can "btfo the stoopid alt rite poltards"

fuck off back to whatever hole you crawled out of and dont come back.

>Because Hollywood said so and I want to be part of that social clique
>Because the pop music industry said so and I want to be part of that social clique
>Because the LGBTPQIA+ faggots said so and I want to be part of that social clique
The absolute state of Jewish projection
>The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
>Always accuse others of that which you are guilty
Why are they like this?

Nice meme flag.
No I was genuinely hoping someone could drop a
"Jet fuel cant melt steel beams"-type thought provoking statement.

>t. child genital mutilation sympathizers

Jews, Muslims, and Gentiles alike must all stop the practice of genital mutilation. You cannot legally protect women from genital mutilation from muslims while not legally protecting boys from it as well. This goes further and actually fights against the transgender movement as well since they like mutilating childrens genitals as well. Anyone who wants to or advocates for the right to mutilate a child's genitals is evil. It is plain and simple. There is no debate to be had.

Stand up, in public, and say the words "I support child genital mutilation" and see how long you last. A slight change in perception and the entire Jewish system collapses and they are exposed for what they really are. A cult of child genital mutilators.

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Jews are evil because their culture teaches them to pursue nihilistic hedonism and libralism which results in a degradation of the moral fabric of any society they enter.
They have been kicked out of 109 countries for a reason and the 110th time is going to be when they get kicked off this planet once and for all.

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And you force people to explain a position in two sentences, disregarding other posts which dont meet your magical criteria, and even then disregarding even posts that have two sentences.

You are very disingenuous and you should just admit that you were not looking for answers, but confirmation.

here is my flag, I dont know why that was relevant

Oh, I see, it's a retard who doesn't understand where the phrase "washing one's hands" comes from and didn't bother to refute my second sentence or usury. Romans executing the decision of a court of their satrap is not Romans making the decision.

Fucking scum of the earth brotha.

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this is what i mean.
Anything he cannot think of a two second reply he will just ignore


For the goyim, wanting freedom to build a nation for themselves is entitlement.
For the Jews, access to nations built by others is a moral right.

>And that piece of shits name?
>Albert Einstein.

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Illuminati NWO = jews
Rothchilds = jews
Soros = jew
Goldman Sachs = Jewish bank
Hollywood = satanic
Hollywood = wonder an run by Jews
Hollywood mocks Christians
Jews hate Christ
Therefore, jews = satanic = anti Christ
Jeffrey Epstein and rape island = Jew
Larry Silverstein (owned WTC) = Jew
Jews did 9/11 to get us into war with Israel’s enemies.

Literally all of the NWO is either jews or the puppets of Jews via secret societies.

Jews = Kabbalah
Freemason = Kabbalah
Jesuits = Kabbalah
Kabbalah worships the serpent (satan)


You know Kennedy was talking about Communism right? That speech was called "The President and The Press". It was an amazing speech. Quite frankly, I cant believe how often it is taken out of context.

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Jews invented the concept of sin

Jews are responsible for destroying antiquity and high European culture

shill thread

Have you ever considered, OP, that jews are generally selfish abhorrent human garbage that doesn't have a conscience and therefore has no hesitation to fuck over non-jews in favor of jews?

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you answered only "jews killed jesus" (which I disproved )

whether you are an atheist or not is irrelevant. Jews are not atheists at all and they do believe that their "fictional old book" is the true word of God and, like Christianity is for Europeans, is the foundation for their Nation (and no, a Nation is not the same thing as a 'state')

Jews killed Kennedy

>jack ruby
His real name is Jacon Léon Rubenstein but the Jewish run media likes to ignore that to make him sound Anglo.

again, no he wasn't.
Jews refused to follow Jesus and keep the convenant because they were greedy and arrogant

>Hey GOY!
>You should be ashamed of your natural uncircumcised penis
>meanwhile, let me tell you about how body shaming fat chicks makes you a fascist nazi

Maple Syrup Urine Disease
1/3 of Askanzi have it, from the inbreeding.

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read the bible. they are the edomitic imposters that are the childern of the devil

Look, everyone, at why Jews are so famous as becoming lawyers and pilpullers
> Pilpul occurs any time the speaker is committed to “prove” his point regardless of the evidence in front of him. The casuistic aspect of this hair-splitting leads to a labyrinthine form of argument where the speaker blows enough rhetorical smoke to make his interlocutor submit. Reason is not an issue when pilpul takes over: what counts is the establishment of a fixed, immutable point that can never truly be disputed.
Jews love love LOVE lies as they love their father Satan down below. Now let us look at what really went on when Pontius Pilate met with the Jews.
>23 “Why? What crime has he committed?” asked Pilate.
>But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify him!”
>24 When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “It is your responsibility!”
>25 All the people answered, “His blood is on us and on our children!”
>“His blood is on us and on our children!”
>“His blood is on us and on our children!”
>“His blood is on us and on our children!”

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it caused the war nigger

Speaking of communism...

The entire gulag system that killed 12 million Christians was organized and led by Jews. The ran the secret police, the NKVD.

You do know Communism is Jewish, right?

They keep trying to destroy us. That's just one sentence actually.

Jews have been kicked out of almost every single host nation that’s ever had them within their borders. It simply cannot be coincidence

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Don't forget also 40% more likely to be schizophrenic

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also the last NKVD head, Lavrentiy Beria was known to be a paedo

Organized criminals and war-profiteers.
Invent fake cults in order to profit on mental enslavement.

> (You)
>>Hey GOY!
>>You should be ashamed of your natural uncircumcised penis
>>meanwhile, let me tell you about how body shaming fat chicks makes you a fascist nazi


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Jews have always been pariahs.
This is nothing new, see `Ivanhoe'.

Ahhh yes... pedos
>Hollywood = pedos
>Hollywood = jews
>((Jared fogel))) the subway guy
> (((Jeffrey Epstein))) the billionaire banker who had a rape island

Jews rape kids

The more disputes I had with them, the better acquainted I became with their arguing techniques. First, they would count on the stupidity of their adversaries, and then, if there was no way out, they pretended to be stupid themselves. If all else failed, they claimed they did not understand, or, being challenged, they would instantly jump to another subject and talk about obvious truths. If these were agreed on, they immediately applied them to entirely different matters. When they were caught off guard, they would avoid the conversation and claim they had no knowledge or understanding of the issue. No matter where you seized one of these apostles, your hand grasped slimy ooze, which spurted through your fingers, only to unite again the next moment. If your argument really gave a man a shattering defeat in front of others, he could do nothing but agree. You might suppose that this was one step forward, but how surprised you would be the following day! The next morning you will find that Jew has not even the slightest memory of yesterday and continues to repeat his old mischievous nonsense as if nothing at all had happened. When pressed about the previous conversation, he would pretend astonishment and could remember nothing at all except the truth of his statements, which he felt had been proven the day before.

(Page 43).

Jews are heavily overrepresented in the Media, in Hollywood, and especially in NGOs. Look next time somebody is calling for open borders, spewing anti-white hatred on twitter, attacking white men in Hollywood.

There is a good chance that this is not in fact a white man, but instead a Jew. They are dangerous because they blend in with Whites, yet keep only their own end goal in mind, which is white genocide through mass immigration and affirmative action.

Not every communist is a Jew. Communism can exist without Jews as well. Regardless, I think we are both on kind of the same page. I was just making more of a point about how often that speech is taken out of context.

They even included that in the comedy "Death of Stalin". The dude is often seen creeping on kids and their rape is implied throughout the movie.


>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

>ctrl f blood libel
>0 results
Thread could have ended with two words

>>“His blood is on us and on our children!”

Isint it mostly on the Mohels mouth?
>Under Jewish law, a mohel must draw blood from the circumcision wound. Most mohels do it by hand with a suction device, but some Orthodox groups use their mouth to draw blood after cutting the foreskin.

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What is even your point? That it's wrong to execute criminals?

Jews always do this. "So what if our intentions today are malicious and our actions now are evil? We were persecuted in the past! Anything we do is justified!" You were DULY PUNISHED in the past. You're a CRIME FAMILY. You took on this identity so you could continue to practice usury and other lucrative but destructive ventures, as the society you lived in realized that they brought ruin and needed to end.

By the time of the Rhineland massacres, Jews had been preying on Christians for centuries! It had never made proper theological sense for Christians to tolerate Jews living among them, but Jews bribed and conspired with the most corruptible of the Christian elites to ensure that they lived a privileged existence, whereby they could regularly commit acts that would be punished severely if committed by Christians. You can gauge the level of corruption in a Christian country by its level of tolerance for the Jews, a crime family.

Similarly, if you want to understand what the Nazis did, look at what the Jews did in the years leading up to that. Look at how they colluded to take over Germany's professions and institutions. Look at how they colluded internationally as bankers to ruin countries, cause famines, start wars. Look at their role in communist revolutions, even one attempted in Germany. Look at how dramatically Germany sprung back to health once the Jews were winnowed out. What had they been doing to it, that it could become so strong so quickly once they were removed? How could they claim to have been innocent and undeserving of punishment, of removal?

using fairy tales as evidence is pure faggotry

who do you think brought the niggers here. who do you think is fueling this race war on the left?

ill do it in two words OP.
>blood libel