Dealing with anti-accelerationists

The brent tarrant deus vult moment highlighted how some in Jow Forums who claim to want a great white awakening only want to do so WHILE they are comfy.

>n000o but this faggot is gonna get our guns taken away
>n00o but they will try to ban our speech
>n000ooo but they will start blocking websites and going after any pro white pro right wing influencers
some on this site believe posting memes on Jow Forums is enough change culture.

I guess this is wheat separating from the chaff moment, the larpers from the doers

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Nobody who is going to do some acceleration in real life isn't going to lay their plans out here in the open. This is just board of peace.

>Vote Yang
>Leave faucets running everywhere you go
>Bottle your piss and pour it over sitting surfaces
>Brown bag your shit and light it on fire outside nigger houses
>Spend $5 a week pouring bleach into the toilet
>Leave the lights on everywhere you go
>Leave the heat on everywhere you go
>Use a knife to cut up toilet paper once you're done shitting in public restrooms

I am the epitome of acceleration

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Nobody who is going to do some acceleration in real life isn't going to lay their plans out here in the open

sure but im talking about the faggots who are complaining about the pressure being squeezed on them in order to get the necessary and eventual backlash

>sure but im talking about the faggots who are complaining about the pressure being squeezed on them in order to get the necessary and eventual backlash

please stop trying to incite violence. we are a peaceful community of law-abiding citizens.

who is inciting violence fren,
there are more than one ways to skin a cat

>If you're not willing to shit where you eat, you're a larper

Get shit done, don't shit things up. Things are shit enough already and everything you need to convince everyone with a shred of sanity left is already available. More isn't going to convince anyone

Start doing actual campaigning on issues
Start organizing politically
Start pushing for solutions

ISIS are accelerationists and it didnt turn out very well for them. brute force without political influence solves nothing in this day and age.
what exactly is the accelerationist plan anyway? id honestly like a break down of how things would pan out in an ideal-case scenario.

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>Start doing actual campaigning on issues
>Start organizing politically
>Start pushing for solutions
this means nothing and is exactly what accelerationists point at when they say that the rest of us are all talk. we need concrete ideas that people can go out and carry out tomorrow. i have a few of my own but Jow Forums really isnt the place to have these discussions since they get interrupted too easily by shills and trolls

For americans- Start printing out pamplets or posters on Israeli aid, or palestinians being hurt/bombed/whatnot. Leave these around public areas, paste them on walls, and so on.
For others, do the same shit but for immigration crap. Put it all over. Highlight the dangers that isn't just their rape and crime.

As for the other two, the FvD here literally won a huge victory only yesterday purely because they're offering actual solutions(Though not even going far enough on most issues)
Trying to accelerate the destruction of western society does not help in saving it. Stop trying to fuck shit up, we're past that and trying to stop it from breaking now

>this means nothing and is exactly what accelerationists point at when they say that the rest of us are all talk. we need concrete ideas that people can go out and carry out tomorrow.
Unless you want to go on a shooting spree, you're not going to find something that you can go and do tomorrow.
And if you do go shooting, hit something that matters. So not just random civilians

one doesnt need violence at all times
but the goal should be the agitate the system into mass paranoia while red pilling people

desu some of us have garnered such massive power levels that it's best we remain inert until we are called upon.
think of a bee-hive, the bees are doing their thing peacefully until a normie blunders into the turf and is big and threatening. then bzzzzz bzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzz *REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE* (((((NORMIES) OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT))))
we all have our place in the world and it would unbecoming for us wizards of meme magic to go around sperging out and being activists
>muh secret club
some people can handle the g-forces involved in such explosive acceleration
they just tap out
think about it
the world will still be here tomorrow even if this user trips up and ends up in jail. I'm confident he'll be able to pull off these stunts until that day, because Anonymous is very very good at keeping that tasteful separation between identity and radical memes.
the tomorrow you need about you will not be able to prepare for. there's today and right now, and man am I in position of defeat and loss right now.

my head's on my shoulders and I'm learning to love God again. sup?
most reactionaries on here who are legitimately scared of immigrants, are afraid because they haven't got their IRL game squared away. who cares if heaven is breached by mortals? if you can't handle some immigrants moving in next door because you're so accustomed to a life of total civility and high society...maybe move out Europe and come over to the USA. we have a lot of land here.
>Well I'm rather upper class high society
>God's gift to ballroom notoriety
>And I always fill my ballroom
>The event is never small
>The social pages say I've got
>The biggest balls of all
© 2019 Genius Media Group Inc.
personally I don't think most of the trolls on this site legitimately give a fuck about newfags as long as they keep their hands to themselves and don't shit everything up. we always gottobe careful though...

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im pretty sure if some madman cleaned cnn and msnbc you would be completely silent.
So shut the fuck up.
FvD hasnt done anything yet and the only really FVD got into power was thanks to policys by merkel which you could say accelerated people waking up.

>the tomorrow you need to worry about
fuck that nonsense I just posted.
tl;dr good luck with keeping newfags in your cunt in check, someone needs to do it and clearly the state isn't up for the task.
idc about anything atm so fml kms

>muh anonymous
>is a namefag
kys nigger

some asspie spergs out in osrs world 301 varrock bank with an autotyper, very dilligent I don't think they're afk cuz they usually engage with people.
their spam is fairly anti-semetic but usually pretty spot on. there would better be a massive expose similar to Zeitgeist but less dude-bro science. I don't think highlighting Israel's war-crimes is really topical, unless you have some kind thesis that manages to highlight the shortcomings of the continuation of Old-Time tactics for controlling the masses to act as a delivery system for the specific details you mention.

u mad?

>ISIS are accelerationists and it didnt turn out very well for them.
I beg to differ. Muslim communities in Europe feel more united as a tribe than ever and repulse degeneracy that our governments are pushing on them. Reality check for white people is in order.

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>im pretty sure if some madman cleaned cnn and msnbc you would be completely silent.
I'd laugh but not care. Nobody pays attention to those since they've been proven beyond any shadow of doubt to be bullshitting and not news

>FvD hasnt done anything yet and the only really FVD got into power was thanks to policys by merkel which you could say accelerated people waking up.
FvD hasn't done anything yet. True.
But the people here have been waiting for someone to propose actual solutions since the LPF had their leader assassinated. We're ready to turn this shit around, we just need the chance to get there. Wilders is a clown and would have never got anything done, now we have a chance

fuck off newfag

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id add the reason europe doesnt fuck with Muslims is because they are a societal threat they dont want to unleash on themselves.
Islamists and brent tarrent have proven Terrorism does work, but you need an clearly defined end goal.

>not news
I connected to the Jow Forums servers this evening to catch up on the news but so far I've only only skimmed through some latent threads on NZ and reached this debacle.
ffs we need to become more efficient in clearing through the psyops...I came here right after happened and there was some good info, but not many threads about. now that it's practically old news, sure msm is still freaking about, we're still chasing our tail, in a much more rabid fashion than I first discovered.

>the larpers from the doers
well said

seems to be the main problem of all the
>muh false flag

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Our end goal couldn't be more clearer. Expel all immigrants from Europe. Voluntarily or violently doesn't matter, their choice.

This. Not to mention staying indoors and acquiring maximum comfy is the top priority. You're on your own if you want to be on that crazy go outside IRL shit. Morons.

I'm 23. your pepe is cancer, but I guess your french and you have a penchant for sucking on faggots
not a newfag by today's standards at least.

fuck off you stupid fucking frog
go surrender to ISIS shitcunt

Lurk more
If you think Jow Forums is where the actual news comes from I have bad news for you

take your meds schizo namefag

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You probably don't understand this but people like you are getting the reverse out come from what you are trying to archive coming here.

I got news for you
I heard about operation mockingbird before I could ever fall for the trap of caring about CNN
I am perscribed a bunch of chemical lobotomizers and the fact that you haven't been justs proves to me you're a eurocuck normie that should legitimately an hero with a fucking truck since your cunt is too cucked for firearms and rope is probably not available without a permit

That's all this shitshow has ever become with people on this board. Yapping and larping. No means or motivation of getting true shit done, always bending knees, always jacking off their egos and living their meek faux-red pill existences through e-celebs who sold everyone down a river for their precious piece of the shekel long ago for the sake of pretending they're "in."

And when someone comes along that engages in actions. They're casted out like a leper by the microcosmic community of paper wolves.

I'm going to dip out to since Jow Forumsfags are cringie children these days.
Europeans are so good at pretending to belong to online communities in order to bitch about their first world problems, it's hilarious.

you're literally in a thread complaining about inaction, beating off someone (me) who cares enough to use the namefield, ya acting like the shit was put there on accident back when 2channel was conceived.
fucking assmad frog
I'm not even tripping.

>deus vult
sorry to inform you faggot but he wasnt a christkike

Talk is cheap. All this "satire" does is promote the agenda you claim to be trying to stop. Buy giving lefty ammo to call everybody Nazis.

Christ fag guy did not help that's not the way. But if you are unwilling to fight for what you believe in while you enemy is. IE Antifa...then you will lose

So take off your Tutus you fucking cowards

You are a babbling nigger. Your made up name doesn't make you brave. Stupid fucking kid.

neither where the crusaders, but christianity takes on themes for the time. Christianity during the times of crusades was about God being on yourside to defeat the anti christians so people saw killing muzzies as a defense of christianity.
The concept of turn the other check and love they neighbour only apply in times of peace of calm.


it applied always that is why it took tho 200 something years for te christkikes to actually do shit. Turn the other cheek is absolutely the moral code.

Only because a stronger power was there to knock them down. And ISIS is just one fragment of a larger group of Sunni terrorists who dominate the ME.
Violence worked plenty well in deposing a number of other rulers across the ME and Africa, without delving into whether they deserved to be removed or the new leaders were any better. All major change is done through violence. Democracy is a tool for the established elite to feed the proles the change that they desire. The public mistakenly thinks that their activism is responsible for this social "progress" without paying attention to where it came from. Despite right wing and anti-immigrant beliefs gaining ground, politicians who claim to espouse them inevitably betray their constituents. Because the only ones who are actually granted funding and screen time were already traitors, trotted out to appease the masses.

hmmm....its already going on.

Christchurch -->
Utrecht -->
Many mosques vandalised in UK -->
Italy bus party -->
Montreal Stabbing -->


only getting worse.

Do not speak of plans

you got a fucking ID and snake flag, what's with the projection?
dumb redneck

Mass and force are required and must be identified. They are clearly absent.

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Shut up you dumb nigger. If you actually want to help the white race have some fucking white children.

Literally accelerationists are just childless virgins who want to have their revenge on the world for not providing them coochie. If they actually had kids they wouldn't be hell bend on creating civil war. Yall are peak fedora.

There is nothing dumber than being a right wing accelerationist. It means you don't understand anything about anything. I don't even know how to begin to explain why because by being one you've already demonstrated that you're incapable of basic thought. There is nothing about losing on purpose that makes any sense. You heard a neat analogy and act fanatically as if it's literal. There's no actual "direction" to "accelerate" and banning guns in NZ does not accomplish anything remotely positive.

The only people to take this sort of thinking seriously in history were sects of Jews like the Frankists who believed more sin in the world is required to bring the messiah. Accelerationism as a modern idea is derived from Marxist philosophy. Notable examples of accelerationism like 9/11 all had the intended consequences in the extremely short term but in the long term all failed because accelerationism is the dumbest idea ever to have been developed. Anyone who thinks it's a good idea should be ignored and put to work in the coal mines.

not enough mate, it needs to go full children of men

sure go that have your white children while they go grow up in a world filled with degeneracy.

ahhh the shills and psyop larpers have arrived.

they usually always have the same vibe
dont fight back, just be comfy and do nothing,dont IRL just be comfy and make memes on Jow Forums


t. virgin manlet

Having kids is the uncomfiest thing you can do mate. Nothing comfy about about it. And it actually DOES SOMETHING to further the white cause.

>pretending the world is a first person shooter is the hard road that we must take
>not something i fantasize about daily
Memeing about pewdiepie while killing kids is a hard job but somebody has to do it. For reasons.

Comfy revolt is like cold fusion-- it just ain't happening. I'm only here as a cheerleader for foolishness. I don't much care who kills who at this point.

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You cant change the channel now

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>dues vault
Dude was pagan
Please stop calling him a Christian

I understand this feel.

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