I'm a Somali that lives in Denmark

I'm a Somali that lives in Denmark

Ama, lads

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Go to reddit for that shit. Sage

How many Danish children have you raped?

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how many danish animals have you raped? pets and livestock.

Not begun yet

Not my taste

Why are Nordics so obsessed with Somalis?

Everywhere there's Nordics, there's also Somalis.

Look at US states with a high Nordic population: Minnesota, Utah, and Idaho. Those states also have a fuck ton of Somalis.

I can sense your sarcasm

It's a coincidence that we migrated to regions where they live, i suppose. I am not sure, tho.

I'd love to dig my fingers into your eyesockets.
You're filth.
>inb4 mad
not even lol

When will you leave?

How does a goat vagina feel?


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look at all these seething wh*Toids

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Ok lol

When i can afford it, i suppose

I haven't tried it

I'm too lazy to do that, i'm sorry lad

How many crimes have you committed so far?

Why would i count


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Where is that from looool

>why would I count
>implying you've already been committing them
fucking niggers i s2g

Jow Forums

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Is it true Somali average iq is 68? if so
should I start prepping for a mad max type collapse of Canada?

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What do you think about us Ethiopians?

Fuck off you filthy negroes. This land and it's women are the birthright of pure arab men. Somali subhumans need not apply. Just because you practice the same religion as us doesn't mean we're equal.

based black brother

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day of the rope, zoomali perker

I'm not a mad cunt kind of guy, i just break a few laws like normal people

If you didn't start prepping as soon as we started to walk on your soil, you already lost.

Ethios are our neighbours and brethren, we've endured a lot througout the millenias.

Do you feel, not just you but Somalis as a people, are inferior to most other races? Be objective, I'll go captain Richard Phillips on your ass

I don't have sex with Scandinavian women, though, random Arab.

I'm serious with my faith, and Zina is haram

Based Finn negro

If you knew us, you would know we welcoem martyr death, so it's not even a threat to us

Besides the fact you're not serious, and it'll never happen of course.

>implying somalis think they're arab
Kek, I'm Christian Northern Ethiopian and you filthy hairy sandniggers are inferior compared to us. Hilarious how you inhabit a white country and actually believe you are the same as whites when in reality, your filthy race will be first to be exterminated when the European civil war starts. Your sole existence as a muslim in Europe is an insult to it.

Although I would give exception for non-arab muslims as they're not subhumans like yourself.

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Technogically speaking, yeah, and there's a lot wrong with our culture as well

But this is the team i was born in, so i'll always support it, regardless if we're actually inferior or not. Blood is everything.

We're gonna peel your nigger skin

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Brother, don't interact with the Arab cunt, they don't know better

An Italian, brb, gonna call my Ethio bros to deal with u

why do somalis always sound like they are arguing when they are talking with each other?

He reminds me of the turks that live in Germany and say "reee im white!1!! turkey is white!11!"

a nigger viking

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I'm coming

Kek, it's our language, we yell everything

I actually enjoy watching them think they're something they're not

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How many women do you rape each day on average?

By the way, are you mixed with arabs or are you pure cushite?

Pure cushite, don't have Arab blood in me

I would love to, but it's haram, innit

How many Danish women?

It’s funny, Somalis are the rapebabbies created by Arabs who ventured in to Africa. They’re like the Mestizo Mexicans who admire white Europeans; Somalis instead inspire to be like their rapist Arab fathers. Only problem is they’re IQ is 65 and they’re skin in Pajeet shit tier. Ah well, China and the rest of Asia will eventually genocide these fucking animals.

Ok sahib, good novel you got there

Never, i'm only 16 and virgin,because of faith

Hello friend.
Sorry about the horrible weather and expensive cocain.

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Hello sahib

It's okay =) and thanks for accepting me when i was a kid, when i get older i'll contribute to this nation before i move back to Somalia, Godwilling

You should stay and get your kids some sweet education before leaving, unless you're going somewhere with equal or better options.

I would love to, but my homeland needs me :(

I always had a dream of becoming a soldier or a politician and climb the ranks or die trying

Sorry for the meme flag, 'twas an accident

Poor danemark...

Aniga xataa ma Aqaano, ee iisheeg

>i'm only 16
goodbye kiddo

Iga ralahow, afsoomalikeygi maa ficno :( marka an yara, i came here

Honorable stance friend, I hope the best for Somalia. Should have a bright future with more men like you

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You got something against teens lol

Thanks, if everything turns well, you Danes will be welcome to come here, like you welcomed us :)

This lol
Goodbye, snake

Thanks, and no problem!

What are you going to do when Denmark bans non consensual male circumcision?

I don't know what the issue is, i'm already circumcised

The issue is that circumcising a child without medical necessity is barbaric. It's literal mutilation that removes a highly sensitive part of the penis. 50k Danes want it banned.

It's a whole lot more than 50k I can tell you that for certain
Dont forget to sage btw