Accellerationists and YG BTFO by Infowars

Utterly Destroyed by based QT Millie Weaver.

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MIGA is so threatened by YangGang. I don’t know who I’ll support but I’m happy Trump is getting some pushback from the people he abandoned

Alex Jones is a Zionist shill.
The Jew fears Accelerationism.

Attached: Accelerationism-Redpill.jpg (2148x2958, 981K)

Fucking phonefag.


Accelerationism is cowardice and tyranical. Bringing hellfore down on the masses without their consent.
Its for scumbags.

Attached: 95915F41-2A65-4452-A08A-C3EE83D6250C.png (942x1084, 1.43M)

Yang parasites have little to do with the grand reset.

All online armchair “accelerationists” are fake and gay.
Total leftist shill faggots and trannies.
Anyone fooled needs to just sit on a dildo and go back.


God I wish I had impregnated that hole. She has gone full milk truck.

AJ is a shill for gold-peddling kikes Max Keiser offered him like 50,000 BTC to deliver to his viewers way back but his boss thought it would hurt his gold business. Accellerationists don't want a gold standard, the kikes already showed how gold can be rehypothecated via the federal reserve. Continue forward and lets crush the USD so niggers kikes and rentseekers actually have to work for a living.

accelerationists aren't affiliated with the left or right you stupid faggot.


oops, discord trannys exposed

You are missing the point and are the true faggot,
None of the newly surfacing accelerationists are anything other than discord trannies, yang shills and paid trolls.
Seriously go fucking put your wig on and hug your therapy ferret.

He didn't abadon shit. Yang is an idiot and he's being rightfully called out

she did a great job infiltrating an open discord server, how did she get past their OpSec!

KYS kike shill


Attached: MIGA.jpg (1367x855, 311K)

you have no power here, discord tranny

She’s getting fat

Hahahahaha shillwars is like msm trying to understand memes. Who from infowars team is actually the “insider”?

Fuck that. She looks better and more wholesome and domestic.

Theres nothing to understand except where its coming from and why.

That makes you the fucking normie.