I am the smartest person on this board. continuation of >>207396548

i am the smartest person on this board. continuation of answering any questions relating to any of society's problems

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who are you OP?

i am you

If you are so smart why are you wasting time here? Build us some space ships nigger.

CIA niggers wont hire me, they just like to complain from afar and monitor my threads in hopes of stealing free tech

>i am the smartest person on this board.

like saying you're the fattest person at a pie eating contest

yep, something a Jew would say

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>like saying you're the fattest person at a pie eating contest
so youre saying i'm the smartest of the smartest?

Who could be behind this post?

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You can't even capitalize the first letter of your sentences or use periods. You're a retard. SAGE

What's an issue you feel gets swept under the rug that isn't necessarily major, but deserves some eyes and consideration? Something perhaps better suited to a bunch of 4chinz autists rather than actual scientists?

Best way to earn money. I'm broke, no degree

>smartest person on this board
>tree hugger meme flag


are you saying Jews are the smartest?

bartender. good tips and you get to meet cute girls

Need pretty girl to suck benis, how I do this?

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if you knew anything you'd be dead for it. since
you're alive it means you don't know anything.

say the dumbest thing humanly possible

get one of those med certs. do health care. always work.

you're smarter than me

>knew anything
who said I 'knew anything'? I said i'm the smartest

Can you please answer

In the last thread you claimed Christianity to be legit, yet it is clearly another Abrahamic off shoot of 'The Cult Of The Dead' involved in ancestor worship.

Knowing this why would you encourage people to worship ancestors that are not their own? This violates basic occult principals and benefits them in no way.

i am mensa level
but that was my aged 7 test

your can be smarter than me today

suicide rates of white males over the IQ of 120-130. I suspect most of them aren't even making it to 40

are you an occultist?

Tell me how to harvest the sun to cut stone.

Thank you, I'll do some research on it. In your opinion, what's the primary motivator?

heightened sense of awareness of the world around them

mensa is a pedophile organization as evidenced by their IQ questionnaire and choice of symbolism

a really big magnifying glass

best programming language?

>a really big magnifying glass
A solar concentrator

Are you aware of the High Level Insider user who posted about 3 years ago over the course of a few months?

ada- I mean...python

no? what of him?

Do one of them online IQ tests to prove u aren't a dumb dumb: mensa.no

mensa is a pedophile organization, they have the pedo swirl on their IQ test. i saw a video of it


do subliminal audios work to phisically change the body?


I knew there was a reason I never wanted to be involved with those child raping faggots.

no. You're much better off broadcasting your intentions.

He had a similar Q/A format for his (their) threads. They were surprisingly enlightening and informative. Your threads reminded me of that. The threads are worth checking out IMO.

>check out this vague reference to a thread made 3 years ago


Sorry about that, I should've linked the compilation site.


DC political theatre is boring

>Who is raping what child tonight?

i think most people, myself included, are just in disbelief this actually happens. it's still in the realm of "conspiracies" for most. even if we believe it we don't REALLY believe it, you know what I mean?

You being the smartest one is a reason to be ashamed

No. I think you all need to wake the fuck up and get ready for total war, because there are a lot of us who refuse to accept this shit even if it means we have to go to war with the system.

It gets better the longer you read. A lot of interesting ideas about the future especially.

the site is like 2000 posts long, i'm not going to read all of it. can you highlight some you found interesting?

>we have to go to war with the system
but you are the system user
what do you mean?

how many holes does michael jackson's corpse have?

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Make a solid argument against the LTV

>but you are the system user
I am not the system. I see all of the vulnerabilities of the system and all the ways to destroy the system, because the system is built on greed and hubris, not sustainability. Jesus said to build upon a rock. You niggers built in the sand.

>One thing that art has not really dealt with yet is the fact that indefinite life extension is right around the corner. It's approximately true that we already have the ability, but definitely true that it can be reliably generated in short order (15-20 years) and rolled out quickly.
This is important to the human psyche in very profound ways. For most of human history, we had a belief in an afterlife motivating people to perfect this one. The rise of skepticism in such an idea destroyed people's ambition to perfect this life in a really systemic way, but that will return in short order. It will take a lot of good art for people to adjust to this seismic shift in the psychic landscape that is right around the corner.

oh sorry, I assumed you were another alphabet employee

so who do you think is responsible for it all user?
>inb4 jews
be more specific, jews in what organizations?

sounds miserable. hopefully i'll be dead by then

smart like, in pain, ok gotcha. go see a doctor for a

all of the Jews should be exterminated down to the last child. We don't get to choose who we are born as, but thank God, no one will ever have to be born a Jew again. Also, we can break the Jewish bonds on humanity and strive to reach our potential.

if you're paying for internet in the U.S., you just might be part of the system.

I am smarter then (you)

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Tell me nukes are Jewish fear porn and satellites aren't real and I might listen.

How do I get a gf?

you already know the answer to that user. it's a matter of putting in the work

propinquity is the biggest factor.

What metric are you using to determine that you are the smartest person here? Sorry, I blew past the previous thread.

Which society?


>how do i get a gf?
>how do i get a job?
>if i already have a job, do I really want a gf?

Not the answer I was looking, you're pretty stupid now kill yourself

I have a VPN as well

When you get older you spell wrong moore.

why do you touch yourself at night?

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you assume i'm part of some secret society?

dumb frogposter

You are still a glow in the dark faggot

Only pussies use VPNs. Why you hiding nigger?


You got BTFO in your original thread.
>that last post

I'm not, I'm too lazy to wait the 15 minute cooldown like our friend from "greenland"

How do you un-indoctrinate someone?

My father is becoming mad, thinking that the archangel Michael is speaking to him through youtube, that there will be a 'global currency reset' that will default to the Iraqi dinar, and that Nibiiru will crash land into our planet.

Like, I really don't want him to believe this false ass shit. It's tearing my family apart. Last night he told my mom that he was going to ascend, and that because she didn't believe him, he would leave her.

Why? Why is my father such a brainlet? How do I fix this stubborn, neurotic, narcissistic asshole?

>15 minute cooldown
Whats this mean?

why to live and do things if nothing matters ? we all gonna disappear for the eternity

Yeah, but did you write your own compiler?

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Explain this then.


Literally the matrix machine
>the internet control grid
>geoengineering through strategic aerosol injection
>trying to link this world to higher dimensions so demonic entities can be unleashed
> data analysis that can predict and control behavior through tweaks in what sites, stories, ads, videos, ect come up to control your mood, and habits

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If you change IPs with a pass you have to wait 15 minutes between posts.

I think it's more likely the power and internet will be shut down and "currency" will become irrelevant, but maybe thats what you're dad is envisioning. He's not wrong desu.

I would never pay to post.

I'd never help google perfect their self-driving car AI.

what's your question?

you can't

What up OG... nice to see u
Please tell me... will we get some haps on DaBeast?

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Yeah, but that thing is a fucking joke. Always skip bridges and fuck up on the storefronts on purpose. I claim the first 1,000 deaths.

How old are you?
What's hidden under the ice in Antarctica?
Where does Rh negative blood come from and what's special about it?

I'll just put up $25 a year in bitcoin to avoid clicking endlessly.


Does P=NP?

I'm curious OP is the term "smarter" actually the lust or desire for power not rooted in strength but in weakness?

inflation in my memeland (flag related)

I was gonna ask the Antarctic question as well
Thx fren

Is the Riemann hypothesis true or false?

How can we neutralize the effects from women recieving the right to vote without revoking that right?

Self-driving cars are for faggots and paying to post is also for faggots.

How do I cause another oil boom?