Based on this pic, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?

Based on this pic, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?

I'm a based Zoomer (born 1998).

Attached: era.jpg (1400x1039, 872K)

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Straddle late gen x and early millennial

I think you mean capitalist cultivated identity

I realized I was a 27 year old Boomer when I saw pic related and thought "JoJo pose" instead of "dab."

Kids these days.

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gen y started in 1982, not 1989, iirc.

I'm a Zoomer

Attached: Zoomer.gif (931x682, 426K)

I’m an Early-Middle Zoomer born in 2003

Nobody likes an egghead

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Late Gen-X Mr FBI man

You're a core Zoomer, gross. Literally bannable. Early Zoomer master race.

Early Gen Z. We had the best of two world's. We grew up as the internet began to go mainstream, but we also experienced 90's and 80's culture as young children, like old movies, VHS tapes, CRT TVs, and telephone modems. The beginning of the millennia was a clash of various cultures from all different eras.

We were also the annoying kids on your Minecraft server back in 2011.

1989 was when the kid culture started, not birth years, try actually reading closer

i barely remember 9/11, i only remember getting in trouble for a drawing a skyline with birds, and people freaking out with the planes.

Who comes up with these crappy titles? Is it some kike shit?

early zoomer '97. Anyone else?

Ok commie

Gen X born in 1981.
Everything after 1990 has sucked ass.

2011 was 2 years ago right ? oh wait

Early zoomer. Born 1999. Wii, Xbox and DS. Used to trade bakugan and pokemon cards in elementary school.

Born in 1985, but that graph is full of shit when you research deeper. I'm practically a millennial

What a shit thread.
This is fucking facebook you retard.
Get your retarded fucking threads off of /pol

Can you not read? In the early millennial section it says "born early-late 80s"

Yeah it sucks that our lives and wants are vain and artificial, but that is the way it is bud.

Late millenial (1996).
The pic is pretty fuckin spot on for me

Late Gen X

Early zoomer gang unite

you are lol

I'm an early zoomer

When you crossed the 2005 barrier did you notice a shift at the time? Did you like any of the new zoomer stuff or no?

No u

My little brother was born in 1999. So I probably rode that early Zoomer culture wave a little bit. But yes I could feel a difference. I remember complaining to my mom that the shows my little brother watched sucked lol. And I was only 12 or so


I was born 1990 but we had two or three tv channels, 12 kbps dialup, and no vidya, so I didn't experience any of that stuff apart from the times I went to friends' houses. We lived in a rural area and were kind of poor. I thought that sex was just naked people rubbing on each other until I was 13 or 14 and only bad people did it. I didn't see my first non-war R-rated movie until I was 18, my parents used a sharpie to censor swear words in books that I read etc. I don't think my childhood was bad but I don't really remember much, probably because it was so boring. Thanks for reading my blog.

Attached: tenor.gif (468x498, 657K)

Late Gen X / Early Gen Y ( 1987 )
ps: fuck you fbi

Zoomer born 2001

good blog post

Boomer here - a toy from my childhood.

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Mods need to ban this fag!

core Gen X, shit I'm old niggas!

late gen x here


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Born 1994, grew up with mostly "early millenial/gen y culture" up through "late millenial/gen y culture"


Gen M Xoomer here AMA

I was more of a early millennial remember more core

>mfw i'm core millenial

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You're a millennial.
Fuck off with this generational marxism bullshit.

'96 baby here
Late Gen Y and Early Zoomer fits in for me well

just read the 9/11 part. guess I'm millennial since I remember seeing the burning building on TV

based on this pic i'm an early or core millennial but i dont think this pic is accurate

Look at the part that says "primary audience" and see which one you were born in

Early Zoomer, yet I've been here since 2013-14.
We're either true lads or absolute degenerates.

>early Gen Z starting with the wii
Get that shit out of here, mosty early Gen Z kids would remember fifth and sixth generations of consoles as well. I too am I Gen Z as sell.

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>early Gen Z starting with the Wii
Get that shit out of here, most early Gen Z kids would remember fifth and sixth generations of consoles as well. I too am Gen Z as sell. (Born in 1998)

> mosty early Gen Z kids would remember fifth and sixth generations
Ehhh no. When you look at those "Teens react" videos, most early zoomers seem to know nothing about the n64.


zoomer gang, 2000 here.

Core millennial, I was born in the early 90s and had older brothers so I was definitely in that camp



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92 here, I've seen everything from every generation and played everything and practically lived them and I gotta say none of them are satisfying. So far there has been no good generation


>When you look at those "Teens react" videos, most early zoomers seem to know nothing about the n64.
I had to what the episode again, they aware what the Nintendo 64 is. I can safely assume that they didn't grew up owning a N64.

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based and situation-pilled

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Zoomer content but millenial products as i was(and still am) poor

Late millenial. The only generational culture that matters.


Pete buttigieg?

I don't recognize any of this shit. Was raised without TV

Early/core zoomer (2000)

Late Millenial/Early Zoomer hybrid here that never watched any of this garbage thankfully, just remember it existing.

y btw what is used after z gen?

90's child here, I had tones of GI Joe stuff.

Also shot bows and bb guns in my backyard, learned to shoot my old mans ruger mk3 .22LR pistol when I was five.

also played the videa, but equally spent time outside.

I swear I get along with you old fucks more than my shitty generation.

oh, and I collect military stuff, IRL GI Joe ww1 addition.

Attached: ww1 guy.jpg (3024x4032, 1.06M)

gen alpha

core millennial with a few reruns of early millennial. Invader Zim and Samurai Jack would be the end of my childhood based on this chart, 15 yrs ago,

>just read the 9/11 part. guess I'm millennial since I remember seeing the burning building on TV

correct. welcome to the club.

Same here. Born in 77 I was essentially a child of the 80s but a teenager in the 90s.

Attached: 10.jpg (400x301, 32K)

When you saw the early zoomer stuff did you think "man this is shit compared to previous stuff" or did you never see it much?

>When you saw the early zoomer stuff did you think "man this is shit compared to previous stuff" or did you never see it much?

ya i thought it was total crap. Even watching those old raindeer and snowman christmas specials from the ~70s and flintstones and jet jetsons were better than the 2005+ cartoons. The only one that was watchable was Johnny Test and still way inferior compared to Cow and Chicken or Angry Beavers or SWAT Kats or any 90s or 80s cartoon.

Also the new thundercats reboot sucked.

>Johnny Test
Do you just mean the older episodes before it had flash animation? Most of that show was real bad.

no clue. a few of the episodes were funny. I stopped watching tv around 2004 when i started coming to Jow Forums and after 2005 when YouTube launched,

Core millennial at first, until I saw runescape in late millenial. Must identify with runescape

Late millennial culture fits almost perfectly, but since I was born in 2000 I guess I'm a zoomer

Well you're in europe so you're behind us

Early millennial. Got the good stuff from CN with stuff like billy and Mandy later on. Was fucking great
>Mandy’s worst nightmare is being obese and married to a nigger

you're a fag.

1978 here.

RuneScape and beyblade my nigga.

>GI Joe


So you did you stop watching cn when the zoomer stuff like Chowder and flapjack came out or did you like those also

Unironically good blog post, sounds like a simple but enjoyable childhood.

Doo doooo Dooooooo, DoodooDoodoo Doo dooo Doodoo

I was okay with flapjack to a degree, hit or miss, but Ed edd n’ eddy was my favorite since it really captured suburban living and the imagination of children desu, wholesome show. Dexter and Johnny Bravo were fair mentions too. KND was enjoyable and Code Lyoko was a trip. Once those shows you mentioned started popping up, I tuned out

Kek this. Local channels for the longest, most vidya I had was Yoshi’s Island for the longest, most was spent outside being a kid with the other neighborhood kids. It’s really depressing to see empty cul-de-sacs everywhere now

Yep, Black Hawk Down when I was 8, saw it in theaters with my dad. Mom nearly ripped him in half for it but couldn’t have cared less, Saving Private Ryan happened a couple years later

i remember 911 but i was really young. i was born 97 so i guess that makes me a zoomer?