How accurate is this pic? What are the best genes?

How accurate is this pic? What are the best genes?

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Best for what?

The Japanese, closely followed by mine

IQ and Beauty.

Im talking about the european races. I like the japs, but they arent the subject here

bump for racism

The Finns, then

fuck this thread

Finn girls are hotter than slav girls?
The great debate

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Haplogroups are honestly a meme. You're 1/4 of each of your grandparents, yet haplogroups only care about your grandfather on your father's side

It hurts, mutt?


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But you must admit that there are differences. I mean, you can easily tell the differences between a polish and a german

What about braplogroups?

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This pic is more accurate? Im a newfag at this subject

mutts are better, then

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Look up mtdna. Haplogroups can show some neat things like how the indo europeans for the most part replaced the native men where they went, but you need mtdna to see that 40% of the dna of modern northern europeans comes from them

Thanks, I'll search for it.

breeding the lineages to create our pure Aryan progenitors.

R1b is master race no question. 90% of the planet has been conquered and ruled by r1b at some time.

Proud to be R1B, R1A & maybe a little l1b. Might have some J in me as well.

that is not ture, the Y chromosome is passed from father to son continuously. So incase of a male his paternal grandfather will have the same Y chromosome.

But right now the countries with most r1a are the most cucked. Explain yourself.


is it just me, or is there no pics on Jow Forums now?

Everyone has their low points, some time things must get bad before the fire rises. If spain can go from a single small kingdome to ruling half the world. anything is possible.

Its normal here. I use chan orange for android

I want to believe.

yeah thats weird i just tried my phone and i see images on there just fine

((just a coincidence))

Upon some testing apparently Ublock is somehow fucking up exclusively Jow Forums

>What about braplogroups?
Why is science avoiding the most important endeavors?

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Norman master race,duh

Fake DNA NOT accurtate.
Give me white gurl whos beatiful to make white babies pleaes.e thax.

Is drunk an cant sp[ell or meme so forget/..

I don't think you really understand what a haplogroup is. They say nothing at all about the other 45 chromosomes

Yeah, I dont understand. So the pic is not accurate?

go drunk you are sleep

I happen to know EXACTLY where that pic comes from, thats fucked up. (and funny()

t. literally you

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I bet she became a hot woman. Are all polish girls like this one?