Trump Jew Poll

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i was going to vote but braaap is not an option?

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this makes the penis become the big penis


Lillias White - Cosmid

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I was in an /ic/ Reference thread and they post nude fine art pics of this chick only for one user to point out she has herpes

What an fat ugly cow. She should just hang herself. Fat and useless. Whore

she's a fat pig and a prostitute, what were you expecting?

>has herpes
I've never seen her with herpes before, and I've spent far too much time looking at her

Are you retarded? She’s fat

fuck off faggot, she's perfect

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not even fat, and at least she doesn't live in a cuck country like sweden and isn't going to be raped by your brother mohammad the kiddie diddler

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>what were you expecting?
to be a fat pig whorish pig and a prostitute just not one with a cold sore on her lip

Right, found it, out of all the photos this was the one she had clothes on and the cold sore

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She’s sexy fat! Not sloppy fat like you faggot

Herpes adds to the allure. She likes it raw.

this was also a funny response post in the thread

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No surprise that a fucking leaf is a soiboi. High test men choose thicc women.

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Chubby wubby definitely has sex appeal.

Humina humina humina

literally 10/10

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my abbo loins tingle
i need to stick my soft meringue VB filled petrol stick deep inside her petrol tank