Ready for Act 19?

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Based Macron
I hope all stupid yellow frogs get shot

I have popcorn and a gf to fuck if its boring.

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is it going to be warm enough to kill some nigs?

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Hell yeah. Macron gave the military permission to kill Frogs today. Please start the fire France it's way past due.

Which one you fucking first?

someone post the webm of the guy fucking a bowl of shitty raw eggs

Need source plz, want to get my happening watch ready.

is she a qt or fat?

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Girlfriends stay warm all day so you have to fuck the popcorn first.

my wooden coat hanger ready

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What's Act 19?

Military will shoot on yellowvest screencap

Its over. The military is coming with shoot to kill orders. There will be nothing tomorrow.

The French have been fucking up Paris rioting for 19 weekends straight.

I'm ready for a civil war. I want to fucking join the fun.

God, I wish the military were called with shoot-to-kill-orders on my peaceful protest.

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And, you think the impotent cucks in power can do anything about it?

>Unlike the first few Acts, no one thought to intervene in the looting, destruction, or clashes with police. Flying glass and hammer blows met with enthusiastic cheers. For the thousands of people present, all this seemed perfectly logical – normal. As summarized in the suddenly lucid Le Monde: “During the first weeks of the movement, there were always demonstrators to protest against the looters. This time, nothing.”

>This is what horrifies the government: it’s impossible to divide those swept up in the event. What horror, to see peaceful moms and dads smiling for photos on the velvet sofas of Fouquet’s aflame behind them. Castaner encouraged them time and again to dissociate from the “vandals”. But all that talk is vain, inaudible. The arrogance of the government and the brutality of its police have reached such heights that there is no room for dissociation.

>This is further proof that popular uprisings shake up those who take part in them. They develop their convictions and certainties through contact with practice. Today, principled pacifism has almost disappeared from the Yellow Vests’ marches. Naïvety about state repression, too, has waned. Remember those who, not long ago, pretended to be able to put Yellow Vests in this or that box? To assign one or another intrinsic ideological identity?

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I smell a false flag


The French like to kill tyrants. I support them whole-heartedly.

Soldiers who shoot on their own people are fucking worthless fag-enablers


Those soldiers have families and they all deserve to die.

So you just have popcorn.

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Some footage from Act 18:

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>But who’s to blame for this progressive “radicalization” of the Yellow Vests? Who managed to convince them that only antagonism pays, if not the government itself? The insurrection gained in three weeks what traditional social movements hadn’t for decades. By giving in to the Yellow Vests’ demands in early December, Macron confirmed that the State only hears popular needs when it’s forced to do so, when it can no longer do otherwise. The Yellow Vests have understood this perfectly:

>“We realized that it’s only when we shatter that we’re heard.” – Johnny, 37, day-care director

>“It’s great to smash, because the bourgeoisie is so safe in their bubble. They need to fear for their physical safety for them to let go.” – Anne, a Toulouse postwoman

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Frogs having guts to fight while Americans jerk off at home and post frog memes. #Irony

These old gramps, out there in the streets doings lord kek's work.
I hope they don't have many hardships.

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if they didn't they wouldn't on the street

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god bless the yellow vests

aaahhh, hon hon


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"the more they hating, the more i'm trolling"
bring on the trollocalypse!

More baguettes and more wi wis