Give me one good reason anarcho-communism wouldn’t work

Give me one good reason anarcho-communism wouldn’t work.

>Pro tip: You can’t

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it fucken would

With no government, nigs have an ultimate chimpout, earth never able to recover.

because the logo sucks a limp dick

Based and redpilled

The only thing it would be worth is creating the ultimate Thunderdome.

Because it requires a literall hivemind mentality to work. Communism can only be sustained with authoritarian systems due to problematic factors like free will.

Communism requires central planning
Anarchism is the absence of a governing body

your meme is literally an oxymoron

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because homo homini lupus

Nah I can't communism will kill all the commies and niggers. I unironically think we should let the commies win so they cnan gulag themselves and start the race wars early.

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They literally cancel each other out, dumb fuck.

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I posted this in a thread earlier today, maybe you'll respond cause the other guy didn't.

"You just can't handle the fact that socialism has never and will never be internationalist/non-tribal in nature. I can prove that anarcho-communism doesn't work with a simple argument: what if two communities both want to use the same land for mutually exclusive purposes? Anarchism will have to break down, as a hierarchy must be created to determine who can use the land for what purpose. Democracy wouldn't work, because they are two distinct communities. And if one community overpowers the other via having more numbers in a democratic referendum, then that is just colonialism!"

because communism dosen't work nigger
off to do your grandmother


because i want more stuff for myself. and i dont like to share MY stuff.

Because you have 90 iq

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you need a state to enforce socialism.

Because humans need food or else they die.

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"anarcho"communism is a pathetic meme created solely for the purpose of faggots that blame capitalism for their laziness but still want to sound edgy by throwing "anarchy" in there. pure, unadulterated faggotry

Cucking is gay. Change my mind.

mutual aid > social darwinism

Kropotkin was shitting on chuds 150 years ago

Anarcho communism will happen

First we must scurry to the lifeboat of socialism

Establishment governance of emergent civilization is inherently fascistic

Real leftist hours

>Communism wouldn’t work



It doesn't, because you faggots aren't working class, you're just a bunch of loser trannies. Become strong, become sucessful and join the chad ancap gang.

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Just cuz I don’t understand something doesn’t make it gay

Now fucking my dad yes, pretty gay

Anarcho communism tho is different

If you enforce abolition of property you are no longer anarchist.
If you don't, you're no longer communist.

Because niggers exist

What a dumbass non retort.

Anarcho communism= all is ONE community

Now 2 communities could be represented as two federated groups of the same ideology, but they needn’t enter into a hierarchy to solve problems.

“Democracy wouldn work, cuz muh 2 communities” ok what?

You are so used to a socioeconomic premise of scarcity that you can’t even imagine a world with not resource competition. Anarcho communism has solved this, any deviations or differences in decentralized tribes would be colloquial not systemic

Get fucked idiot

>from each according to his ability, to each according to his need
>dat massive steaming pile of moralizing
Who decides what my ability is and how much of my effort that you need?
How about I don't give the first flaming fuck about what you need?

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its based on the idea that everyone will "just be cool". people don't work like that. it would never work. its a meme forced by idiots that live in college towns and think "why cant the whole world be like this?" when they don't realize their little utopia is 100% created and maintained by outside governing forces. and funding, for that matter.
>but muh co-op

Anarchy just means no ruler, not bedlam and chaos.

In Anarcho communism, the community democratically decides.

It will be built with new tech like 3 party accounting (blockchain) and encryption.

Decentralized, anarchic distribution of resources, democratically deciding what is produced

Blockchain systems promote consensus by relying on individul autonomous behavior. It’s ingenious

But you are dumb so I wasted time typing this

anarcho in the sense of no government or owning of property and direct democracy, communism as in self sustained and autonomous communes cooperating with each other without a central authority.

go read a book burgerhead.

Here here!

>because the logo sucks a limp dick
It's all about the mouthfeel.

Read a fucking book you inbred dipshits. Anarchy means no one has power over another. anti-hierarchy. It doen't mean no government.

The dictatorship of the proletariat will keep fascists and capitalists from fucking it all up. Otherwise it's a typical democracy.

Okay, what keeps that from happening under any other system? I think the key to not having disputes over resources is culture, not government.

>Anarcho communism= all is ONE community
Tell that to the neo-zapatistas and rojavaites.

>You are so used to a socioeconomic premise of scarcity that you can’t even imagine a world with not resource competition.
There will always be a finite number of resources.

>Anarcho communism has solved this,
Anarcho communism has never solved anything because Nestor Makhno got BTFO.

Because I would immediately form a government. And so would a lot of other people.

>The dictatorship of the proletariat will keep fascists and capitalists from fucking it all up. Otherwise it's a typical democracy.
But doesn't that invalidate the whole "anarcho" part? Also democracy is hardly anarchist in both traditional sense and modern business-slave sense.

>Okay, what keeps that from happening under any other system? I think the key to not having disputes over resources is culture, not government.
Nothing. Conflict over resources is solved via the violence of the state, just like it has always been and will always be. Violence over resources is only a problem for anarcho-communism, not for any other ideology.

No, it’s not

Detractors like to make this disingenuous argument because their minds aren’t open to possibility.

Anarcho communism is more of a “species essence” than a governance framework

It can be achieved with a system that encourages and indeed relies on individual “rational” behavior to achieve consensus. Bitcoin does this, market economies do not.

Bonus, bitcoin is a deflationary system. Put water on the blockchain and all the sudden you are incentivized to hold it and be a steward rather than putting money in markets to fuel endless consumption/debt economies

communes might work with a bunch of people that live life in an echo chamber and like the same music. but in the real world, they never have, and never will be, a successful thing.

Fuck an-anything, LONG LIVE STATISM

Go back

Try getting shit done without a hierarchy
EX: Spanish soldats for the anarchists were useless

are there any books on voluntary government? not stateless society but completely voluntary non aggressive government

It can't even stop pedophiles

You can't know that for a fact, communism has actually existed before in more ancient egalitarian societies.

people, in general, do not exhibit "rational" behavior. especially in times of crisis. everyone, every time, will ALWAYS revert to only doing things for an incentive. especially if it means survival. hence you will always revert to a capitalistic system. I want a doctor that is incentivized to be a good doctor by the reward of higher income. if, on the other hand, I have a doctor that has no more incentive to do his job any better than the garbage man, then I become worried. capitalism is for our best interest

That is completely nonsensical, you don't know what communism is.

i guaruntee that within those societies people mastered crafts and provided services in return for money or goods. aka capitalism

>Anarchy: The idea that government controls nothing
>Communism: The idea that government controls everything
hang yourself

Yeah man, cause democracy always knows better.
50 unemployed niggers outvote one specialist man on a matter of his expertise and he can't even do his own thing regardless, cause he can't own the means of production.
Can't wait for your luxury high tech gay communism. Sounds like a blast.

Nope money didn't exist back then, people traded stuff like cattle and all that but they also shared with each other in the villages.

Timestamp 1:29:40

it doesn't have to be money. "give me that and ill give you this" (cows or otherwise) is still capitalism

>But doesn't that invalidate the whole "anarcho" part?

But if you don't, then there's no real democracy (i.e. money in politics, power-grabbers fucking things up), and thus no "anarcho"

>democracy is hardly anarchist in both traditional sense and modern business-slave sense.
It's exactly what anarchy is...? Direct democracy in government and direct democracy in the workplace

>Violence over resources is only a problem for anarcho-communism, not for any other ideology.
See: lebensraum, Iraq war

>See: lebensraum, Iraq war
You don't understand what I'm saying. All other ideologies accept that there will at some point be violence over resources. Anarcho-communism doesn't.

No because they weren't employed by someone and nobody owned any land, yes they traded and that is part of capitalism but that was it, they didn't trade their goods for useless over priced garbage either.

>they didn't trade their goods for useless over priced garbage either.
That has nothing to do with communism. "Communism" in the very lose sense of communal ownership has existed. Anarcho-communism, on the other and, is much less practical. A hierarchy will always be necessary (in some form or another, direct democracy could exist, but it would still involve colonialism or imperialism of some kind).

even if they did trade for over priced garbage, thats the prerogative of the individual. and they might not have owned land but i guaruntee they owned their own dwellings which is the same thing. i think youre looking for ancapistan

itt. capitalist bootlickers assuming that the way society currently works, and the kind of psychology it imposes on individuals are some essential traits of human nature. i mean, communism obviously wouldn't work from if you assume everyone has a capitalistic mindset, but the reason for why this is the case is precisely capitalist indoctrination. also, there is more than enough resources on the planet to sustain the entire population, provided it was distributed evenly.

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I would give you a 100 round drum of fucking reasons it won't work you traitorous fucking faggot.

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who is going to oversee that distribution

its the ideology of Satan.
>The first inhabitants of Italy were the Aborigines, whose king, Saturnus, is said to have been a man of such extraordinary justice, that no one was a slave in his reign, or had any private property, but all things were common to all, and undivided, as one estate for the use of every one; in memory of which way of life, it has been ordered that at the Saturnalia slaves should everywhere sit down with their masters at the entertainments, the rank of all being made equal."
Sounds familliar?

First Satan will push egalitariaism and liberalism to break down concepts of race, ethnicity, and tradition together with a hedonistic materialist worldview.
Open borders to have cultures clash and gradually dilute one another and make compromises to stay compatible with one another, this is gradual mutual destruction of the cultures. Identity and gender politics. "So what if God made me a guy. I cut my dick off and become a woman. My body my choice", Normalization of childsacrifices in form of abortion under the flag of personal freedom, that is egoism which is satanism
He will break down the natural order, "everyone" will be equal, no God or king above one who can tell you anything. Age old concepts will be altered, until no definition holds anything anymore and everything can be reshaped/redefined however it is deemed fit. "Two genders is just an age old misconcept, modern science shows gender isnt binary but fluid and free to choose and not defined by biology". "War is peace", "Loving your own race is hating other races"
Everything is aimed at breaking down the natural order as provided by God and pervert every concept you can think of.
This will lead to people only caring for themselves gradually, being "liberated" from the laws and morals of God, the chains that bind them, which are embodied in our culture and tradition that they break down

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All it takes is a few assholes to fuck it all up.

>provided it was distributed evenly.
Therein lies the problem that I've been stressing in this thread.

The argument can be made that you need a state to enforce capitalism as well.

Decentralized, anarchic distribution

We all oversee it

We need a system that incentivizes selfish behavior and uses it to reach consensus and strengthen its integrity.
A system that is deflationary, so it is impossible to build a debt economy on top of it.
A system like bitcoin could be programmed to represent natural resources instead of market currencies and BOOM

Everyone is all the sudden sharing the experience of stewardship, and everyone is rewarded for saving and spending the resource only when absolutely necessary

Think of the efficiency.

Direct democracy, everyone has an app on a device that is constantly curating the public will.

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No read a fucking history book burgerhead, the concept of owning something wasn't know as it is today lol, back then they shared everything with the rest of the village they lived in.

There was also a leader of the tribe and wars over resources, aka NOT ANARCHO COMMUNISM

What do you do when the proletariat go about seizing the means of production and starve everyone? Can't really see the anarcho part doing anything but accelerating that symptom of communism...

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depends what you mean by 'oversee'.

I’ll just move into your house that isn’t yours and fuck your wife that isn’t yours.

what youre suggesting is basically going back to the gold standard. which is hardly communistic in theory.

The warlords and all that came later, before that people looked for guidance and a form of leadership from druids or shamans of some sort.


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How are you going to prevent basic human greed and people hoarding resources

Niggers ruin every system. They are like the niggers of niggers.

Im not saying it was anarcho communism lol but it was a form of communism.

They still had wars and hierarchy

they certainly didn't just go from hut to hut deciding on a whim where they were going to spend the night. granted, the community may have helped each other build their own domiciles but again, they had their own. not communistic. a community working together isn't the same as a communistic society

Human nature. Next

Because there is literally nothing to stop an anarchy-capitalist society from forming, much less a roving gang of rape-lords who pillage your communes, impregnate your women, then move on for a year to do it all over again.

they unironically believe people can "just be cool"

human greed is a construct. if you had to all necessities of life (food and water, basic accomodation, inteternet access) by default as reward for your contribution to the common welfare of all, what possible reason would you have to covet more? greed and hoarding are byproducts of the capitalist mindeset. there is enough land, food, and water to accomodate everyone.

Anarcho-communism is just liberalism but edgier and pretending to be against capitalism, change my mind.

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I said it was a form of communism not full blown communist society lol, they had their own but they didn't think of it as "I own it" the concept didn't exist, they helped each other and shared with each other.

Right, it was literally tribalism! Now you're getting there!

>1 post by this ID

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No I didn't say that, stop putting words in my mouth.

>The first inhabitants of Italy were the Aborigines, whose king, Saturnus, is said to have been a man of such extraordinary justice, that no one was a slave in his reign, or had any private property, but all things were common to all, and undivided, as one estate for the use of every one; in memory of which way of life, it has been ordered that at the Saturnalia slaves should everywhere sit down with their masters at the entertainments, the rank of all being made equal."
>its the ideology of Satan.
dope. Hail Satan.

Jesus christ you live in a literal fantasy land. What don't you understand that niggers will always nog, jews will always be scheming greedy kikes, and chinks will be heartless bug men that have no regard for human life. People will always want more. More food, more land, more money. Greed and envy are basic human nature. The only way this fantasy of yours can exist is if everyone is a fucking robot

I'm only putting true words in your mouth, user.

there literally is not enough of all of that without people working to make it so. and the only way to get people to work that hard as opposed to working the register at mcdonalds is monetary incentive. producing the edible food and drinkable water. if that all suddenly went away, youd see how fast the food and water go away.

Because the second a country goes anarcho foreign powers would invade

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Disagreements and enforcement are huge issues with Anarco-Communism. It might work in a tiny village setting where everyone in your "village" is on exactly the same page, but what happens in a world where resources are unlimited when someone wants to build a castle somewhere, and other people dispute that persons right to build a castle there? Or dispute his or her right to build a castle at all.

Who decides? Mob rule? Majority vote? The guy with the most guns/thugs? Either way, you've created an enforcement system based on either physical force or verbal communication/manipulation/rule-of-law (therefore, not anarchy).

A society of people who are free to think and act for themselves in a resource unlimited world without rule-of-law, or government, are likely to end up like society in a minecraft server with unlimited building blocks and space. A small village might get along well, but once differences appear they can either learn to tolerate each other or there will be conflict.

What proof is there that the brotherhood-of-man hypothesis is in accordance with nature? On what trustworthy biologic, historic or other evidence does it rest? If it is natural, then rivalry, competition and strife are unnatural... Has 'brotherhood' ever been tried upon earth? Where, when and with what final result? Is not self-assertion nobler, grander, and more truly heroic than self-denial? Is not self- abasement but another term for voluntary vassalage, voluntary burden-bearing?

greed is perpetuated and favored in a capitalist society, yes people are greedy but a system that favors and promote other human traits like sharing and caring would make people less greedy because it wouldn't be necessary to be greedy in that system.