Nigger cheats on his wife with a man because he’s secretly a faggot

>Nigger cheats on his wife with a man because he’s secretly a faggot
>Wife finds out
>Wife replaces his lube with super glue
>Goes to fuck his nigger boyfriend in the ass
>Nigger ends up getting his dick glued to nigger’s booty pipe
Who was in the wrong here?

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God for creating these people



tragic lol


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funny but fake and gay

Superglue doesn't work like that.

gay, but fake and funny

How would you get that off? Asking for a friend. Pour some kind of liquid? Nail polish remover?

Absolutely hilarious

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Pretty sure it could mash a hairy man bush and a hairy man butt together pretty bad.

Based african woman

Best kek

FPBP as usual

Fucken lmao so funny I cried laughing so hard

where is this?

Of course some low IQ poo would think this is funny


Only a black woman with think of that lol

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did the comment section on liveleak get nuked or something?


This the greatest thing I've ever seen.

holy shit, this is some fucked up shit right here.

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The Super glue company for not producing a safe anal lube.

What happened to liveleak comments?

Epic. They got necktied. So much HIV in one video.

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wtf is going on here

The fuck is going on here?

True if true

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based black bitches

The two fags seemed to be overacting quite a bit. This must be some kind of comedy sketch.

thats an odd mating behavior

dude with his pants down was on hard drugs

A solvent probably, mineral spirits.

Clearly fake and possibly gay


How would you not notice when your hand sticks to your dick


Looks like that fag was trying to rape the other guy but big guy wasn't having any of that shit.

Blacks are the most gay and also the most homophobic hmm....


doesn't comp

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this literally every single black male is a homo.
anyone got the video of the little niglets rapping about sucking dicks?

I agree. If it's rubber cement, then it takes like 10 minutes on a fully aired surface to stick, and even then it's easy to take off, unless you let it sit for a full day. Super glue instead will crystallize on your hand in a matter of seconds, no way it would stick a dick in an asshole.

Guy in pink shirt was taking up the ass from fag with pants down. Had regrets when his friend walked in so started swinging. Friend joined in. Pink shirt thinks he's still on the down low, when he's actually on the up high.

Yeah, I meant ventilated.

Hmmm.. hmmm .... ahhhh.... wypipo!


Theyre born like that user, it doesnt come off.


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I think you mean kiked and cucked

Why are all you so dumb?

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Wow...fuck knows why you racist white guys think you're the master race, you guys are thick as shit. Nature will take it's course soon enough