It appears the official special counsel report didn't reveal any new indictments because Mueller wanted to recommend it personally on his own behalf.
At a press conference, Mueller teary eyed and exhausted, sweat cascading down his sickly white face said it's his recommendation that the Department of Justice indict Trump as a traitor - a crime that, if proven in court, is punishable to extreme lengths. He also recommended Trump to be detained at Gitmo (A prison he proposed to keep opened) throughout the duration of the trial
"Hillary Clinton's staggering 3 million-vote victory at the ballot box ensured that Trump's brazen attempt to contravene OUR American democracy and betray his fellow citizens were ultimately unsuccessful. But our independent investigation of Trump's ties to Putin has produced conclusive proof that Trump worked with an enemy of America, "
At one point, Mueller referred to Trump as "the greatest traitor since Benedict Arnold and the Rosenbergs." Chants of "Lock Him Up" and "Fuck Barron"" could be heard from the streets. During the press conference Mueller had alongside with him survivors of the Parkland massacre and children who were separated from their parents at the border due to the former Presidents intense immigration policies regarding separations.
In an emergency press conference Mitch McConnell apologized to Clinton for both violating her Constitutional rights and abusing the powers of his office and violating her rights in the course of investigating her emails in communications with Congress and subsequently sliced his abdomen open in what appeared to be a katana sword. Nancy Pelosi is expected to officially honor him for his final act.
Sources have spotted Trump at the White House residency where Mueller appeared from behind just mere seconds after the press conference to put Trump in handcuffs himself.
The proof just isn't there. What I see, frankly, is someone so caught up in one person - a woman - losing an election. Scorn has YOU and millions of other entitled brats up in arms about something you couldn't get.
Seriously, get some professional help. You're unable to reason and maintain normal cognitive functions.
Jonathan Perez
2024 is going to be epic. The shit thrown at the Ds is going to make Verdun look like a spit ball fight.
If you actually didn't get that this was a joke, you're thick as a brick.
You also missed out on a good laugh. You need to laugh more, user. If you take all of this interwebs bantz seriously you're going to end up on the news, in the bad way.
Damn, hold up familam. Let's make it thru 2020 first.
Ethan Hughes
Back to plebbit fagget. Nice spacing.
Lincoln Mitchell
JFC you fucking n00b, you know they cried first.
Joshua Campbell
So here’s what we know so far. A report has been submitted. The special counsel will issue no new indictments, according to a “senior Justice Department official” being quoted everywhere. If Justice is leaking that part, but nothing else, it makes you think the rest of the report ain’t too favorable to Trump. And no new indictments does not exclude a finding of lawbreaking and a recommendation of impeachment.
THIS IS NOT A DEMOCRACY. THE EC PREVENTS the vote from degenerating into a democratic process.
Nathaniel Flores
This post is a complete fiction and fabrication. Maybe you should try science fiction writing? If this were the country you like it to be, you could be arrested for this crap.