Are Cats the "alt-right" of pets?

Are Cats the "alt-right" of pets?

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Cats are meta-parasites. their body only exist to carry the payload of toxoplasma and worms. they shit protein so that other animals eat their infections.


They’re based for pest control. Aside that they’re of little function. Indoors cats are useless. Apartment cats are a joke. Your pet is a bored inmate. They’re constantly bored and perpetual kittens and it’s kind of unnatural. They don’t know how to function outside the system.

Cats are also destructive to nature as they over hunt the local wildlife. Most outside cats in a suburb are just pests themselves that find each other’s food and eat it, get into garbage like coons, get their dumb asses ran over to tragedy of the owners, fight each other and fuck each other all the time and be loud and annoying when they’re in heat.

If you don’t live in a rural area don’t own a cat.
If you live in a town or city don’t own a cat.
If you live innawoods, don’t own a cat.

If you see cows from your backyard, you may own a cat. It’ll live a happy life eating fieldmice, hunting useless starlings and roaming around being somewhat useful.

No Hamsters are the ultimate Alt-Right tm pet

of course. any interpretation of the term "cat get" works only under the assumption of strict laissez fare economics

I bet your great at parties.

no, theyre mainstream af

cats are the chads of pets

they are assholes, kill things, and are commonly unfriendly to their owners but theyre good looking so roasties love them

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Cats are for women or homosexuals only. Straight men should not allow cats in their home, ever.

>I bet your great at parties.
someone used that phase for the millionth time on Jow Forums
Color me surprised

This man is correct. The only time it's acceptable for a man to own a cat is when it's for pest control. In his barn. That he uses for farming and other manly stuff.

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I'd dare you to sound more like a faggot, but why bother
killjoy lookin ass nigger

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if you consider taxoplasmosis alt-right.
In my experience the left wing pet is the parasite spreading machine known as cats.

problem, friend?

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Found the toxoplasmosis infected SJW

what a fag lmao

Damn, I was fishing for compliments, and I got them

>>Cats are also destructive to nature as they over hunt the local wildlife. Most outside cats in a suburb are just pests themselves that find each other’s food and eat it, get into garbage like coons, get their dumb asses ran over to tragedy of the owners, fight each other and fuck each other all the time and be loud and annoying when they’re in heat.
It's as easy as neutering them and controlling that they don't go outside your house. As long as you have a backyard they will frolick on the ground and not be bored, and they don't need to go elsewhere to be destructive or risk getting killed.

Cats are the goat.

>fight each other and fuck each other all the time
fuck yeah, living the thug life.

What if I see cows from my front yard?

>pest control
if you arent trying to keep rats and mice from eating your crop in the barn then you have no good reason to own cats.

Yes, in that they are a horrible disease vector pretending to be a pet.

I prefer dogs

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Hey retard you just described every pet/animal ever

think what you WANT to, but, i am the very definition of "tough guy" and i just have to say: daddy loves his fuzzy little woman (pet kitty) being a tough guy has nothing to do with loving a pet. I kiss my cat full on the lips nd let it eat off of my PLATE, and i still go get drunk and get into bar fights. You people with your stereotypes are fucking ridiculous.